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Teenager shot by fellow student at Maryland high school is brain dead, will be removed from life support, family says

March 23, 2018 by  
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This undated photo provided by the Willey family shows Jaelynn Willey. A teenager armed with a handgun shot and critically wounded Willey inside a Maryland school on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, and the shooter was killed when a school resource officer confronted him moments after the gunfire erupted. A third student was in good condition after he was shot.

By Marissa J. Lang, The Washington Post

A 16-year-old girl shot Tuesday in a southern Maryland high school by a fellow student is brain dead and will be taken off life support Thursday night, her family said at a brief news conference.

Jaelynn Willey was shot in the head in a hallway just before classes began about 7:55 a.m. at Great Mills High School, according to the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office and the girl’s family.

She had been targeted by Austin Wyatt Rollins, 17, after the couple recently ended their relationship, according to previous statements from the sheriff’s office.

“My daughter was hurt by a boy who shot her in the head and took everything from us,” said her mother, Melissa Willey.

“She is brain dead. She has no life left in her,” she said, standing beside her husband, Daniel, and carrying one of their younger children in her arms.

Willey’s family spoke Thursday night at the University of Maryland Prince George’s Hospital Center, where she had been brought for treatment after the shooting.

She is one of nine children.

An uncle, Timothy Cormier, on Wednesday described Willey as an “amazing young lady, whose peaceful presence and love of her fellow students and family” is well-known at the school. She was a dedicated student and swimmer, he said.

Rollins was killed after school resource officer Blaine Gaskill confronted the teen as students and staff scrambled for cover. The sheriff’s office said Wednesday that Gaskill fired one shot at Rollins, “who simultaneously fired a shot as well.”

“Rollins sustained a life-threatening injury in the exchange,” the department said.

Rollins used a Glock handgun legally owned by his father, according to the sheriff’s office.

Attempts to reach Rollins’ parents have been unsuccessful.

Desmond Barnes, 14, who also was in the hallway, was wounded by Rollins but was released Wednesday from MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital after surgery on his thigh, officials said.

His mother, Kimberly Dennis, said in a statement Thursday evening that “our entire family is eternally grateful that Desmond is alive, doing well and in good spirits. He is an amazing testimony.”

“We remain deeply saddened and shocked by this shooting incident and continue to pray for the other victim and her family during this difficult time. We are also praying for the entire Great Mills High School family and young people around this country. As a community and nation, we must continue to work and fight for a world that is safe for our children,” she said.

School officials said Wednesday that Great Mills will be closed through the end of the week to assist law enforcement efforts. The school is scheduled to reopen April 2, after spring break.

The shooting at the high school 70 miles south of the District of Columbia thrust the close-knit St. Mary’s County community into the national debate over gun control and whether teachers should be armed and more armed officers added to improve safety.

The shooting occurred on the cusp of Saturday’s March for Our Lives, a rally against gun violence sparked by the Florida school shooting last month that left 17 people dead.

The Great Mills shooting prompted a lockdown and evacuation at the school of more than 1,600 students. Authorities praised Gaskill, who has been a resource officer at the high school since August, for his quick reaction.

Details of Rollins’s life remained sparse, though the sheriff’s office said it hadn’t “uncovered any public social media posts/threats made by Rollins.”

Friends and neighbors described him as a friendly, happy teenager who liked to play ball, skateboard and hang out with friends.

Newell Rand, a Great Mills graduate who knew Rollins, said he never expected the burst of violence.

“He was a very intelligent guy who had so much going for him,” Rand said in a message on social media.

The shooting has prompted calls to action from the St. Mary’s community.

Rand and other Great Mills students and alumni are planning to travel to the march.

“We are trying to turn a tragedy into a learning experience,” Rand has said in a message to The Washington Post via Facebook. “We hope that some form of action will be taken.”

Aaron Foreman, who was a coach at Great Mills and lives across the street from the Rollins family, posted a Facebook Live video Wednesday morning urging businesses and religious organizations with vans to help take students to the District rally so they could join “their brothers and sisters” from across the nation who are victims of school violence.

“We need to show our children that we believe in them and that their voices need to be heard downtown Saturday,” Foreman said.

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Can Trump win a trade war with China?

March 23, 2018 by  
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Want smart analysis of the most important news in your inbox every weekday along with other global reads, interesting ideas and opinions to know? Sign up for the Today’s WorldView newsletter.

For years, President Trump has railed against the threat of Chinese trade. China, he said, was operating on an uneven playing field, using unfair trade practices that supposedly harm the U.S. economy, steal American jobs and contribute to a vast trade deficit that now stands at $375 billion.

“The current trade imbalance is not acceptable,” Trump said during a speech before Asian leaders and dignitaries in Vietnam last November. “The United States will no longer turn a blind eye to violations, cheating or economic aggression. Those days are over.”

On Thursday, he finally took action against Beijing. The president announced his decision to impose tariffs on $60 billion worth of Chinese imports a year and limit China’s capacity to invest in the American technology industry.

Trump and his lieutenants defend their actions as a way to reassert American “sovereignty” over matters of international diplomacy and trade. An investigation launched by the administration in August found a range of “unfair” practices in China, particularly related to Beijing’s apparent theft or forced transfer of intellectual property from American businesses.  And, like Trump’s earlier move to slap tariffs on certain steel and aluminum imports from various countries, including some close allies, the latest measures are another sign that Trump is following through on his campaign promises.

News of the move sent the stock market plunging and boosted fears of a looming trade war. The Economist calculated that for every American firm in favor of Trump’s protectionist policies, there may be as many as 3,000 opposed.

“Trade is not zero sum. It helps to grow the standards of living of people around the globe,” wrote Steve Odland, the CEO of the Committee for Economy Development, a pro-free trade think tank, on CNBC’s website. “We need the inexpensive products from outside the country to raise our standard of living. And, with only 5 percent of the world population, we need open access to markets for our own goods to grow our economy. We cannot have one without the other.”

Then, just hours after Trump’s announcement, Beijing showed its willingness to strike back. “China does not want to fight a trade war, but it is absolutely not afraid of a trade war,” said China’s Commerce Ministry in a statement issued Friday morning in Beijing.

The ministry said it had “compiled a list of 120 products worth nearly $1 billion, including fresh fruit and wine, upon which it would impose a 15 percent tariff if the two countries fail to resolve their trade differences ‘within a stipulated time,’” reported my colleague David J. Lynch.

There were no further details about the products that Beijing might target, but there is no lack of options. China, a huge buyer of commercial jets made by the American firm Boeing, could look to Airbus or other non-U. S. companies in a bid to hurt the American aviation industry. American tech companies like Apple and Intel, which have significant manufacturing operations in China, could be squeezed with punitive measures.

Beijing could also mimic the European Union’s potential retaliatory measures against the United States, such as tariffs on Harley-Davidson motorcycles. And it could depreciate its currency, the yuan, to make Chinese exports even more competitive — and further infuriate Trump.

Then there’s the agriculture sector, where China could target American imports of sorghum and soybeans. “China could rely more on South America for soy: Brazil exported more soybeans than ever last year — nearly 51 million tons — and nearly all of it went to China,” noted NPR. “Should China take measures against U.S. soybean imports, it would likely hurt American farmers, a base of support for Trump.”

Beijing seems keenly aware of that. “If China halves the proportion of the U.S. soybean imports, it will not have any major impact on China, but the U.S. bean farmers will complain,” noted an editorial in the state-run Global Times. “They were mostly Trump supporters. Let them confront Trump.”

Indeed, American consumers will be the losers no matter where China may apply pressure. “There is no way to impose $50 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports without it having a negative impact on American consumers. Make no mistake, these tariffs may be aimed at China, but the bill will be charged to American consumers who will pay more at the checkout for the items they shop for every day,” said Hun Quach, vice president for international trade at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, to my colleagues.

And while Trump’s perennial bugbear is the lopsided deficit between the two countries, economists stress that he is misreading how global trade works. “Retaliatory trade barriers put up by other countries would hurt U.S. exports and offset reduced imports, meaning the trade deficit wouldn’t vanish,” wrote Eswar Prasad for The Post’s Outlook section. “What’s more, lower exports would mean less employment — a possible unintended consequence of Trump’s policy.”

Prasad warned Trump against firing the first shot of a battle no one wants to fight: “A trade war wounds all combatants: It rattles business and consumer confidence, restrains exports, and hurts growth. Many U.S. businesses rely on low trade barriers to create international supply chains that reduce costs and increase efficiency. These could come apart amid the new tariffs. The last time the United States imposed sweeping tariffs, in the 1930s, the effect was to prolong and worsen the Great Depression. Winning a trade war by destroying both imports and exports would be a Pyrrhic victory.”

Yet, Trump seems undeterred. It’s unclear where things go from here. “We don’t know how this is going to turn out,” said Scott Kennedy, director of the project on Chinese business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, to my colleagues. “It could be resolved in a few months, or it could spiral out of control into a broader strategic rivalry.”

Trump administration officials speak of reshaping the post-World War II international system, whose rules are no longer apparently in the American interest. Critics decry such thinking, given the extent to which Washington wrote those very rules.

“On present form, ‘America First’ is a threat to the entire basis of the multilateral trading system,” wrote Michael Johnson, a former British trade negotiator, in a blog post for the World Economic Forum. He added: “America does seem to be stepping back from its history as a main driver of the open international trading system.”

Trump’s critics are hoping he won’t be also driving the international system wildly off course.

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