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Tips for Safe Eclipse Viewing…from Someone Who Learned the Hard Way

August 21, 2017 by  
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Rod Pyle is a space historian who has worked with NASA at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Johnson Space Center. He has written 10 books on the history and technology of space exploration and science, including “Mars: Making Contact” (Carlton Books, 2016), “Blueprint for a Battlestar” (Sterling Publishing, 2016) and “Amazing Stories of the Space Age” (Prometheus Books, 2017). His newest book, “Space 2.0,” will debut in 2018. You can listen to Pyle’s podcast about eclipse-viewing safety herePyle contributed this article to’s Expert Voices: Op-Ed Insights.

On Aug. 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will be visible across the continental U.S., coast to coast, for the first time since 1918. Millions of people will flock to the path of totality to see this magnificent spectacle.

Many millions more will attempt to view the partial phases of the eclipse in other parts of the country. If you are among that group of skywatchers, you may be tempted to take a quick look at the partially eclipsed sun with your naked eye, or to use inadequate gear to view the partial phases.


I viewed partial solar eclipses with faulty equipment as a child, and lost nearly half my vision in one eye. Trust me, it’s not worth it. And the worst part? There are no pain receptors in your eyes, so you won’t know you are damaging them until a few days later when it’s too late.[A Solar Eclipse Can Blind You (Read This Before Looking at the Sun!)]

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, completely blocking out the full diameter of the sun. During this event, if you are within the path of totality (the region that falls inside the moon’s inner shadow), the sky darkens and you will be able to see the solar corona, the extended atmosphere of the sun made up of plasma and extending millions of miles beyond the part of the sun that is normally visible to us. Before and after totality, and in a wide area outside the path of totality, you will see partial phases of the eclipse. It’s these partial phases that are so potentially dangerous. 

If you plan on viewing the total eclipse, you will need to head to the 70-mile-wide path of totality. The partial eclipse begins on the Oregon coast at 9:04 a.m. PDT, and reaches totality at 10:15 a.m. PDT. The shadow will cross the country and totality will end on the shores of Charleston, South Carolina, at 2:47 EDT. NASA and the website have interactive maps that provide specific times for the partial and total eclipse start and end in a given spot.

You can also visit for a live solar eclipse webcast, courtesy of NASA, beginning at 12 p.m. EDT (1600 GMT). 

Anywhere outside this corridor in North America (as well as some parts of South America, Africa and Europe), you will be seeing some percentage of the sun eclipsed by the moon. It’s worth looking at, but only with the utmost care and proper precautions.

Watching the partial phase of a total solar eclipse on July 22, 2009, in China.

Credit: NASA/Ryan Milligan

Seeing a total solar eclipse is said to be an astounding event. If you can’t make it into the path of totality, viewing the partial phases is also exciting—but not worth losing your eyesight for. It’s all too easy to let a moment of temptation lead to a permanent disability.

When I was a young boy in the 1960s, my father bought me an inexpensive telescope that included a solar filter you could screw into the eyepiece. There was a warning printed on the filter to use only for brief periods, but what 8-year-old follows such instructions?

I used the device to view sunspots and partial solar eclipses, without adult supervision, for a few years. By my late 40s, I had vision trouble with my right eye — the same eye I used for viewing the sun. Soon I had cataracts — which were, according to the eye surgeon, the result of exposure to UV light from the sun, greatly accelerated by the use of the inadequate solar filter. I was forced to undergo surgery to replace the lenses in both eyes. And I was lucky; had that little screw-in eyepiece filter cracked during use (a not infrequent occurrence) I would have been instantly blinded by 50-power magnification of direct sunlight.

Other people have similar stories, but they all end with the same result — some kind of permanent eye damage. It doesn’t seem all that serious until your vision begins to gray-out, lose focus and dim; then it really gets your attention.

Skywatchers use telescopes with solar filters to observe the total solar eclipse of March 29, 2006, in Antalya, Turkey. Wearing solar viewing glasses will not protect your eyes when used with binoculars or telescopes  you must have an appropriate filter.

Credit: NASA/Ryan Milligan

This cannot be stressed enough: Be smart and view the eclipse safely. Even short glances at the sun can cause permanent eye damage. To observe any phase of the eclipse before or after totality — and even right on the verge of it — you need certified eye protection.

There are hundreds of vendors all over the country and online selling “eclipse glasses” and “eclipse viewers,” but be wary. You must be sure that the viewing device you buy is rated for safety by the ISO, or International Standards Organization. Their rating, which must be printed on the viewing device, should read “ISO 12312-2.” This means that the viewing medium will block all harmful solar radiation and can be used to safely view the sun anytime.

But there are also many unscrupulous parties out there making knockoffs with cheaper materials, and some even have the ISO certification falsely printed on them.

How can you make sure you are getting the real deal?

The only way to be sure that you are protecting your eyes, and those of your family, is to buy your viewing device from a reputable source. See this list of approved manufacturers and vendors created by the American Astronomical Society. Purchasing at a brick-and-mortar supplier is the best bet.

The site also lists a number of reputable online outlets, but unless you can get guaranteed overnight shipping, it’s probably too late. Amazon ships quickly, but a search for “eclipse glasses” turns up a wide array of devices that may or may not be safe, though most of the vendors suggest that they are. You must be certain that the device you buy is manufactured by a recognized supplier, is truly ISO-certified and is brand new (eclipse glasses and other sun filters can degrade over time and with use). Also, to be extra sure, check that the devices are shipping from that manufacturer and being fulfilled by Amazon — otherwise, you have no idea what you will actually receive.

Amazon is doing what they can to protect consumers — they recently issued a recall for many eclipse viewers — but they will not catch all offenders. The same holds true for the websites of Walmart, Target, K-Mart and others — small, third-party vendors are selling viewers of questionable quality at highly inflated prices. Don’t take chances — the best way to be sure your viewers are safe is to buy directly from the retailer in a brick-and-mortar outlet.

Note that many public libraries and science museums are giving away free viewers until their supplies are exhausted. These are presumed to be safe for use.

Regardless of where you get your eclipse viewers, check them before use — your view of the sun should be fairly dim, with no lines or bright spots. If this is not the case, toss them and find another pair. The AAS website also has guidelines for how to check if your viewers are safe.

Also, if the plastic lens on a pair of eclipse viewers is creased or scratched, do not use them (even if they are certified safe). And it you have bought safe, certified cardboard viewers, don’t put them in a pocket where they may get folded or creased — the lens’ surfaces need to be kept flat and non-abraded. This is especially relevant for children — give them the viewers only when you’re ready to supervise their viewing of the sun, and keep viewing periods brief.

The safest and most foolproof way to view a partial phase of the eclipse is with a pinhole projector. These are easy to make and absolutely safe if used properly.

Take a box lid or paper plate and punch a hole through it with a small nail. Then take a second paper plate or piece of cardboard and hold or mount it about 18 to 24 inches from the pinhole. Angle the apparatus so that the pinholed sheet is perpendicular with the light from the sun, and you will see a small image of the solar disk projected onto the second sheet. This is not an image of the hole, but an optical reproduction of the sun’s disk.

Do not look at the sun through the pinhole!  This is a common misperception of how pinhole projectors work and will blind you. This device is for projection only. Practice with it before the day of the eclipse so you’re not fiddling around at the last moment — it takes some getting used to.

You can view the eclipse in its partial phases from anywhere in the continental U.S. Many people will be drawn to public viewing events. But again, be careful what devices you use.

If someone has set up a sun projector, that’s great — enjoy it. There may be telescopes set up with solar filters offering free viewing, and if they are from a local observatory, university or museum, it is probably safe to view — but no guarantees. If it’s just some stranger with a telescope and a filter, you’re taking the chance that they are using something unsafe, and it’s probably not worth the risk. Don’t succumb to temptation unless you are comfortable that the filter in use is 100 percent safe.

A view of the totally eclipsed sun, seen from Palm Cove, Australia in 2012.

Credit: Ian Hitchcock/Getty

If you’re lucky enough to be in the path of totality, you may view the eclipse with the naked eye and even binoculars. But you must be certain to wait until totality and to stop well before the end of totality — sunlight emerging past the moon’s disk will be magnified and do damage to your eyes. There are eclipse timer apps available for your smartphone.

Protect your eyes, and supervise your children while viewing any part of the eclipse. Put on eclipse viewing glasses before looking towards the partially eclipsed sun, and remove them after looking away. Do your homework, use only approved viewers, and prepare to enjoy one of nature’s greatest spectacles safely.

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US military leaders await Trump decision on Afghan mission

August 21, 2017 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

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CAMP MOREHEAD, Afghanistan — Signaling that the U.S. military expects its mission to continue, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan on Sunday hailed the launch of the Afghan Army’s new special operations corps, declaring that “we are with you and we will stay with you.”

Gen. John Nicholson’s exhortation of continued support for the Afghans suggested the Pentagon may have won its argument that America’s military must stay engaged in the conflict in order to insure terrorists don’t once again threaten the U.S. from safe havens in Afghanistan.

President Donald Trump’s defense secretary hinted Sunday that a new overall strategy for the war might be unveiled soon.

Nicholson said the commandos, and a plan to double the size of the Afghan’s special operations forces, are critical to winning the war.

“I assure you we are with you in this fight. We are with you and we will stay with you,” he said during a ceremony at Camp Morehead, a training base for Afghan commandos southeast of Kabul.

U.S. Gen. John Nicholson, top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, left, talks with Col. Khanullah Shuja, commander of the national mission brigade of the Afghan special operations force, and U.S. Gen. Joseph Votel, head of U.S. Central Command, at Camp Morehead in Afghanistan on Sunday, Aug. 20, 2017. The three officers attended the launch of the Afghan Army’s new special operations corps. (Lolita Baldor/Associated Press)

The Pentagon was awaiting a final announcement by Trump on a proposal to send nearly 4,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan. The added forces would increase training and advising of the Afghan forces and bolster counterterrorism operations against the Taliban and an Islamic State group affiliate trying to gain a foothold in the country.

The administration has been at odds for months over how to craft a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan amid frustrations that 16 years after 9/11 the conflict is stalemated.

The Afghan government only controls half of the country and is beset by endemic corruption and infighting. The Islamic State group has been hit hard but continues to attempt major attacks, insurgents still find safe harbor in Pakistan, and Russia, Iran and others are increasingly trying to shape the outcome. At this point, everything the U.S. military has proposed points to keeping the Afghan government in place and struggling to turn a dismal quagmire around.

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said he is satisfied with how the administration formulated its new Afghanistan war strategy. But he refused to talk about the new policy until it was disclosed by Trump.

He said the deliberations, including talks at the Camp David presidential retreat on Friday, were done properly.

“I am very comfortable that the strategic process was sufficiently rigorous,” Mattis said, speaking aboard a military aircraft on an overnight flight from Washington to Amman, Jordan.

Months ago, Trump gave Mattis authority to set U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan, but Mattis said he has not yet sent significant additional forces to the fight. He has said he would wait for Trump to set the strategic direction first.

Trump wrote on Twitter on Saturday that he had made decisions at Camp David, “including on Afghanistan,” but he did not say more about it. The expectation had been that he would agree to a modest boost in the U.S. war effort, while also addressing broader political, economic and regional issues.

Mattis said Trump had been presented with multiple options. He did not name them, but others have said one option was to pull out of Afghanistan entirely. Another, which Mattis had mentioned recently in Washington, was to hire private contractors to perform some of the U.S. military’s duties.

At Camp Morehead, lines of Afghan commandos stood at attention as Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani and a host of proud dignitaries sat under flag-draped canopies and welcomed the advancement in their nation’s long-struggling military.

In short remarks to the force, Nicholson said a defeat in Afghanistan would erode safety in the U.S. and “embolden jihadists around the world.”

That’s why, he said, the U.S. is helping to double the size of the Afghan commando force, adding that the ceremony “marks the beginning of the end of the Taliban.”

Maj. Gen. James Linder, the head of U.S. and NATO special operations forces in Afghanistan, said the nearly 4,000 troops requested by the Pentagon for Afghanistan includes about 460 trainers for his staff to help increase the size of the special operations forces.

He said he’d be able expand training locations and insure they have advisers at all the right levels, including on the new Afghan special operations corps staff.

According to a senior U.S. military officer in Kabul, increasing the number of American troops would allow the military to quickly send additional advisers or airstrike support to two simultaneous operations. Right now, the official said, they can only do so for one.

The officer said it would allow the U.S. to send fighter aircraft, refueling aircraft and surveillance aircraft to multiple locations for missions.

The officer was not authorized to discuss the details publicly so spoke on condition of anonymity.

Afghan military commanders have been clear that they want and expect continued U.S. military help.

Pulling out American forces “would be a total failure,” Col. Abdul Mahfuz, the Afghan intelligence agency chief for Qarahbagh, north of Kabul, said Saturday. And he said that substituting paid contractors for U.S. troops would be a formula for continuing the war, rather than completing it.

Mahfuz and other Afghan commanders spoke at a shura council meeting at Bagram air base attended also by U.S. military officers and Afghan intelligence officials.

Col. Abdul Mobin, who commands an Afghan mechanized battalion in the 111th Division, said any reduction in the U.S. military presence “leads to total failure.”

Speaking through an interpreter, he added that operations by Afghan and U.S. special operations forces have been very effective, and that “the presence of U.S. military personnel is felt and considered a positive step for peace.”

He said he’d like to see an additional 10,000 American troops in the country.


Burns reported from Amman, Jordan.

Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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