Saturday, October 26, 2024

Facebook and the death of networking

August 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Facebook is the ultimate tool for social-networking.

Once Facebook grabbed hold as “the” place for everyone who’s anyone to come together, it became a vital means for animal rescuers to work on saving lives.

Until now.

Many Facebook users who rely heavily on Facebook for saving at risk dogs (in shelters, animal control facilities, lost, found, or in resuce organizations) are now being accused by Facebook of “posting spam or irrelevant content”.

Those targeted by Facebook have been banned for 15 days from posting anything at all.

Many who currently read and share this dog news column may be among those currently affected. If you haven’t been affected yet, your time is probably coming.

Whether Facebook is truly targeting animal rescues, or whether it is an automatic “technical” find by a Facebook program, is unknown.

What is known is that Facebook needs to be made aware of is how many lives are saved via Facebook networking postings.


Lost dogs are found – death row dogs are saved – long term fosters are finding homes…networking saves lives. It is neither irrelevant nor “spam”.

Please take a moment to write a note to the powers that be at Facebook to let them know that their current “disabling” of networking postings will cost lives.

Please thoughtfully let them know that animal rescuers rely upon Facebook as a vital tool. Facebook obviously receives funds from advertisers on the site – if all of the rescuers are banned – they will go away.

Thousands of current users will pack up and disappear if their networking capability is removed.

Please contact Facebook at:, and/or

Please help them to understand how much good Facebook does in the arena of saving lives. The voiceless need the help of networking, or they will quietly die.

Ironically, a Facebook page is currently established for this purpose – “Facebook, don’t suspend our animal rescue accounts”.  Please “like” the page to learn more.

Thank you.

 Continue reading: Runaway dog mistakenly killed at animal shelter

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Continue reading on Stray dog killed by wheelchair bound man – National Dogs |

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Gov. Jindal On ACLU Sex Offender Lawsuit: "Disturbing Break from Reality"

August 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

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Governor Jindal is responding to an ACLU lawsuit trying to block the enforcement of a new state law that bans access to a wide array of websites for those convicted of certain sex offenses against minors. The governor recently signed to prohibit convicted sex offenders from using social networking websites. “We will not comply with this request to allow convicted sex predators to use social networking sites. I will fight this with everything I have. If these people want to search the Internet for new victims they can do it somewhere else,” Jindal said.

The governor said it’s insulting for the ACLU to claim it’s a sex offender’s First Amendment right to use Facebook, MySpace and Craigslist. “Just a few weeks ago, federal officials announced the bust of the largest international online child pornography ring, which is connected to Louisiana and will be prosecuted here. Today, the ACLU sued us on behalf of sex offenders, wanting to strike down a law I recently signed to prohibit convicted sex offenders from using social networking sites where they could prey on our children. This lawsuit is a disturbing break from reality, even for the ACLU. As Governor and the father of three young kids, I will fight the ACLU every step of the way and do everything I can to keep our kids safe from the monsters who want to harm them.”

“The ACLU’s lawsuit represents a criminal already convicted of child pornography who wants to use social networking sites and peer-to-peer file sharing sites. This is exactly what we designed our new law to prevent. We want to protect our children from being victimized in anything like what US Attorney General Eric Holder described as ‘some of the most disturbing images, I think, you will ever see.’

“The Attorney General said ‘It’s hard to imagine a penalty severe enough’ for a crime like this. But, in Louisiana, we not only have some of the harshest penalties for sex offenders – including castration, we are working to prevent these horrific crimes from occurring in the first place by keeping sex offenders far away from our children.

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