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Might we have a case of sibling rivalry amongst the Zuckerberg clan?

August 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

facebook social networkIt looks like a case of sibling rivalry as the sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly handed in her resignation in order to start her own social networking empire.

Randi Zuckerberg is going on to expand her new company called RtoZ Media.  Ms. Zuckerberg is recognized by Facebook and the social networking and media industry as having been highly instrumental in the success of the world’s largest website.  Her years of dedication and innovation helped propel her brother’s empire into the most lucrative website and network in history.  Her choice to leave her cushy job at Facebook is a stunner but it doesn’t mean she’s being kicked out to the curb.  She has now the credentials and connections that she cannot mess up even if she tries.  Just her name alone is enough to draw in investors to the tune of billions of dollars.

At present the amount of money being poured into the social networking realm rivals that of most top countries in the world.  Because Facebook is worth so many 100s of billions of dollars, investors around the world are chomping at the bit to get their hands on the next internet craze.  Randi’s leaving Facebook doesn’t mean she has no confidence in the company it just appears as though she has her sights set on expanding her own creative ideas and it’s sure she won’t be lacking in resources to do so.

One of the issues she did mention was the growing threat of the canceling of anonymity on the internet.  It’s an isssue that head honchos of many top internet companies have mentioned.  They feel that if the web becomes like some sort of real information super highway with people needing a license to drive, people won’t have that freedom of speech that has toppled entire empires and governments of late.  She’s right in that regard as suppressive governments and criminal cabals are terrified of the internet.  These groups have no idea when someone will use the internet to inform on them and undermine their entire criminal activities.  If governments succeed in clamping down on whistleblowing by putting an end to anonymity on the web, a new age of darkness might fall on the global community.  Sure there needs to be a stop to the crime on the web, but cutting people off is not the answer.

That viewpoint is what Randi Zuckerberg might champion as she’s admitted to leaning toward more online security and with her know-how and connections we may well see a breakthrough in ways to make websurfing far more secure.  In truth, it’s only a matter of time before someone comes up with a program or procedure that makes a great deal of criminal activity on the web obsolete.  Perhaps Randi Zuckerberg is that person to achieve this.

It’s sure that whatever moves she makes there are going to be people watching every single move.  They know that if she gets her feet planted solidly, with her brother’s support and an army of investors there’s nothing she couldn’t achieve.

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on Aug 5 2011. Filed under Business, Recent, Technology.
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Google+: I’m Just Not That Into You

August 5, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Dear Google+,

Where did we go wrong? I had such high expectations for you. You were hyped, praised and touted as the next best social network. So far, though, we’re just not connecting. You were supposed to be better than Facebook, cooler than Twitter, but right now we just don’t have enough in common for me to waste spend more time with you.

I’d love to say that the problem is me, not you. But I’d be wrong. You’ve disappointed me.

Franky, I find it difficult to fit you into my social-networking life. I use Facebook to communicate with my close friends, my family and my colleagues. And while it’s my social network of choice, my relationship with Facebook is admittedly complicated—the site has me so entwined in its web of photos and friendships and messages that I’m not sure I could ever leave it, even if I wanted to. Yes, I know our situation isn’t ideal—privacy and security and all—but I’ve learned how to cope with its downfalls.

And then there’s LinkedIn, where I keep all my professional contacts.

And Twitter for people I don’t know, but find interesting. And truly, I’m happy with this situation: 140-character updates from strangers are all I need.

So that leaves us. I keep asking myself, where do you fit in?

Lately, it seems like it’s only the techies and tech pundits who have an eye for you. I see them visit you every day. Every hour, it seems. They’re using you—in a good way, of course—but if those are your only fans, your only visitors, you’ve gone wrong somewhere. Maybe it’s not my business, but it may be time to reflect and reassess.

Okay, I admit it: I’m a bit infatuated with your circles. But that really doesn’t make up for the fact that my friends just don’t like you. Sure, a few handfuls of folks have joined…but that’s where it ends. Their profiles are empty, their activity streams barren. My friends, plain and simple, prefer Facebook. Like me, they’ve invested too much in that site to leave it now. And if I can’t have my friends by my side in our relationship, it’s a relationship that I don’t want.

I know it’s still early; you’ve only been around for a month. But if that time is any indication of things to come, I’m sorry, it just isn’t going to work out.

You have a lot of potential, Google+. And I’m sure you’ll find the perfect user(s) for you in the future.

Right now, though, I’m just not that into you.

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