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Interview: Diana Cosby, author of ‘His Destiny’

November 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

By Joyce Lamb, USA TODAY

When she was a Navy chief meteorologist/oceanographer, Diana Cosby decided she would write romance novels once she retired. Now, she’s a best-selling novelist. Instead of resting on her laurels, she issued the Food Bank Challenge to urge her fans to donate to their local food banks. The challenge, she says, “kind of wonderfully got out of hand.” The Food Bank Challenge is in its second year now and going strong. Diana checked in with HEA to update us on her new release, His Destiny, her charitable efforts and to remind us of all the ways that others make a difference in our lives.

HEA: Welcome, Diana! Please tell us about your 2nd Annual International Food Bank Food Drive.

Diana: Last year, in addition to my personal donation to my local food bank, I decided to start a Food Bank Challenge. Except, it kind of wonderfully got out of hand. Amazingly, once I posted the Food Bank Challenge on my Facebook page and my Facebook fan page, people from across the U.S. began donating to their local food banks. Then, I received posts of donations from readers in Canada. Holy cow, the Food Bank Challenge went international! And you know what, this is truly a blessing. In this venture, we all win. Gifts from the heart do that, they fill you, remind you there is good in the world, and that you can make a positive and profound difference in others’ lives.

How it works: When you donate to a local food bank, post your donation on my Facebook page or my Facebook fan page, beneath the daily International Food Bank Challenge post. Include your name and e-mail, and I’ll add your name to a drawing.

On Dec. 6 I will use to draw from all of the names received. The winner will receive an autographed set of the MacGruder brother series to date: His Captive, His Woman, His Conquest and His Destiny. I will sign the set, and then send it priority to whoever you want to make a personal holiday present!

HEA: Why are you so adamant about giving to charity?

Diana: Throughout my life I’ve been blessed on many levels with people who have taken time out of their busy lives to stop and make a positive difference in mine. Growing up with simple means, I understand how much each act of kindness can truly help another.

HEA: Why have you chosen the charities you’ve focused on: Habitat for Humanity, Ducks Unlimited, The National Trust for Scotland.

Diana: Each charity I donate to is one who touches my heart, and with each book I sell, I tithe 10% of my royalties to a charity of my choice.

Habitat for Humanity is an incredible organization where the community comes together to work alongside a deserving family to build them a home. When a deserving family receives a home, it’s more than concrete and wood, but a gift from a community who believes in them, and a place where they can believe their dreams can come true.

Ducks Unlimited is a wonderful charity that helps preserve our wetlands and habitat for North American waterfowl.

The National Trust for Scotland acts as a guardian of Scotland’s magnificent heritage of architectural, scenic and historic treasures. Without their help, many landmarks of history would be lost. As a writer of Scottish historicals, my appreciation for their hard work is very personal.

A new charity I’ve recently discovered and will donate to is the Wounded Warrior Project, whose stated goal is: “To help injured servicemen and women aid and assist each other, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs.” As a retired Navy chief, who has a father who is retired from the Navy, and three children active duty (my two oldest children in the Marines and the youngest in the delayed-entry program for the Army), this charity is very near and dear to my heart.

In addition, I often donate to other charities that move me, including fundraisers for cancer, animal charities, and many more. If I can help make a positive difference, to me it’s truly a blessing.

Future charity goals:

  • Donate a working dog to a local police station.
  • Sponsor an entire Habitat For Humanity house.
  • Donate a fire truck to a local volunteer fire department.
  • Open a home where veterans going through physical therapy and their families can stay for free throughout their treatment.

HEA: How cool that you’re doing a book signing in Scotland in 2012! Please tell how the signing came about.

Diana: I’m ultra-thrilled to be traveling to Scotland this coming summer with two of my close friends for research and to sign books. The idea came about due to the many amazing people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting online from Scotland as well as Scottish enthusiasts in researching my Scottish romantic suspense novels. At the book signings, I’m looking forward to meeting those who share my passion for Scotland’s history and a fast-paced romantic suspense. I’m also excited about visiting the historical landmarks of Scotland’s fight for independence, often referred to as the Braveheart era.

I’m working out the details of exactly where I’ll be signing, but once they’re set, I’ll post them on my website under Author Events.

HEA: How did you go from being a Navy chief meteorologist/oceanographer to being a best-selling romance novelist?

Diana: I’ve been an avid romance reader throughout my life. As I neared my retirement from the Navy, I said, “When I retire, I’m going to write romance novels.” After, I started writing and fell in love with creating stories. I realized that I enjoyed the action-packed pace of romantic suspense, which I owe to my numerous travel destinations and experiences during my military career.

HEA: I see you have a Highland vampire anthology coming up. How did you make the transition to vampires?

Diana: I was thrilled to be asked by my editor if I would be interested in writing a Highland vampire story in the anthology, headlined by one of my favorite authors, Hannah Howell. Wow, what a huge honor. I love reading vampire novels and am a Christine Feehan and J.R. Ward fan. So, to be asked to write a vampire novel is a dream come true.

HEA: Would you care to share the worst rejection you ever got?

Diana: The one that immediately came to mind was a query to an agent. The agent had returned my actual query, made a squiggly line from my pitch paragraph and wrote, “No thanks.” They sent my query back in my SASE, which means they expended their “ink” to reject me. *G*

HEA: What was the first romance novel you read that made an impression on you?

Diana: I remember reading The Secret by Julie Garwood. Like my favorite Nora Roberts book, Born In Ice, each time I reread The Secret, it’s a potent reminder of the emotional intensity of a well-written story, one that moves you, and crafts memorable characters who forever touch your heart.

HEA: Please tell us about your latest release, His Destiny, and what readers can look forward to from you in the future.

Diana:His Destiny is the fourth book in the MacGruder brothers series and one of my favorite types of reads: a story of redemption.

Sir Patrik Cleary MacGruder is a man haunted by his wrongful act that severed ties with his family, brothers who now believe him dead. Fighting for Scotland’s independence beneath the name Dubh Duer, his journey to reclaim a family lost is complicated by a woman who holds secrets, those that could endanger the Scottish rebels’ fight for freedom, the family he loves, and destroy his heart.

In the future, look for more stories from the MacGruders. In addition to the upcoming Highland vampire anthology, I’m working on another medieval series set on the Scottish borders during the 1290s.

HEA: Thank you, Diana! You can find out more about Diana and her books at her website.

Diana: My sincere thanks to each of you for stopping by. In honor of today’s blog on helping to raise donations of food or money to local food banks, each person who posts will be entered for a chance to win a signed copy of His Destiny!

Gifts come in many shapes and sizes, but I believe the most precious ones are those delivered from the heart. It’s so easy to get caught up in the mayhem of life, particularly during the hustle and bustle of the holidays, but every day, there are people amidst the chaos who help you, who take time out of their busy lives to make a difference in yours. My question to you:

What special way do you find to thank those who’ve truly made a difference in your life?

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