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Is Google+ Starting to Get on Facebook’s Nerves?

August 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Google’s social network is putting competitive pressure on Facebook, which may be a good thing for Facebook users and third-party developers

Mathew Ingram


There’s no question that Google+ has quickly become the most successful social offering that Google has ever released, racking up more than 25 million users in a matter of weeks. That may still be light-years behind Facebook’s user base of more than 750 million, but the search company’s social platform seems to be getting Facebook’s attention, particularly with the recent launch of Google+ social games, such as Angry Birds. While a Facebook executive recently dismissed the Google network as inconsequential, it seems clear the competition is keeping Facebook awake at night—which may be a good thing.

It was fairly easy for Facebook to dismiss Google’s earlier social efforts such as Buzz and Wave, in much the same way it was easy for users to dismiss them. Neither one managed to gain much traction outside a small group of Google fans and early adopters, in part because Buzz suffered from some serious privacy concerns early on (after it automatically added people from a user’s e-mail address book without making it clear this would happen) and Wave was just too complicated and the purpose of the service was unclear. Although Buzz continues to exist—for now—Wave has been shut down.

Google+ Is Everything Google’s Other Social Efforts Weren’t

Google+, by contrast, has been hailed by many users as everything Google’s previous social efforts weren’t: attractively designed, easy to use, and with some appealing features such as the use of Circles to separate a user’s social graph into different groups. The company’s approach to the use of pseudonyms has gotten criticism from users—including us—but apart from that, it has been well-received. And according to ComScore, Google+ got to 25 million users more than 10 times faster than any other service in the history of social networking (although some are already complaining it is a ghost town).

Last week, Google upped the ante by adding social games including the popular Angry Birds and Bejeweled to the platform. And that entry into social games definitely got Facebook’s attention, since games are one of the big drivers of revenue and engagement on the larger social network, thanks to a partnership with social-gaming leader Zynga.

Not only did Facebook quickly tweak its game-related features to make them more appealing to developers such as Zynga but a Facebook executive also seemed downright snippy when asked about this new competitor at a recent game-industry event, according to a report in Fortune magazine. In talking about Google’s offer to developers—the search company is offering to take only 5 percent of the proceeds from games, in contrast to Facebook’s 30 percent—Director of Game Partnerships Sean Ryan said: “Google is at 5 percent because they don’t have any users.”

Like McDonald’s and Starbucks

Ryan went on to describe Google’s effort as being similar to McDonald’s getting into coffee in an attempt to compete with Starbucks (although that might not be the best comparison from Facebook’s point of view, since a number of analysts believe McDonald’s entry into the coffee business put substantial competitive pressure on Starbucks). And the Facebook executive described Google’s launch as a copycat move, saying the company had managed to “emulate aspects of our system, which … they have the right to do.”

Games aren’t the only element of Google+ that seems to be getting on Facebook’s nerves. There have also been reports—which have been circulated on Google’s network by the company’s head of social, Vic Gundotra—that invitation links to Google+ posted on users’ Facebook pages are not showing up. Given the history of tension between the two companies over issues such as the exporting of contact information, there has been speculation that Facebook might be blocking these links, but the social network says it isn’t aware of any such blocking.

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Be Better at Everything: How to use Google+

August 17, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events


08/16/2011   email this  print this

Google+ is the new kid on the social network block, combining elements of Facebook and Twitter with new features like “hangouts,” “huddles” and “circles.” Nathan Wright, founder of social media consulting firm Lava Row, explains the best ways to use the new network.

Circles: Circles are a way to categorize people. It’s the first thing you’ll want to set up. “On Facebook, you have your mom, grandma, friend, boss — everyone in one spot,” Wright said. “Creating circles gives you a more private space to post things and see only a select group of people’s updates.”

You can have several different circles — one for family, one for friends, one for following other network users whom you think post valuable updates, and so on. It means your buddies can see your Monday morning status of “Too many tequila shots, worthless at work today.” And your boss won’t.

Hangouts: Hangouts allow you to have a face-to-face-to-face conversation with up to 10 people in a circle. “You can see multiple people on a ‘Brady Bunch’-style grid,” Wright said. “It’s like Skype, but with several people at once.”

The beauty of the hangout? You only meet who you want to meet. Kinda like the man cave, there are no random, uninvited guests in the hangout. “It’s one of the most unique features it offers,” he said.

To start a hangout, click the “welcome” button on the home page. It will prompt you to start a hangout and invite individuals or entire circles.

Huddles: Huddles are group conversations. Like group texting, but without the fees from a wireless carrier. “A lot of communication takes place in texts,” Wright said. “These social networks want a piece of that.” Planning Thursday night’s potluck just got a lot simpler.

Why you should try it: “Google has tried to make a move in the social networking field, and to date, this has been the most successful,” Wright said. “Plus it is stripped down, lightweight and easy to use. It’s design and interface is smarter.”

Wright said while some people view Google+ as just another social network, many see it as a refreshing change since it is more private to use. “There is no more sidestepping awkward acquaintances. Plus, it keeps separate worlds from colliding.”

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