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The Next MySpace: Facebook

July 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events



Google+, the social networking site from the search giant, experienced massive growth in its first few weeks.

What ever happened to loyalty? 

A shiny new social-networking site comes along and before you know it, we’re all flirting with the frisky startup, leaving our dates back at the table to pay the check. At least, that’s how it seems with Google+, the latest competition for our Facebook affections.

In just a few weeks, Google+ has enticed roughly 20 million people to join, according to Comscore. And that’s before it’s even officially debuted; you still have to be invited to go to this dance. Furthermore, while the service is still in pre-release mode, many of us using it have found it to already be simpler, slicker, and generally better at the social-networking waltz than Facebook (and it always lets you lead).

Uber-venture capitalist Roger McNamee of Elevation Partners recently argued that the social network war was over.

“The last 500 social companies funded by the venture capital community are all worthless,” McNamee said during a presentation to a crowd of media types. As far as McNamee is concerned, the social platform has been established, and it’s Facebook. He may be right. He has nearly 30 years experience investing in tech, including an early bet on Facebook. And Facebook, according to the company’s own tally, has 750 million members.

Plenty of people have offered excellent reasons for abandoning Facebook, however. Some of my FB friends have already switched because changing networks is as simple as a mouse click, and there’s no exit cost whatsoever — indeed there may be several benefits.

Many FB friends, for example, would rather switch than fight Facebook’s ever-evolving privacy settings. Purposively convoluted, Facebook’s pages of inscrutably marked multiple boxes have made it about as friendly as Windows Millennium Edition. So one day your chat line is closed, the next you’re open online for everyone to see. It’s created Facebook fatigue.

Then there’s the grandma factor: If everyone is on Facebook, not only is it no longer cool but it also means I can’t say anything without fear of retribution — or being outed for playing beer pong by my boss or mom. 

That’s no fun at all, and Google+ at least makes it easier to compartmentalize friends, acquaintances, and business associates (unlike Facebook’s lists, which are a pain in the you-know-what). Some Google+ members are even creating “frenemy” circles (now there’s an idea that’s bound to get you in trouble).

There are two other important undercurrents to the rising tide boosting Google+: momentum and the nature of social circles.

The first issue looks ominous for Facebook when one looks back at the fall of MySpace. The switch from MySpace to Facebook seemed predicated on a number of factors. There was the shear clutter of MySpace, which looked like something out of an early GeoCities blog. It became a blinking, flashing, honking mess. And Facebook connected people and conversations more seamlessly. 

Perhaps more critical was the shear momentum of Facebook as it picked up speed, sucking in more and more friends until it became an irresistible social vortex. Now, Google+ looks poised to possibly do the same to Facebook, draining away members and eyeballs.

The second point is a lesson about social behavior. Switching from one network to another may just be an inevitable part of our social habits. Every once in a while, we simply need a change. No one can eat the same meal every day, and we can’t visit the same bar or coffee shop every day without getting bored. Some folks have been on Facebook for nearly 7 years; that’s a long time to be hanging out at the same watering hole. And what is it they say about the 7-year itch?

So switching social circles may be preordained. And Google+ is simply the next hot hangout.

Follow John R. Quain on Twitter @jqontech or find more tech coverage at

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Bizzingo, Inc. Launches New Business Social Media Network

July 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Social media company Bizzingo, Inc. (“Bizzingo”)

/quotes/zigman/5002558 BIZZ

, has
launched the first phase of its new B2B platform . The
Company has begun populating the platform with businesses in order to
provide them with a social networking and search experience similar
to what Facebook and Google provide for individuals.

Within the platform, companies are able to set up detailed
profile pages that allow them to describe what they do, what they
sell, and their specific business needs, all indexed to highly
searchable results. The business profile will also enable them to
present their company’s products or services through videos, images,
and collaterals — including company marketing material and

This initial data-indexing phase provides the content for the search engine to deliver quality results to inquiries. These
inquiries will retrieve highly targeted information, while screening
out irrelevant or unrelated results. The goal is to deliver quality
leads, translating into better-qualified customers and ultimately,
increased business interactions and sales. intends to become
the most accurate and powerful search engine for businesses in the

“The existing major search engines and social media networks are
designed primarily for a consumer audience, creating leads that are
of little value to businesses trying to reach other businesses,”
states Douglas Toth, Chairman and CEO of BIZZINGO. “’s new,
exclusive business to business search platform and social network
actually delivers targeted leads and, for the first time, opens up
the power of the Internet to millions of businesses who only seek to
market and connect to other businesses for the purpose of transacting

As part of the rollout of its powerful new platform, Bizzingo expects
to introduce tools designed to help companies utilize enhanced social
networking capabilities for business. Planned features include social
media connectivity apps, full search functions, turnkey lead
generation, marketing and advertising functions, as well as general
business Q and A forums.

About Bizzingo, Inc.

Bizzingo is a social media company that uses its social community,, to reach, engage and persuade business decision makers,
and those who influence them, in a unified business-to-business
social network. It is an “internet hub” — a confluence of social
networking, e-commerce and marketing/sales. It is also designed to
allow businesses a way to find each other by keyword and to view
promotional information, as well as to instantly communicate with
their users. Bizzingo’s profiling system will create one of the most
detailed business databases in the world, delivering targeted search
results as a search engine.

For more information see

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This press release may contain certain “forward-looking statements”
relating to the business of Bizzingo, Inc. and its subsidiary
companies. All statements, other than statements of historical fact
included herein are “forward-looking statements” including statements
regarding the Company’s short term business and operations, the
general ability of the Company to achieve its commercial objectives,
including the ability of the Company to sustain growth; the business
strategy, plans and objectives of the Company and its subsidiaries;
and any other statements of non-historical information. These
forward-looking statements are often identified by the use of
forward-looking terminology such as “believes,” “expects”, “intended”
or similar expressions, involve known and unknown risks and
uncertainties. Although the Company believes that the expectations
reflected in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do
involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and these expectations
may prove to be incorrect. Investors should not place undue reliance
on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date
of this press release. The Company’s actual results could differ
materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements
as a result of a variety of factors, including those discussed in the
Company’s periodic reports that are filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and available on its website
( ). All forward-looking statements attributable to
the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified
in their entirety by these factors. Other than as required under the
securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these
forward-looking statements.

        Investor Relations
        1- 877-291-1130

SOURCE: Bizzingo Inc.

Copyright 2011 Marketwire, Inc., All rights reserved.


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