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Facebook: New Law Bans Teachers from ‘Friending’ Students

August 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

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Missouri is the first state in the country to place such strict limits on Facebook communication. Other states and school districts have only recently formed guidelines and policies on student-teacher online interaction.

The law requires Missouri school districts to report allegations of sexual abuse to authorities within 24 hours, and holds those districts liable if they fail to disclose suspected or known abuse by past employees, according to a report on Fox News.

Several Missouri teachers are uneasy about the new regulations.

“Throwing the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to social networking is bad policy,” said Todd Fuller, spokesman for the Missouri State Teachers Association, which represents 44,000 members statewide. “There’s so much gray area in this bill that it’s difficult for us to define them.

“What happens if I use a third-party website to communicate with students?” Fuller said, imitating an educator. “That’s not public. There are lots of elements beyond Facebook that are part of social networking that I don’t think this bill takes into account.”

State Sen. Jane Cunningham, R-Chesterfield, sponsor of the bill, told that the social networking provision bans solely “exclusive access” between a student and a teacher.

“We are in no way trying to stop communication between educators and students,” Cunningham said Monday. “We are allowing school districts to form their own policy with this and to police themselves. The social media aspect comes in because we’re finding that it’s an early pathway to sexual misconduct.”

The majority of the legislation, which was approved unanimously by the state’s Senate on April 7, will take effect on Aug. 28 – just in time for the new school year.

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Social Media: A Nightmare For Enterprise IT Security?

August 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Written by Chris Poulin

Chris Poulin: Living social.

Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, LinkedIn, Skype … the list of social networking sites goes on and on, and a majority of the one billion people that use them consistently access them while at work. This unchecked flow of data is a new source of sensitive information and creates security loopholes for serious cyber attacks. From a technology standpoint, enforcing a policy around social networking traffic is difficult, but it must be done.

Anyone who has been asked by a friend or family member to fix a slow PC understands the average home user will happily click any link, accept any friend invitation, and even install software from just about any Web site. You can draw a distinction between personal and professional social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, which attract different types of users for different reasons, but the problem is that most of us aren’t good at separating our personal and professional lives. Chances are we use the same password for our Google Buzz account that we use for the corporate Active Directory login and for

Hackers know that e-mail protection is mature at this point and it’s easier to entice users to click on links in social networking sites than it is to evade e-mail content filters. These drive-by download attacks can infect personal and business computers alike with all types of malware. Viruses, the perennial favorite, are now somewhat passé, and are being replaced with custom, targeted malware that is much more dangerous and amounts to what is being called advanced persistent threats.

RSA reported that the recent compromise of their systems involved the attackers using social media sites to find details of key company employees and deliver malware in the form of an Adobe Flash exploit embedded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to the target computers via spear phishing. The same social networking sites that were used to gather information about the target individuals could have easily been the contact vector.

IT managers face two major challenges when it comes to social media: keep networks safe from hackers that have turned to social networking sites utilized by partners, outsourcers and employees, and keep productivity up, which can be hindered due to the ‘always-connected’ mentality of employees that want to be constantly connected to both their work and social networks.

In general, it is fine to allow employees to access these sites with appropriate security awareness training and a clear acceptable use policy. Conversely, companies should be monitoring employee usage of social media/networking sites – for personal and professional use – in order to ensure compliance with internal policy and reduce the risk of fraud. It is critical to have the ability to monitor the usage of social media from within the network, including the ability to identify which users are accessing which social media services, determine the volume and pattern of usage, and inspect and alert on the content being transmitted to those services.

Each party holds partial responsibility when it comes to social media in the workplace: employees have a responsibility to be discreet whether at the office, at home, or on a vacation in the Bahamas, while employers have a responsibility to clearly define policy, and to be open and set manageable expectations with senior management.

Chris Poulin is the Chief Security Officer for Q1 Labs, a leading provider of security intelligence solutions.

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