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Travel Europe: women should pack a fun and flexible wardrobe

June 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

Never pack more into your suitcase than you can lug up a flight of stairs on your own.Never pack more into your suitcase than you can lug up a flight of stairs on your own.

Never pack more into your suitcase than you can lug up a flight of stairs on your own.


All the research and reservations are complete. Now it’s time to pack for your much-anticipated European holiday. For women, this process can often be filled with angst about which items to take and which to leave behind. What a pity!

Choosing your vacation wardrobe ought to be enjoyable. It’s fun to look through your closet and imagine what you’ll wear for shopping the High Street, tackling a vigorous hike, or going out for a romantic dinner. Here are three tips to guide your packing philosophy and add pleasure to the process.

First, you shouldn’t be the brightly feathered bird who stands out in a crowd. If only for safety sake, it’s a wise traveller who dresses to observe rather than to be observed.

Second, be creative and build in flexibility. Since you can never truly anticipate the weather or happenstance, make it your challenge to create a wardrobe of layers that will take you anywhere.

Third, never put more into your bag than you can handle on your own. Test this concept by lugging your packed suitcase up a flight of stairs then let your body be the judge.

Here are some guidelines to help lighten your load:

Footwear: Three pair should cover all eventualities: fashionable walking shoes, running shoes and flat, thick-soled sandals. Packing high heels is a waste of space. Think uneven cobblestones and you’ll understand why.

Lingerie, socks and nightgowns: Pack three fast-drying of each — one to wear, one to wash and one for spare. Always throw in one long-sleeve, silk undershirt to warm you up on extra cold days.

Beachwear: Again, three is the magic number: bathing suit, cover-up and flipflops.

Pants: In today’s fashion world, a smart pair of black jeans will take you almost anywhere. Add one formal pair of black trousers and three pairs of sport pants. Choose the lengths you like and consider walking shorts or basic-coloured tights. If long skirts make you feel fancy and festive, take one and leave a pair of pants behind.

Tops: This is where your creativity comes in. Choose neutral colours that complement the pants or skirts you’ve chosen. How many to take? Most travelers agree a good rule of thumb is to plan on wearing each top at least twice, while including several that will dress up an evening out. Add one crisp white shirt and save it for your last night on the town. By then, the rest of your wardrobe will feel tired, and wearing this pristine shirt will give you that extra lift.

Outerwear: A stylish all-purpose light raincoat is a wardrobe staple. Add one sweatshirt for active holidaying; a jean jacket is another consideration. Always take one basic sweater or shawl to protect against over-zealous air conditioning.

Accessories: A true travel ninja understands that scarves, belts and costume jewelry offer the ability to create many different looks and are the finishing touches to any woman’s wardrobe. Handle this category with finesse and your stress-free packing is done.

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Christian Woman Writes Letter to 18 Year Old Self

June 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

I was born in the south, raised in the midwest, and home schooled throughout. The first of four, my parents raised us to be “set apart.” For us, this meant being kept from contact with – and kept from resembling – the sinful world. While my father never followed any one movement entirely, we were raised under a strange breed of the patriarchal movement and the quiverful movement, with a dash of Vision Forum and No Greater Joy teachings.

Shortly after my 18th birthday, I chose to leave home, at cost of losing my family and friends. I have spent the last six years moving 22 times not including the last seven months of living in my car while traveling the U.S. Much of leaving was a clean break, but much of it was a slow, brutal tearing apart. The last six years have been a great experiment as I re-learn who I am, who God is, and how the world functions.

I grew up in a bubble, with restrictions like no television, no movies; no public schooled friends, and no books unless dad read them first. All letters I wrote and received had to be read by a parent before they entered or exited the home, and every church sermon was picked apart at the Sunday dinner table, truth re-stated and lies cast out, until my heart was bloody. I didn’t have friends at church; youth group wasn’t allowed, and I dressed funny, so the other girls in Sunday school class didn’t talk to me. I never went on a date or kissed a boy before I was 18, and I went through my teenage years with no make-up, no nail polish, and no girls nights allowed. My teenage years were instead full of politics, speech and debate, and discussing the perversion that is American society. Somewhere between age 16 and 18, I began questioning things. I was introverted, and miserable. There were too many secrets I couldn’t share, too many things I couldn’t do, and too many books I couldn’t read. And I was desperate to have fun, and to stop thinking. One day my story will be a book, but for today, it is in the form a letter I wish someone had written me 6 years ago.

God is not who you think He is. He is bound by nothing and no one. Don’t be afraid to question what you know of Him. Don’t be afraid to question the rules as laid out for you. God is big enough to handle it, and crossing the lines of religion, denomination, subcultures belief systems will not break your God, or revoke your salvation.

God will fight in your defense. Even when you are suffocating and drowning in confusion, when the ground underneath you seems unsteady and faulty, He will always know your heart and will never condemn you for your lack of understanding. He is the God of wisdom and of truth. If you seek it from Him, He may re-write what you know, and that is okay.

It will be harder than you think. This isn’t teenage rebellion, and it isn’t the miscommunication of the generation gap. You will not wake up one day and have parents again, and your decision to walk out on your own means God will reassign new family members to you. Permanently. It will be painful, especially on holidays and birthdays, but in the end, you will find out that biological family is given to us to represent spiritual family – and you are simply learning it the hard way.

Your heart is not evil, nor is it deceitful. Do not be afraid of yourself; God created you and set those desires in your heart for good. Submit yourself to Him, and you have nothing to fear. Dig deep into what makes you happiest, what triggers emotional responses, and what you are drawn to. It isn’t you being worldly or sinful, and you will not be punished by God for them. Live life fully, and don’t be afraid to breathe. Your mistakes are already paid for, and fear does nothing to stop death – only to stop life.

It will get better. Those girls you envy, that are confident and beautiful? Those girls that have friends to laugh with and cry with? Those girls who have good men in their lives and a future they look forward to? Those girls who aren’t plagued by confusion, depression, and loneliness? Those girls who can have fun? In six years that will be you. And those years will go by fast. Take it one day at a time, and don’t try to become someone else. Become what you love, and a miracle will happen: You will become that girl.

Read, a lot. You have years and years of truth and love to re-write into your heart. You were born broken, just like the rest, but in your own unique way, too. It takes reading about others’ childhoods, brokenness, and fears to see what Jesus can do to a woman’s soul. Acknowledge that you’re just trying to figure things out – and read everything that gets put in front of you that has to do with healing. It will slowly permeate your mind and heart, and truth will soothe the ache.

The numbness will go away, at the cost of your innocence. You’ll slowly learn how to be human, and you’ll slowly begin to feel normal. I know that in a desperate attempt to be ‘just like everyone else’ you’ll get drunk at the frat house, you’ll kiss boys whose names you don’t know, and you’ll watch pornography. I know you’ll sleep with a guy you don’t even like in a self-loathing attempt to destroy the Holier Than Thou reputation you’ve grown up with your entire life. It will wreck you, instead of heal you – but it will bring you to a new understanding of Grace that God needed you to experience. It will be part of your story.

Read the four gospels. Every single day. Take a break from theology, and let go of what is right and what is wrong. At the end of the day, your salvation rests on Jesus alone, and he cares only for your heart, not for how much you know. Pay attention to what he talked about most: Compassion, healing, taking care of the widows and orphans, dealing out grace and mercy, overlooking tradition for the sake of love, and making people new. Our first command is to love one another, and you will not be able to do that with judgement and bitterness in the way.

Be the little girl that you are. God knows you’re scared of growing up, and he knows that right now, you despise men. He sees you as pure and innocent, and when you can’t explain yourself, he already knows your heart. God desperately wants to be your Father, not your life coach, your teacher, your business consultant, or your boss. He just wants to be your Father, and sitting in His lap sobbing, “I don’t know, I don’t know” is okay – just as a little girl falls, gets hurt, and buries her face in her fathers lap to cry and beg him to fix it. God will always defend your innocence; Jesus loves the little children.

Choose to always believe that God is good. You’ll always believe that God loves you, but you’ll stop believing that He is good. Like dark-chocolate-and-a-big-hug kind of good. Your life is in shambles, and He knows it. You’ll be a mess for awhile, but He has a plan. You’ll hate it, you’ll get sick of it, it won’t make sense, and you’ll cry yourself to sleep a lot – but He will always be good, and you must always believe it. The moment you stop believing it, your heart will break all over again, and you’ll start sabotaging yourself. Dig your heels in and believe that God is good.

Being a girl is okay. All the things you weren’t allowed to do in high school, go do them! No matter how silly, how impractical, and how pink they are. Buy the colored eyeliner, get a brazilian wax, color your hair, paint your nails black, spend too much money on shampoo, go see outrageous chick flicks, buy that sequined little black dress, buy the scandalous lingerie and enjoy laughing at trash reality TV. Not everything has to be practical, and you don’t have to think in black and white. Find yourself somewhere in there, and learn to enjoy being a woman.

Your parents’ definition of sin may not be God’s definition of sin. Sin is missing the mark, choosing to live a life apart from God’s way, and letting self-centeredness grip your heart. Just as one culture believes a woman without a headcovering is sin while another believes that voting Democrat is a sin, neither of these hold any weight over anyone’s salvation. Don’t give sin power where it doesn’t deserve to have any. Choose instead to see people how Jesus saw them: all in universal need of His love to fill their empty hearts.

It isn’t your job to find a man to love you. One day, after you’ve made way too many mistakes and gotten your heart broken, you’ll decide to revert to what you believed when you were a little girl: You’ll get married, and it will be amazing. I don’t mean this in a naive, Cinderella sort of way – I mean that the man you’re going to marry is already born, and when he meets you, you won’t have to fight to get his love or attention. God made it that way, and it’s okay to believe it stubbornly like a little girl. And it is true what they say: When you know, you will know.

It’s your life. I know you don’t believe me, but really, it is. You were created to live a life no one else can live. If you live a life dictated by someone else, then you were not necessary. And God does not create unnecessary things. There will be things only you feel, things only you experience, and at the end of the day, you need to be the one who loves what she is doing with her life. People will be unhappy with you, and family and friends will disagree with you. God has a story for everyone’s life, and you will not live that story if you’re letting others write it.

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