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Powerful earthquake strikes off Taiwan’s east coast

February 7, 2018 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

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BEIJING – A magnitude-6.4 earthquake struck late Tuesday near the coast of Taiwan, and people may be trapped inside a building. The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake struck about 21 kilometers, about 13 miles, northeast of Hualien, on the island’s east coast.

Taiwan’s official Central News Agency reports the ground floor of the Marshal Hotel, a building in Hualien district, had caved in and people were believed to be trapped inside. The agency posted photos showing a road fractured in several parts.

Taiwanese media reported that aside from the cave in on the ground floor of the Marshal Hotel, a separate hotel known as the Beautiful Life Hotel, is tilting.

“We know there are people who are trapped inside — we can see lights inside the hotel,” witness Zeena Starbuck told BBC News. “People with phones are shining their lights to let people know they’re there.”


Rescue workers search through rubble outside the Marshal Hotel in Hualien, eastern Taiwan early February 7, 2018, after a strong earthquake struck the island. A hotel on the east coast of Taiwan has collapsed after a 6.4-magnitude earthquake, the government said. 

Tuesday night’s quake follows one over the weekend off the coast of Hualien on the east of Taiwan, which lies along the famed “Pacific Rim of Fire” known for seismic activity from Alaska to Southeast Asia.

The agency quoted a spokesman of Taiwan’s Executive Yuan, the governing cabinet’s office, as saying that search teams from other areas were headed to Hualien.

The preliminary information suggests the quake was about 9.5 kilometers, about 6 miles, deep.

“(President Tsai Ing-wen) has asked the cabinet and related ministries to immediately launch the ‘disaster mechanism’ and to work at the fastest rate on disaster relief work,” the president’s office said in a statement, Reuters news agency reports.

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White House Chief of Staff: Trump not expected to extend DACA deadline

February 7, 2018 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

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White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly said Tuesday that President Trump is not expected to extend a March 5 deadline for when legal protection and work permits begin to expire for young immigrants known as “dreamers” — raising the stakes for lawmakers struggling to reach a solution.

“I doubt very much” Trump would extend the program, Kelly told reporters during an impromptu interview at the U.S. Capitol.

He told reporters that he was “not so sure this president has the authority to extend it” because the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects roughly 690,000 undocumented immigrants was not based on law.

Kelly’s comments come as lawmakers are trying to craft a plan to grant permanent legal protections to dreamers and resolve other aspects of the immigration system. Kelly also said he would recommend against Trump accepting a short-term extension of the program legislative patch.

“What makes them act is pressure,” Kelly said of Congress.

Trump announced the end of DACA in September, giving lawmakers until early March to enact a permanent solution. But a federal court last month ordered the Department of Homeland Security to continue accepting applications for DACA, prompting some lawmakers to say that they would have more time to resolve the issue. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is appealing the court ruling, and unless higher courts rule on the legality of the program, DHS will be required to continue renewing DACA status for recipients.

Last month, Trump unveiled a four-part immigration plan and used his State of the Union address to endorse legalizing the status of 1.8 million dreamers — more than the actual number of young immigrants currently protected by DACA.

Kelly called Trump’s endorsement of legalizing a larger pool of immigrants “stunning and no one expected it.”

“There are 690,000 official DACA registrants and the president sent over what amounts to be two and a half times that number, to 1.8 million,” he said. “The difference between [690,000] and 1.8 million were the people that some would say were too afraid to sign up, others would say were too lazy to get off their asses, but they didn’t sign up.”

Kelly said he couldn’t believe that lawmakers would vote against Trump’s immigration plan given how “generous” it is.

“If before the champions of DACA were members on one side of the aisle, I would say right now the champion of all people who are DACA is Donald Trump — but you would never write that.”

On Tuesday afternoon, Trump is scheduled to sign a presidential memorandum establishing a “National Vetting Center” to make good on his calls for more rigorous screening of foreign visitors, refugees and others entering the United States.

According to an administration official, the plan will establish a physical, brick-and-mortar headquarters for the vetting center that will centralize different DHS databases and tools for conducting background checks. The location of the center has yet to be determined, according to the official.

The center will be staffed by multiple federal agencies, including U.S. Customs and Border Protection, whose officers are stationed at U.S. airports, border crossings and other ports of entry.

Trump has called for “extreme vetting” of visitors from Muslim-majority nations, and the Supreme Court ruled in December that his administration can enforce its broad “ban” on travelers from Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Chad and North Korea, as well as some categories of travelers from Venezuela.

Homeland Security officials announced last week that the agency will lift a seven-month freeze on refugee admissions for applicants from 11 “high-risk” nations, after they finish implementing new security measures they said would include more in-depth interviews and background checks.

The role that the new National Vetting Center would play in carrying out these checks was not immediately clear.

About 800,000 have applied for and received DACA protections since the program began in 2012. The nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute has estimated that at least 1.3 million people are immediately eligible for the program.

Immigration reform advocates have said in the past that many people brought to the country illegally as children did not apply for DACA because they did not meet the age or educational requirements, couldn’t afford the application fees ranging from $400 to $500 or fear sharing personal information with the federal government.

With talks struggling to progress across the Capitol, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), a lead GOP negotiator on immigration, left open the possibility of a short-term extension of DACA despite Trump’s potential objections.

“I hope we don’t end up there. But I’m not for ending up with no solution either,” Cornyn told reporters.

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) tweeted that he agrees with Kelly that “DACA should NOT be extended by Executive action. To do so would continue President Obama’s Executive overreach. DACA fix must be done through Congress and signed by President.”

On Monday, Trump tweeted that a new bipartisan plan from Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.) is a “total waste of time” because it doesn’t immediately authorize spending the billions needed to build new barriers along the border.

A version of the McCain-Coons plan was also introduced last month in the House by Democrats and Republicans. It would grant permanent legal status to dreamers and bolster security along the U.S.-Mexico border. But instead of paying for new border security projects, the bill would order DHS to craft a comprehensive U.S.-Mexico border strategy. The bill also does not address changes sought by Trump to curtail family-based legal migration — derided by conservatives as “chain migration” — and end a visa lottery system used by immigrants from countries that don’t benefit from other visa programs.

On Tuesday, Trump tweeted that “nearly 7 in 10 Americans support an immigration reform package that includes DACA, fully secures the border, ends chain migration cancels the visa lottery. If D’s oppose this deal, they aren’t serious about DACA-they just want open borders.”

Trump said in a separate tweet that “We need a 21st century MERIT-BASED immigration system” and added that current family-based legal immigration programs and the diversity visa lottery “are outdated programs that hurt our economic and national security.”

At the Capitol, Kelly reiterated the administration’s position that dreamers “are not a priority for deportation” presuming they avoid breaking the law.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has said previously that her department would not target dreamers for deportation. But Nielsen said in an interview last month with CBS News that DHS will “enforce the law.”

With lawmakers deadlocked, Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), the lead Democratic negotiator on immigration, faulted Republicans for stalling.

In a Senate floor speech, Durbin said that his party is “willing to support a broadly unpopular and partisan proposal — the wall — in exchange for a broadly popular and bipartisan proposal” that would legalize the status of dreamers. “But the president will not take yes for an answer.”

Minutes later, Cornyn fired back in a similar speech, calling Trump’s plan “a reasonable framework” for the congressional debate.

“President Trump has offered a proposal. Our colleagues on the other side who don’t like the proposal have not offered a counter-offer that meet the four pillars” Trump asked for, Cornyn said.

Mike DeBonis, Nick Miroff and David Nakamura contributed to this report.

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