Missouri First to Outlaw Teacher-Student Facebook Friendship
August 1, 2011 by admin
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Aug 1 2011, 9:06 AM ET
According to Missouri Senate Bill 54,
just signed by state Governor Jay Nixon, any social networking is
prohibited between teachers and students. This includes not only
Facebook, but any social network “that is exclusive and allows for
private communication,” according to ABC News.How did this measure come about? Mashable notes
that “inappropriate contact between students and teachers is at the
root of the legislation,” which is “designed to protect children from
sexual misconduct by teachers, compelling school districts to adopt
written policies between teachers and students on electronic media,
social networking and other forms of communication.”So how has this been received? The law certainly seems to give the
peculiar message that teachers are not to be trusted. Mashable reacts
that “on the surface this sounds like a good idea,” although they
question how it would be policed: “Inappropriate relationships will be
hard to detect, especially since teachers and students engaged in such
relationships would probably be concealing their communications,
electronic or otherwise.” Well if we learned anything from Weiner, it’s
to never underestimate how sloppy adults are when concealing
inappropriate behavior online. So perhaps even these rudimentary
precautions may be preventative?
Read the full story at The Atlantic Wire.
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