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Extension agent using Facebook to reach clients

July 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

Chris Becker, a regional agent based in Florence, developed the fan page, North Alabama Extension Home Grounds, to share information with clients of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and with gardeners all over the world.

Becker said a desire to provide a new method for sharing information from the Extension System aimed specifically at north Alabama gardeners motivated him to create the page.

“Extension has a Facebook page that covers the entire state, but people in the Shoals might not be interested in an event happening in Mobile,” Becker said. “With this page, I can provide timely information related to horticulture here in north Alabama.”

Becker said budget cuts have reduced the number of extension agents in Alabama and limited their ability to make personal visits to clients. He and other extension agents are hopeful social media will help them fill the void created by staffing limitations.

While Becker’s Facebook page uses social media to provide information to gardeners, it is not too far removed from the work of county agents in early 1900s.

“The Extension System was, in a way, the first social media in Alabama,” said Jim Langcuster, an extension specialist based in Auburn. “When we were formed almost 100 years ago, our county agents would go farm to farm for face-to-face visits to transfer the latest technology in agriculture and home economics.

“We were doing with our face-to-face visits what users of social media sites today are doing, staying in touch and sharing information. By using social media like Facebook and YouTube we’re continuing with that original mission of our organization, but stepping up to a new level.”

Langcuster said extension agents throughout the state are being urged to use Facebook and YouTube to connect with clients.

“Face-to-face interaction will always be an integral part of our organization,” Langcuster said. “But we must take advantage of all technologies that allow us to expand our outreach.”

Randall Armstrong, extension coordinator for Lauderdale County, said Facebook and YouTube allows the Extension System to reach new clients. He said many fans of social media tend to be younger and might not be aware of the Extension System’s services. By sharing its message on Facebook and YouTube, the organization can better connect with a new generation of clients.

Langcuster said many farmers are tech savvy and use social media to track trends in agriculture. While those farmers might be too busy to visit or call their local extension, they can get updates on what is going on with the organization by staying in touch online.

Armstrong said extension agencies throughout the United States are turning to social media to share information with patrons.

“I’m really excited about using social media to help expand our outreach,” Langcuster said. “As we become more comfortable with using social media and begin connecting with more people, I think it’s going to be one of the Extension System’s finest times.”

Dennis Sherer can be reached at 256-740-5746 or

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HOW TO: Use Google+ For Your Job Search

July 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

Already using Google+? Follow Mashable’s Pete Cashmore for the latest about the platform’s new features, tips and tricks as well as social media and technology updates.

Google+ hit 20 million unique visitors this week, and the company launched a mobile app. The stats are impressive, but the new social network has room to grow in catching up with its massive competitors Twitter and Facebook.

Early adopters of Google+ are captivated by the network’s growth, as many tech elites — including Mark Zuckerberg, Robert Scoble and Kevin Rose — have amassed large followings in just weeks.


Google+ hasn’t hit a mainstream audience yet, but it does seem to be romancing the tech geeks with strong force. Yes, I’m talking about you, fellow Mashable readers. Early adopters, social influencers, tech innovators, digital natives — call yourselves what you will. The bottom line is, you understand the value of digital tools and how they can connect you to people and ideas all over the world.

With so many influential techies flocking to Google+, it’s a great place to showcase expertise and learn from others. Here are some tips for using Google+ for your job search.

Announce Your Availability

Once your profile is completely filled out, and you’ve begun growing and interacting with your network, don’t be shy about letting your contacts know you’re on the prowl for work.

This could be as subtle as mentioning it in the “About” section of your Google+ profile, or as public as posting an update to announce that you’re looking for new challenges on the career front. If you choose the latter, be original with your post and how you frame it. Try not to sound hopeless — make sure you are confidently communicating your unique skill set and the value you can add to a project or company.

Organize Contacts with Circles

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The key to a fulfilling Google+ experience is Circles, the heart of this social network’s organization system. Circles give users control over who sees their content. To connect with another user on Google+, you must add him or her to a Circle, such as “Friends,” “Family,” “Work” or “Softball Team.” Users can create as many Circles as they’d like, though we’d recommend limiting them to a manageable number — having too many can dilute the experience.

For the purposes of seeking a job, it’s important to denote which Circles you want to see your messages when you post. If you’re posting about your job search, it makes sense to include your industry contacts — which you might put into “Social Media” or “Tech” Circles, for example — but that same post might not be as relevant to your “Friends” or “Family,” where a more personal post may be more appropriate.

On the flip side, make sure you’re not sharing unprofessional content with your business network. As usual, just use common sense when dealing with privacy and sharing settings.

Host a Relevant Hangout

John Havens, formerly of Porter Novelli, plans to enhance his job search with Hangouts, Google+’s group video-chat service. Instead of focusing his chat on getting a job, Havens plans on inviting a number of influential contacts to discuss relevant topics, such as the state of social media and virtual currency. He says he’ll let participants know that he has been “digitally downsized,” and that he’s open to discussing new positions afterwards, but that his Hangout will focus on generating intelligent conversation.

“Essentially, I’m trying to think of the best ways to show potential employers that by running a campaign to get myself hired, I’m showing them how I’d bring value to their organizations,” Havens says.

Share Follow Relevant Expertise

In order to be seen as an industry expert, you need to showcase that you know what you’re talking about. Tech enthusiasts tend to use Twitter and blogging for this purpose, but Google+ is quickly becoming another outlet for sharing and discovering tastemaker opinions and interesting content.

If you’re not a natural at finding and sharing content that connections in your Circles may find valuable, check out Sparks, the product’s content recommendation engine. You can define topics you’re interested in — or that you want to learn more about — and it will bring up content the algorithm believes you’ll find useful. You can add your favorite sparks to the left-hand navigation for easy perusal when you’re on your Google+ homepage.

Choosing the right mix of sparks to read each day may lead to you becoming more informed about news and conversation in your industry.

Your Tips

Having launched less than one month ago, Google+ is in its infancy, and our tips are just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re using Google+ for your job search, let us know about your strategy in the comments below.

Development Job Listings

Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top dev design job opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

More Job Search Resources From Mashable

- HOW TO: Spruce Up a Boring Resume [INFOGRAPHIC]
- Tips For Negotiating Employee Equity
- HOW TO: Land a Job at Airbnb
- HOW TO: Set Up an Online Resume
- HOW TO: Land a Job at LinkedIn

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