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‘This is heartbreaking’: Lava destroys more structures on Hawaii’s Big Island

May 8, 2018 by  
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Less than a week ago, Leilani Estates was the picture of serenity on Hawaii’s Big Island, a subdivision in the island’s eastern Puna district filled with wooden homes nestled in tropical plant-filled lots.

The latest eruption of the island’s most active volcano changed everything.

Shortly after Kilauea erupted Thursday, the ground split open on the east side of Leilani Estates, exposing an angry red beneath the lush landscape. From the widening gash, molten rock burbled and splashed, then shot dozens of feet in the air.

The Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency called it “active volcanic fountaining.” Some residents insisted it was Pele, the Hawaiian volcano goddess, coming to reclaim her land. Residents were ordered to flee amid threats of fires and “extremely high levels of dangerous” sulfur dioxide gas.

Soon, another such fissure had formed a few streets to the west. Then another, and another. From the vents, hot steam — and noxious gases — rose, before magma broke through and splattered into the air.

As of Monday morning, 10 such fissure vents were reported in the neighborhood and at least 26 homes and another nine structures had been destroyed.

“That number could change,” Hawaii County spokeswoman Janet Snyder told the Associated Press. “This is heartbreaking.”

The U.S. Geological Survey said some of the lava was shooting 330 feet into the air — higher than the tip of the Statue of Liberty torch.

The fissures are forming along a northeast-southwest line in the rift zone, and not all of the older fissures are actively spewing lava, said Wendy Stovall, a volcanologist with the USGS.

“As the eruption progresses, there will become a preferred pathway for the magma to go through,” Stovall said. “Some of the outer vents along this fissure line will start to close up and congeal because the lava is going to essentially harden.”

Once that happens, lava fountains from the remaining open vents can shoot even higher — reaching up to 1,000 feet, Stovall said.

More outbreaks are likely to occur along the rift zone, officials said.

Drone footage showed lava spouting along the fissures that had formed, creeping toward Leilani Estates homes and leaving lines of smoldering trees in their wake.

The flows destroyed or cut off several streets in the neighborhood, typically home to about 1,700 people — before most of them evacuated last week.

Meanwhile, over the past few days some photographers have followed the fissures, posting dramatic photos and videos of lava spattering into the air or oozing across roads. Officials have urged everyone to leave Leilani Estates, where a mandatory evacuation order remains in force.

“Being in Hawaii and being around lava, you get used to the way it behaves and so you kind of become comfortable around it,” Stovall said. “[The lava flows] are mesmerizing to see. I understand why people want to see them but it’s not advisable. It’s a dangerous situation.”

The county civil defense agency put it more bluntly in an advisory Sunday: “Please, the residents of Leilani need your help by staying out of the area. This is not the time for sightseeing.”

The agency announced Sunday that certain Leilani Estates residents might be able to return briefly to their homes to retrieve pets, medicine or important items left behind — but would need to leave immediately afterward because of “the very unstable conditions of air quality and of the roads.”

“This is a very fast-moving situation,” Hawaii County Mayor Harry Kim told Hawaii News Now. “This is unfortunately not the end.”

The road ends here… This mornings eruption crossed Leilani Boulevard !! . . #lava #leilani #ig_oahu #ig_worldphoto #hnnsunrise

A post shared by Demian Barrios (@dbphotogallery) on May 5, 2018 at 4:13pm PDT

When Kilauea erupted Thursday, it sent fountains of lava gushing out of the ground and billowing clouds of steam and volcanic ash into the sky on the eastern side of the island.

Three days later, some residents there continue to suffer through a triple whammy of threats. From below, lava has spewed forth from an increasing number of fissures that have opened up in the ground, oozing toward homes.

Several earthquakes — including the strongest to hit Hawaii in more than four decades — have jolted the Big Island’s residents, some as they were in the midst of evacuating. Temblors have rattled the Big Island at regular intervals over the past several days — including 18 between 6 p.m. Sunday and midnight local time; another struck early Monday.

And in the air, noxious fumes from the volcano are what some officials say could be the greatest threat to public health in the wake of its eruption.

After the eruption Thursday, the island shook at regular intervals, but especially about midday Friday: A 5.6-magnitude quake hit south of the volcano about 11:30 a.m., followed about an hour later by a 6.9-magnitude temblor, according to the Geological Survey.

The latter was felt as far away as Oahu and struck in nearly the same place as a deadly 7.4-magnitude earthquake in 1975, according to the Geological Survey.

Videos posted to social media showed homes visibly shaking, items clattering to the floor at supermarkets and waves forming in swimming pools as the quake rattled.

“I think the whole island felt it,” said Cori Chong, who was in her bedroom with her foster dog, Monty, when the earthquake struck, frightening both of them. Even though Chong lives on the Hamakua coast, about an hour north of the earthquake’s epicenter, the shaking in her home was so violent that it caused furniture to move and glass to shatter.

David Burlingame, who lives about two miles west of Leilani Estates, told The Washington Post that he and a friend ran outside when the earthquake hit “and watched my house just shake back and forth.”

“Everybody is kind of on edge,” Burlingame said Saturday of both the potential for additional earthquakes and the unpredictability of the lava flows. “The worst part is kind of waiting to see, because you really never can tell what can happen.”

The earthquakes also prompted the rare closure of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park after they damaged some of the park’s trails, craters and roads. The first earthquake triggered a cliff to collapse into the ocean, and fissures began to appear in the ground at a popular overlook near the Jaggar Museum.

Park officials said they canceled hikes Friday and evacuated about 2,600 visitors, along with all nonemergency employees.

“Safety is our main priority at Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park, and it is currently not safe to be here,” Park Superintendent Cindy Orlando said in a statement. “We will monitor the situation closely, and reopen when it is safe to do so.”

The county civil defense agency reported that the threat of a tsunami was low after the earthquakes, although officials warned that residents were not in the clear.

“Everything is still elevated,” Civil Defense Agency Administrator Talmadge Magno said, according to Hawaii News Now. “It kind of gets you nervous.”

Thursday’s eruption prompted the County of Hawaii’s managing director, Wil Okabe, to issue a state of emergency declaration. Gov. David Ige (D) also issued an emergency proclamation and activated Hawaii’s National Guard to help with evacuations.

“Please be safe,” Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) wrote on Twitter.

Jordan Sonner, a Big Island Realtor, was on another part of the island taking pictures for an upcoming listing Thursday when she “got the call that there was lava in Leilani” and rushed back to her home just outside Leilani Estates.

“To describe it in a single word: chaos,” Sonner said of the evacuation in an interview with The Post on Saturday. “My immediate threat was not the lava. It was the sulfur dioxide gas.”

It took Sonner about an hour and a half to reach her home, grab important documents and her pets — four dogs and a chinchilla — and scramble back out, she said. She’s now staying with a friend in Mountain View, about 20 miles northwest of Leilani Estates, and expects it could be a long while before it’s safe for residents to return.

“It’s so hard to tell what is going to happen because it’s just so early. This volcano being a shield volcano, the way that it erupts, it just erupts slowly,” Sonner said. “We kind of just have to sit and wait to see what direction the lava is going to flow in and what other fissures are going to open up. This is far from over.”

When asked whether she was afraid she would lose her home, Sonner paused before describing the uniqueness of the community there.

“The way I kind of look at it is, the land doesn’t really belong to us. It belongs to Pele,” Sonner said, referring to the Hawaiian volcano goddess. “We get to live on it while we can, and if she wants it back, she’ll take it. I have good insurance.”

As of Friday afternoon, at least a few hundred people had evacuated their homes in Leilani Estates and nearby Lanipuna Gardens, taking refuge at local churches, Red Cross shelters, and with family and friends in other parts of Hawaii, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) told CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Gabbard warned that, in some ways, the threat from the sulfur dioxide gas could be more dangerous than the lava flows, which had stopped in places after the eruption. If conditions worsened, even first responders would not be able to go into the affected neighborhoods to help trapped residents, she added.

“Sulfur dioxide gas can be so toxic and thick in some areas that it can be fatal, especially to those who have respiratory illnesses,” Gabbard said. “The wind can push [the gas] in different directions, so that’s a very serious concern given the high levels, and, you know, people don’t necessarily have the kinds of protective gas masks that they would need if they were right in the thick of this gas.”

Kilauea is the youngest and most active volcano on Hawaii Island, according to the USGS. The eruption from the volcano came hours after a 5.0-magnitude earthquake jolted the island Thursday morning. As The Post’s Sarah Kaplan reported, Kilauea is made of basalt, a fluid lava that makes for effusive — rather than explosive — eruptions:

Rather than building up into a steep, towering peak like Krakatau in Indonesia or Mount St. Helens in Washington state, the fluid rock at Kilauea creates a broad, shallow dome known as a shield volcano.

Shield volcanoes “are really voluminous, the largest volcanoes on Earth, but because they have those long, low-angle slopes, they’re not very dramatic,” said Tari Mattox, a geologist who worked at the Hawaii Volcano Observatory for six years. “People are surprised when they go to Hawaii and they say, ‘Where’s the volcano?’ And I tell them, ‘You’re standing on it!’ ”

… Rocks moving upward through the mantle beneath Hawaii begin to melt about 50 miles beneath the surface. That magma is less dense than the surrounding rock, so it continues to rise until it “ponds” in a reservoir that’s roughly three miles wide and one to four miles beneath the summit. As pressure builds in the magma chamber, the magma seeks out weak spots in the surrounding rock, squeezing through the earth until it reaches a vent to the surface.

Geologists said the seismic activities around Puna most closely resemble the events that precipitated a 1955 eruption, according to Hawaii News Now. That eruption lasted about three months and left almost 4,000 acres of land covered in lava, the news site reported.

More recently in 2014, lava again threatened the Puna district, specifically the town of Pahoa and its surrounding area, The Post reported. During that event, lava flowed as quickly as 20 yards per hour, and up to 60 structures were at risk.

Lindsey Bever, Allyson Chiu and Gene Park contributed to this report.

Read more:

What’s happening inside Hawaii’s Kilauea, the world’s longest-erupting volcano

Hawaii might be about to ban your favorite sunscreen to protect its coral reefs

Hawaii missile alert: How one employee ‘pushed the wrong button’ and caused a wave of panic

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White House Leans Into Mueller Attacks Betting On Favorable Landscape With Supporters

May 8, 2018 by  
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Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says Justice Department “misconduct” is “accumulating,” which is why the special counsel investigation must close.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

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Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani says Justice Department “misconduct” is “accumulating,” which is why the special counsel investigation must close.

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Updated at 12:51 p.m.

President Trump’s newly aggressive stance toward special counsel Robert Mueller will be the biggest test yet of the work he and allies have carried on for months to shape the political landscape among their supporters.

Trump and his attorneys appear to be hardening their attitude toward Mueller’s office as discussion continues swirling about a potential presidential interview — whether Trump should agree, or risk a subpoena, or fight it, or invoke his Fifth Amendment right not to give evidence.

If Trump feels comfortable fighting, it will be in part because he and his supporters say Mueller’s office is hopelessly biased — so not cooperating is the only logical choice.

“The Russia Witch Hunt is rapidly losing credibility,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Monday. “House Intelligence Committee found No Collusion, Coordination or anything else with Russia. So now the Probe says OK, what else is there? How about Obstruction for a made up, phony crime.There is no O, it’s called Fighting Back.”

Later he wrote: “The 13 Angry Democrats in charge of the Russian Witch Hunt are starting to find out that there is a Court System in place that actually protects people from injustice…and just wait ’till the Courts get to see your unrevealed Conflicts of Interest!”

Mueller is a Republican. Trump and his allies complain that the past political support of Democrats by people inside the special counsel’s office means they cannot investigate honestly.

The House intelligence committee’s majority Republicans said they found no conspiracy between Trump campaign aides and the Russian attack on the 2016 election and that the contacts between campaign aides and Russians were simply “ill-advised.”

The panel’s minority Democrats argued that Republicans did not conduct a serious and complete investigation.

Trump argues that the majority report should have ended the matter, but the Justice Department and Senate intelligence committee Russia investigations remain open — which irks the president.

“Is this Phony Witch Hunt going to go on even longer so it wrongfully impacts the Mid-Term Elections, which is what the Democrats always intended?” Trump wrote later on Monday. “Republicans better get tough and smart before it is too late!”

Trump probably has little to fear from his own Republicans. House Judiciary and intelligence committee members have been complaining for months about what they call the “bias” in the FBI and Justice Department and the abuses of power they say have been uncovered.

They also have been targeting Mueller specifically since last year — Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, for example, said in November that Mueller’s office amounts to an insurgency within the federal government.

“We are at risk of a coup d’état in this country if we allow an unaccountable person with no oversight to undermine the duly elected president of the United States — and I would offer that is precisely what is happening right now,” he said.

House intelligence committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., followed up with his declassified memo and then the final report that Trump has embraced. And although Trump’s lawyers spent much of the intervening time careful to say they were cooperating with Mueller if not praising him outright, that line has changed.

“There’s no question that the amount of government misconduct is accumulating,” attorney Rudy Giuliani told ABC’s This Week on Sunday. “I happen to believe it’s greater than anybody realizes. Very embarrassing to my former Justice Department.”

Giuliani was the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York before he was elected to mayor of New York City and, more recently, added to the Trump team. He said on Sunday that given the way that Mueller’s office has “undermined” itself, he had to hold open the option for Trump not to cooperate.

Giuliani cited the remarks of federal Judge T.S. Ellis III on Friday, who asked why the special counsel’s office is prosecuting former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort on bank fraud and money laundering charges apparently unconnected to Russia’s active measures.

“We have situations like Judge Ellis saying that they’re out of control and they’re not authorized, and they refuse to give the judge their authorization — what’s going on with that, George?” Giuliani asked. “God almighty.”

Ellis asked prosecutors to give him a confidential copy of the full order from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that appointed Mueller and set out the scope of his investigation. The copy that has been made public is heavily redacted since it includes secret foreign intelligence information.

Nunes and House Republicans want that document, too, as part of their campaign to prove that Mueller’s office has overstepped its authority. The Justice Department has resisted, as it also is resisting giving Nunes other materials in the Russia case, including documents related to its use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

Nunes says if he doesn’t get what he wants, he’ll push for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to be held in contempt of Congress.

More than politics

There are legal reasons as well as political reasons for Trump not to give an interview to Mueller, outside attorneys say.

The special counsel’s office already has concluded guilty pleas with people who’ve admitted lying to investigators, and the same risk could apply in an extreme situation if Mueller got a subpoena to try to compel Trump to appear before a grand jury.

“It would be very risky, I think, for the president to go in,” former Associate Deputy Attorney General Matt Olsen told NPR on Monday, “certainly if he thinks that he can go before the grand jury and try to deceive the grand jury — because there’s so much … that the special counsel knows already.”

What it all boils down to is an environment in which Trump may benefit legally from not cooperating and pay no political price with allies in Congress and his most loyal supporters.

Even so, Trump or his legal advisers may not simply be able to issue a blanket declaration that the president won’t talk. Olsen suggested they may have to respond to individual questions, or individual topic areas like those that have appeared in the press.

“You really have two choices: You tell the truth or you take the Fifth Amendment,” Olsen said. “The president, like any witness, has the right to plead the Fifth … [but] an important point here is that you cannot just assert a blanket Fifth Amendment ‘I’m not going to testify.’ That has to be asserted on a question by question basis.”

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