The World According to Facebook (Kindle Edition)
March 4, 2010 by admin
Filed under Uncategorized
The wit and wisdom of the Facebooksphere captured in a hilarious, occasionally poignant, and often useful collection of hand-picked tweets. New York Times technology columnist David Pogue has tapped into the brilliance of his half-million followers on Facebook by posting a different, thought-provoking question every night. The questions ranged from the earnest (-What-s your greatest regret?-) to the creative (-Make up a concept for a doomed TV show-) to the curious (-What-s your great idea to improve the cell phone?-). Out of 25,000 tweets, Pogue has gathered the very best 2,524 into this irresistible, clever, laugh-out-loud funny book. The World According to Facebook is truly a grand social networking experiment, in which thousands of voices have come together to produce a unique and wonderful record of shared human experience. Some samples:Compose the subject line of an email message you really, really don’t want to open. To my former sexual partners, as required (more…)