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Top officials at indicted after classifieds site taken offline

April 10, 2018 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

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Seven top officials of the website, long accused of facilitating child sex trafficking, have been arrested after a grand jury in Phoenix issued a 93-count indictment alleging conspiracy, facilitating prostitution and money laundering.

The arrests come after the government seized all of Backpage’s websites around the world on Friday.

The indictment was unsealed Monday after all defendants made their first appearances before a magistrate in Phoenix. Among those charged are the site’s founders, Michael Lacey and James Larkin. Carl Ferrer, the site’s current owner, was not charged. But the indictment claims the site continued to be financed by Lacey, Larkin and two other co-owners who retained operational control of Backpage.

The indictment accuses Backpage of facilitating prostitution committed by those posting ads on the site, specifically citing 17 victims trafficked on Backpage, some as young as 14. Authorities also allege the company laundered some of the estimated $500 million in prostitution-related revenue the site had generated since its launch in 2004.

“Virtually every dollar flowing into Backpage’s coffers represents the proceeds of illegal activity,” according to the indictment.

The government alleges that Backpage netted profits of more than $112 million in 2013 and more than $134 million in 2014. A Senate report issued last year said that Backpage ran sites for 943 locations in 97 countries and 17 languages.

In addition to the criminal counts, the government is seeking to seize 10 residences in California, Arizona, Texas and Illinois, 25 bank accounts and 35 website domains in the United States and 20 other countries.

“Many of the ads published on Backpage depicted children who were victims of sex trafficking,” the indictment states. “Although Backpage has sought to create the perception that it diligently attempts to prevent the publication of such ads, the reality is that Backpage has allowed such ads to be published while declining — for financial reasons — to take necessary steps to address the problem.”

Backpage has said that it assists law enforcement in tracking down victims and perpetrators of crimes, which some police officials have corroborated, and is not a participant in the advertising on the site. Some in the sex worker industry say that removing Backpage from the Internet takes away a safe mechanism for screening clients and that the ads will simply move to sites outside the country or to social media.

The federal investigation in Phoenix was first disclosed by Backpage in a court filing in February 2017. Lacey and Larkin created Backpage in Phoenix as owners of the New Times alternative weekly newspaper chain, which became Village Voice Media Holdings after Lacey and Larkin bought the iconic New York weekly.

Backpage’s general counsel, Liz McDougall, did not return messages seeking comment. Larry Kazan, who told the Arizona Republic he was representing Lacey, also did not return a message.

Backpage is a classified ads website that grew after stopped hosting “Adult Services” ads in 2010. Embedded among the ads for adult prostitutes on Backpage were solicitations for teenage girls and boys, anti-sex trafficking advocates said, enabling pimps to repeatedly sell children for sex. Though Backpage closed its “Adult Services” section in January 2017, the ads promptly reappeared in the “Dating” section, most recently with very little written copy accompanying photos of the males and females seeking dates.

One 16-year-old girl in Chicago was killed in 2016 after responding to an ad placed by her pimp on Backpage. The indictment discusses another girl who was killed after being prostituted on Backpage, a case in which the assailant then attempted to burn his victim’s body. Backpage refused the victim’s father’s request to remove the ads showing his deceased daughter, the indictment said. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has said that 73 percent of the child trafficking reports it receives from the public stem from Backpage.

“For years, has been a major hub of sex trafficking, the place where some of our nation’s most vulnerable women and children have been bought and sold,” said Lauren Hersh, national director of World Without Exploitation. “The closure of Backpage removes one of the most prolific online platforms of exploitation. It is high time to hold websites accountable for the harm they knowingly cause by facilitating sexual exploitation.”

Mary Mazzio, whose documentary “I Am Jane Doe” featured women trafficked on Backpage, said, “I don’t think any of the children who filed suit against Backpage ever thought their fight for justice would result in a federal indictment or a legislative response. That Congress and the Department of Justice would respond with urgency to the voices of these children, as well as survivors from across the country, who lined up, shoulder to shoulder in support of these children, is stunning.”

Seizing websites is not a new tactic for the Justice Department. The department last year said it had shut down AlphaBay, a site on the dark Web that functioned as an illicit marketplace for guns, drugs and fake documents. It has previously seized websites suspected of facilitating prostitution, such as and, and obtained convictions of the sites’ operators.

But Backpage had evaded prosecution, in large part by invoking the Communications Decency Act. Enacted in 1996, the law provides legal immunity for website operators for content posted by third parties, so long as the operators weren’t involved in creating the content. Lawsuits brought by women who had been trafficked on Backpage were dismissed by federal courts in Chicago and Boston because of the immunity granted by Section 230 of the Decency Act, as was a criminal case in California filed by the attorney general there.

The courts in each case invited Congress to amend the Decency Act. So the Senate subcommittee on investigations launched a probe into Backpage and found that Backpage employees were editing prostitution ads to delete references to underage girls, while still allowing the ads to be posted.

In addition, The Washington Post found that Backpage had hired a contractor in the Philippines to solicit ads from prostitutes advertising on other websites, creating ready-made ads for them on Backpage, though Backpage had said it was not involved in creating content. The indictment cites the Philippines operation and said internal emails showed that it was part of a “five-year business plan” and that the “main task is international market content acquisition.”

Members of the House and Senate launched bills last year to amend Section 230, and a combined version of those passed both houses last month. Nicknamed “FOSTA,” for the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, it would enable victims and state prosecutors to pursue websites in criminal and civil court without being blocked by Section 230. It is awaiting President Trump’s signature or veto.

But opponents of the bill noted that federal prosecutors already had the tools to pursue websites such as Backpage, and the new indictment indeed did not require the new legislation. It accuses Backpage of being on notice for many years, from law enforcement, news media and its own public relations firm, that most of its ads were thinly veiled offers for prostitutes.

In addition to one conspiracy count, 50 counts of facilitating prostitution cite specific ads published on Backpage between September 2013 and February of this year

The indictment also includes one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and 41 counts of alleged instances where sums of money as large as $5 million were shifted between banks to avoid detection.

That included routing the money through seemingly unrelated businesses, wiring it through other countries and converting it in and out of bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency, according to the indictment.

In addition to Lacey and Larkin, also indicted were Backpage executive vice president Scott Spear, chief financial officer John “Jed” Brunst, sales and marketing director Dan Hyer, operations manager Andrew Padilla and assistant operations manager Joye Vaught.

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Why Trump’s online store collects sales tax in three states — while Amazon does for 45 states

April 10, 2018 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

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President Trump has repeatedly taken to Twitter to attack online retailer for paying “little or no taxes” to state and local governments, and has called for changes in current laws to require retailers to collect sales tax in every state.

But the Trump Organization’s online store,, collects sales tax only on orders shipped to three states: Florida, Louisiana and Virginia, according to its website. Under current federal rules, online retailers must collect sales tax in each state where they have a physical presence — a store, warehouse or factory, for example. A total of 45 states, as well as the District, require sales tax., which sells $8 pet bandannas, $20 golf towels and $150 Trump pullovers, bills itself as the official retail website of the Trump Organization, which is headquartered in New York. The site also encourages shoppers to “visit our brand new flagship retail store” in New York’s Trump Tower.

But buy a $100 Trump polo shirt online and have it shipped to New York, and you won’t pay any taxes. That same shirt, by comparison, comes with a $5.30 sales tax if you have it sent to Florida or Virginia, or a $7 sales tax for Louisiana. It’s unclear what presence the Trump Organization has in those three states.

“This reeks of hypocrisy,” said Richard Pomp, a professor at the University of Connecticut School of Law who focuses on state and local tax laws. “It is not clear why the dot-com part of the Trump Organization is not collecting taxes in New York.”

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that collects taxes in Florida and Louisiana, citing the company’s website. The site was updated Monday afternoon to add a third state, Virginia. Representatives for the Trump Organization, which is currently run by the president’s sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Amazon has in recent years begun collecting sales tax in all 45 states that require it, as well as the District, as the company opens dozens of distribution centers to keep up with demand for same- and next-day delivery. (Jeffrey P. Bezos, the founder and chief executive of Amazon, also owns The Washington Post.)

Some states, including Indiana, Maine and Ohio, have passed legislation requiring online retailers to collect sales tax regardless of physical presence. The Trump Organization does not appear to be complying with those laws because it doesn’t collect tax for orders sent to those states. Five states — Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire and Oregon — do not have a sales tax.

The Supreme Court is preparing to hear oral arguments next week on a case that could overturn a 1992 decision that requires that retailers collect state and local taxes only in places where they have a physical presence. The Trump administration last month filed a brief with the Supreme Court in support of overturning the rule.

“Because of this rule, Amazon was essentially able to have a leg up on all of its smaller competitors for 20 years, during the essential time when it was growing,” said Darien Shanske, a professor at the University of California Davis School of Law. “But Amazon is certainly no longer the poster child for not collecting state taxes.”

The president in recent weeks has doubled down on his criticism of Amazon, sending shares of the company’s stock tumbling as much as 5 percent in one day. “I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election,” Trump tweeted on March 29. “Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state local governments.”

Some tax experts say the patchwork rules that currently govern the collection of local taxes do not take into account the new realities of online shopping.

“This, to me, illustrates why [the current laws] are wrong,” said Ed Zelinsky, a tax scholar and professor at Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School. “There is absolutely no reason that Amazon and the Trump Organization and other international sellers shouldn’t be collecting taxes in all states in which they sell.”

Other Trump family businesses also collect online sales tax in certain states, but not others. The Ivanka Trump brand, which includes clothing, bedding and shoes, collects sales tax in 31 states in which it or its licensees have a physical presence, according to a person familiar with the arrangement who spoke on the condition of anonymity. In New York, for example, charges sales tax of $8.70 on a $98 wallet. (The brand also sells its goods on, and allows shoppers to pay for their orders using Amazon Pay.)

Trump Winery, meanwhile, which is overseen by the president’s son, Eric, collects sales tax in Virginia, where the winery is located, as well as other states that require it, according to general manager Kerry H. Woolard.

“Trump Winery has always, and will continue to collect, report, and remit sales taxes in jurisdictions where we have an obligation to do so,” she said.

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Why Nine West, in bankruptcy, won’t sell shoes anymore

 Trump keeps up Twitter assault on Amazon, this time criticizing its U.S. Postal Service contract

Target to pay $3.74 million to settle claims that it discriminated against black, Latino job applicants

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