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Should couples work for a same company?

June 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Dear Evil HR Lady,

I am now operative in a agreement position that is due to finish in a not too apart destiny and will start looking for a new pursuit in dual to 3 weeks. we have finished a infrequent hunt of a jobs that we am competent for now that we have some-more experience. One of a companies that is promotion several positions is a same association that my beloved (let’s call him Alex) works for. Alex and we would expected finish adult operative on a same floor. His group supports a behind finish of a information systems we competence finish adult using, so we would expected have during slightest some hit on a job.

What do we consider is a best approach to go about requesting to these jobs? Alex can’t give a veteran recommendation, as we haven’t worked together. we feel that him forwarding my name to a employing manager competence seem like a beloved perplexing to get his partner a job, though unequivocally deliberation a best interests of a company. we could also see a association worrying that he and we will mangle adult and means play in a office. That could pull a association to negligence my focus and sinecure someone though that intensity baggage. we have also deliberate requesting though regulating this insider advantage, though that doesn’t seem to solve any problems, as we feel this information should be disclosed quickly.

What can we do to assure a association that Alex and we will contend a veteran attribute while operative together and that we are both mature adequate to contend that veteran attribute in a box of a breakup?

First of all, Alex can find out if a association prohibits coworkers from dating. Most companies don’t. (The restrictions tend to be on bosses dating underlings, nonetheless they competence have a ubiquitous breach opposite dating someone in a same department.) If there is a restriction, afterwards we shouldn’t worry to apply.

Assuming there are no restrictions opposite intrigue during this sold company, afterwards we should request for a pursuit as normal. You positively can ask your beloved to contention your resume and put in a good word for you. The phrases he should use are: “Here is a resume from a crony of mine. She has a ton of applicable experience, and we consider she competence be a good fit for your department.” By contrast, he shouldn’t contend something like, “Oh my goodness, my girlfriend’s temp pursuit is finale and she’s been vagrant me to request for a pursuit for her!”

But we should ask yourself it a latter is true. Because while it competence be kosher to work in a same association in adjacent departments, it competence be approach too most togetherness for you, too. And, as we said, what if we mangle up? we have no approach of judging how mature we dual are, nor do we know anything about your relationship. But given we brought adult a break-up thing, ask yourself that one of we will leave to find another pursuit if a attribute ends and causes frightful friction. On television, people ordinarily sojourn friends with their several exes, though that’s since ratings would dump if a pivotal impression was kicked off a show. Real life creates for extremely worried meetings when a people sitting opposite from any other have tough feelings toward any other.

As to a association not wanting someone with your “baggage,” we wouldn’t worry about it. First of all, you’re jumping a gun here. You don’t have a pursuit offer. Given a many people looking for work these days, a contingency are opposite we removing a pursuit (sorry!). So apply. If you’re lucky, you’ll during slightest get an interview. If you’re even luckier you’ll get a pursuit offer. When we get to that stage, your beloved and we can plead either operative together is a good idea.

And what about revelation your intensity boss? Well, if there’s no association process opposite it, we don’t have to. But if we intend to make googly eyes during any other and rivet in inappropriate function in a bathroom, we should move it up. If we can act like friends during work and not make others uncomfortable, afterwards it’s irrelevant.

The bigger doubt is this: Do we wish to work with your boyfriend, and does he wish to work with you? (Keep in mind that both of we competence not wish to work with any other, though we don’t wish to seem meant by saying, “I’d unequivocally rather hang pins in my eyes afterwards work with you.”) For many couples, that is a case. And, well, if we wish to ask if you’re mature adequate for this, if we can’t have an honest contention about a issue, afterwards chances are you’re not.

So request for this position, as good as for other jobs. If we get a offer, we can make a decision. Until then, don’t over consider things.

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