Friday, January 10, 2025

How local farmers are coping with the devastating Thomas fire

December 20, 2017 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

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There are no more limequats left on Mud Creek Ranch. The Kishu mandarins are crumpled and Pixie tangerines hang like lumps of black coal, but it was the avocados that suffered the most. From a distance, the fruit on a 50-year-old Fuerte tree could pass for Bosc pears, their tear-shaped avocados cooked to a caramel color. Nearby red sap oozes from the trunks of Hass and Pinkertons, as though they were bleeding.

The Thomas Fire, which as of Dec. 18 had ravaged over 270,000 acres in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, started a quarter of a mile from Mud Creek Ranch, a 65-acre swath of land in Santa Paula Canyon where Steven and Robin Smith grow organic avocados and over 200 varieties of citrus.

It was Dec. 4 when Smith heard the dogs barking and walked out his kitchen door to find flames crawling towards his property.

“The fire was coming over that ridge right there,” he says pointing to a charred hillside. “And the wind was really howling, maybe 40 knots.”