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Trump weighs rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership amid trade dispute with China

April 13, 2018 by  
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President Trump ordered top administration officials Thursday to look at rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the sprawling trade pact he rejected three days after taking office.

The move would mark a stunning reversal for Trump, who sharply criticized the pact as a “disaster” and made opposition to global trade deals a centerpiece of his economic agenda as a candidate.

The Obama administration had signed the trade agreement, known as TPP, with 11 other countries, including Japan, Vietnam, Singapore and Australia, to lower tariffs and counter China’s influence in the Pacific. An embrace of the TPP would give Trump more leverage in his escalating trade feud with Beijing. It also would give U.S. farms, retailers and other businesses better access to foreign markets if China makes good on its recent threats of new tariffs on U.S. goods.

Thursday’s order comes as Trump pushes forward on a chaotic revamp of the United States’ approach to global trade, seemingly veering from trade wars one day to multinational pacts the next. He has gone from assailing Canada and Mexico to saying he’s within striking distance of renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement. He has both pilloried China and praised its leader, Xi Jinping.

But no reversal has been more extreme than his new flirtation with the TPP. His comments were so unexpected that White House officials, lawmakers, business groups and others weren’t sure whether Trump had made a calculated overture or if it was another whimsical idea that he would cool on soon.

Reentering the TPP would not be easy. The 11 other countries reached their own trade deal this year, and it is unclear what conditions they would set before they restarted the entire process with the United States. The deal would be much stronger with U.S. participation, since it is the world’s largest economy. But several countries in the deal have cast a wary eye toward Trump’s swings on trade.

Canada and Mexico are part of the TPP talks, for example, and Trump has blasted leaders from both countries for what he describes as ripping off U.S. workers. Japan is also part of the TPP, and Trump has so far refused to exempt Japan from new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports into the United States.

Trump gave the new orders to U.S. Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer and National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow during a White House meeting with lawmakers and governors, according to several GOP senators in attendance.

Trump then told Lighthizer and Kudlow to “take a look at getting us back into that agreement, on our terms, of course,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.). “He was very, I would say, bullish about that.”

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) also witnessed and applauded Trump’s surprise move.

“We should be leading TPP,” Sasse said. “China is a bunch of cheaters and the best way to push back on their cheating would be to be leading all these other rule-of-law nations in the Pacific that would rather be aligned with the U.S. than with China.”

But some free-trade supporters viewed Trump’s remarks with skepticism.

“If it holds until this afternoon, that’s a good move,” said Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), a free-trade advocate and frequent Trump critic who was not at the White House meeting.

A senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe the White House’s internal approach, said Trump has not set any goals or deadlines for Kudlow and Lighthizer for when a new agreement should be reached.

Instead, the White House is approaching potential new talks as a way to signal that Trump is receptive to free-market proposals if he feels they can be reached in a way that advances U.S. interests, the official said.

Trump walked back a little on his proposal in a Twitter message late Thursday.

“Would only join TPP if the deal were substantially better than the deal offered to Pres. Obama,” he wrote. “We already have BILATERAL deals with six of the eleven nations in TPP, and are working to make a deal with the biggest of those nations, Japan, who has hit us hard on trade for years!”

Trump — and a number of Democrats and labor unions — had railed against the trade deal during the presidential campaign, saying such pacts allow foreign companies to lure away U.S. jobs and erode the U.S. manufacturing base. In June 2016, Trump called the TPP “another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country.”

The president’s protectionist impulses since taking office have caused heartburn for many GOP lawmakers who continue to embrace the Republican Party’s traditional support for free trade. If the president does move forward with rejoining the TPP, business groups and many Republican lawmakers would be sure to applaud the move, even though it would be a striking example of Trump reversing a campaign-trail promise.

At least some labor groups were alarmed at Trump’s willingness to restart the TPP process.

“TPP was killed because it failed America’s workers and it should remain dead,” Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, tweeted Thursday. “There is no conceivable way to revive it without totally betraying working people.”

Trump administration officials are also working to renegotiate NAFTA, and the president told senators Thursday his team was making progress.

“The president said it could be two weeks, it could be two months, it could be six months,” said Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.). “He’s keeping his options open. That’s important.”

Engaging in talks to reenter the TPP would be part of a broader White House strategy to respond to an escalating trade flap between Trump and Beijing. But Trump has been having a hard time rallying other countries to backstop his push to impose new tariffs on Chinese goods.

The president is also running into strong pushback from Republican lawmakers, particularly those representing agricultural regions where China’s threatened retaliation against U.S. exports would hit hard.

The president first raised the prospect of reentering the trade deal at the World Economic Forum in late January. He said then that he would rethink his opposition if the United States secured “substantially better terms,” without offering specifics.

There has been no indication since then that the administration was making any genuine effort to rejoin the agreement.

“This is another encouraging signal from the administration, following what the president said at Davos,” said Wendy Cutler, who was among the TPP negotiators. “I always thought that with time the administration would value the TPP more and more.”

One question is which TPP Trump wants to rejoin: the original 12-nation deal that the Obama administration negotiated, or the 11-nation agreement that is moving toward implementation by the remaining countries.

When the president last year announced he was quitting the deal, the other TPP countries suspended 20 provisions in the original accord and announced a new deal, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). The provisions, including key intellectual property protections such as those involving biological drugs, were measures the United States had demanded in return for granting access to its market.

U.S. negotiating partners might expect the United States to “pay for” restoring those provisions at this point, Cutler said.

“They do want us back in. But the question is: At what price?” Cutler said.

Trump was not the only one to oppose the TPP during the 2016 presidential campaign. His Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, came out against the deal as she faced pressure during her primary campaign against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who was outspoken against the TPP. Clinton had played a role in its formation during her time as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state.

Even before Trump’s election, the Trans-Pacific Partnership began to founder and stall in Congress as it got caught up in political crosscurrents, losing support from some Republicans and progressive Democrats.

In May 2016, as domestic political backing for the TPP was starting to erode, Obama wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post aiming to rally support.

“Increasing trade in this area of the world would be a boon to American businesses and American workers, and it would give us a leg up on our economic competitors, including one we hear a lot about on the campaign trail these days: China,” he wrote.

The TPP is becoming one of the White House’s few remaining options as Trump searches for ways to exert pressure on China to back down from its threat of new tariffs on U.S. exports. U.S. farm groups have said they fear getting caught in the middle of the trade spat that Trump and Beijing have recently escalated, and they want assurances that they will not lose access to foreign markets.

The White House had been looking at using a Depression-era program known as the Commodity Credit Corp. that could be used to extend subsidies to farmers, but Republican lawmakers pushed back hard on that idea during Thursday’s meeting.

“Farmers don’t want a handout. They want access to markets,” Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) said. “The president was surprised by that. He’s like, ‘really?’ He said, ‘Oh, really? Okay, so we won’t do that.’ ”

David J. Lynch contributed to this report.

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Comey’s rebuke of Trump cuts deep

April 13, 2018 by  
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“The actions of one person can destroy what it took hundreds of people years to build,” James Comey writes in his new book. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo

The former FBI director does more than dish on Trump’s behavior — his book offers a full-throated indictment of Trump’s character.

Former FBI Director James Comey pillories President Donald Trump in his soon-to-be-released book, “A Higher Loyalty,” deriding him as a cruel and selfish liar who is “unethical,” “untethered to the truth” and has likely never “recoiled from causing another person pain.”

From jabs at Trump’s height to ruminating on the status of his marriage, Comey leaves little question about how he feels about the 45th President.

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But throughout the book, a manuscript of which was obtained by POLITICO, Comey also seeks to draw deeper lessons about leadership — rebukes of Trump and those around him that may be lost in the headlines surrounding the book’s more startling details, like Trump’s apparent obsession with allegations concerning prostitutes in Moscow.

In those passages, though, Comey indicts not only Trump’s character but also that of many around him, and those in power who support and defend him.

Here are some of Comey’s more pointed passages that strike at the center of Trump’s worldview.

A rumination on what it means to live a good life: “Sit there, and imagine you are at the end of your life. From that vantage point, the smoke of striving for recognition and wealth is cleared. Houses, cars, awards on the wall? Who cares? You are about to die. Who do you want to have been? … I hope some of them decide to have been people who used their abilities to help those who needed it – the weak, the struggling, the frightened, the bullied. Standing for something. Making a difference. That is true wealth.”

On liars and lying: “I’ve seen many times over the years how liars get so good at lying, they lose the ability to distinguish between what’s true and what’s not. They surround themselves with other liars. The circle becomes closer and smaller, with those unwilling to surrender their moral compasses pushed out and those willing to tolerate deceit brought closer to the center of power. Perks and access are given to those willing to lie and tolerate lies. This creates a culture, which becomes an entire way of life. The easy, casual lies – those are a very dangerous thing. They open up the path to the bigger lies, in more important places, where the consequences aren’t so harmless.”

On the fragility of institutions: “The actions of one person can destroy what it took hundreds of people years to build.”

On effective leadership: “Effective leaders almost never need to yell. The leader will have created an environment where disappointing him causes his people to be disappointed in themselves. Guilt and affection are far more powerful motivators than fear. … A leader who screams at his employees or belittles them will not attract and retain great talent over the long term.”

On self-reflection: “But transparency is almost always the best course. Getting problems, pain, hopes, and doubts out on the table so we can talk honestly about them and work to improve is the best way to lead. By acknowledging our issues, we have the best chance of resolving them in a healthy way. Buried pain never gets better with age. And by remembering and being open and truthful about our mistakes, we reduce the chance we will repeat them.”

The impostor complex: “All of us labor, to one degree or another, under the belief that if other people really knew us, if they knew us the way we know ourselves, they would think less of us. That’s the impostor complex – the fear that by showing ourselves we will be exposed as the flawed person we are. If you don’t have this, in some measure, you are an incredible jerk and should stop reading immediately.”

On humility: “As I’d seen from other leaders, being confident enough to be humble – comfortable in your own skin – is at the heart of effective leadership. That humility makes a whole lot of things possible, none more important than a single, humble question: ‘What am I missing?’ Good leaders constantly worry about their limited ability to see.”

On Trump’s team: “I once again was having flashbacks to my earlier career as a prosecutor against the Mob. The silent circle of assent. The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service of some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth.”

On Trump’s impact: “What is happening now is not normal. It is not fake news. It is not okay. Whatever your politics, it is wrong to dismiss the damage to the norms and traditions that have guided the presidency and our public life for decades or, in many cases, since the republic was founded. It is also wrong to stand idly by, or worse, to stay silent when you know better, while a president brazenly seeks to undermine public confidence in law enforcement institutions that were established to keep our leaders in check.”

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