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Small Business Marketing: Tips That Pay

July 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Latest Lingerie News

So, how is your marketing plan? Does it need some tweaking? As your business grows and your market changes, it almost certainly will. Sit back and enjoy as we share some tips that may help.

Google Plus

Deciding on Google Plus? Sure you might be more use to Facebook, today’s predominant social media network. But where is the future of your business, and more importantly, where is the future destination for your customers. This video looks at your options. MarketingProfessor

Where your customers are going? The best social network to use still a major issue? What if there were a place so popular that 20 million people visited in just three weeks? Are some of them your customers? iBlogNet

Tips Techniques

How much do you know about your customers? Not enough, probably. Information you’ve collected about customers is a gold mine for marketing. But be sure to have a plan before moving forward. Decide what you need, how to collect it and how to use it. Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Marketing with promotional items. They may be one of the oldest kinds of marketing or advertising going. But just because it’s old-fashioned doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Here are some thoughts on how to best use them. You’re the Boss


Should you be using video? The expansion of video marketing is huge and so is the opportunity for small business to take part. With cheaper and easier to operate cameras and editing equipment and the value of video marketing online, it’s time to develop your marketing plan. Small Business Trends

Marketing Basics

Setting the right tone with your PR. Is your business communication coming across the way you intend? It could be doing you a severe disservice if it’s not. The wrong words spoken or written can really end in trouble for your brand. EMSI

Google Places remain critical. If you have a local or regional customer base or a a physical office or other place of business, then you must take advantage of Google Places. Here’s how you go about being sure they can find you. Canuck CEO

Getting Results

In need of more response? The key may be a well composed call to action. You want your customers or online audience to do more than just sit there looking at your marketing content. How do you light a fire under them and get them moving? Read on. Small Business Trends


What is your ROI? You know all about social media, blogging, SEO and the rest. You’ve even probably seen instrances of where it has worked well for another business. But still you want specifics about the return on investment. It may be more complicated then you think. Bloggertone

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Vote for FemShep… But Which One?

July 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Latest Lingerie News

BioWare is taking the adoption of FemShep into Mass Effect 3′s marketing materials very seriously — it’s taking a vote to determine her “official” look.

  • Pete Davison

  • by
    Pete Davison
  • July 25, 2011 04:15 AM PT

Last month we reported that Bioware was going to be producing a FemShep trailer as well as putting everyone’s favorite badass sci-fi lady on the Collector’s Edition box of Mass Effect 3. BioWare has ramped up its efforts to engage the community on the important question — what should “Official FemShep” look like?

The company is taking votes for which one of six alternatives should be adopted for FemShep’s official look in marketing materials and in the upcoming trailer. The cynical might say that getting people to rate women on Facebook is a masterstroke in social marketing, but you won’t catch us saying any such thing.

Without any further ado, then, let’s check out the contenders:

Vote for FemShep

Number 1, played by Natalie Portman, enjoys pina coladas, getting caught in the rain and saving the galaxy from certain destruction. At the time of writing, she has 5,299 votes.

Redheaded number 2 was described by one Facebook commenter as “like a red button on machines; you know it will do bad stuff but it’s hard to resist pressing it.” She has 3,369 votes at the time of writing and likes saving the galaxy from certain destruction.

Number 3 will kick your ass if you call her “cute” while she’s participating in her favorite hobby: saving the galaxy from certain destruction. She currently has 8,065 votes.

Number 4 enjoys the music of Rihanna, working out and saving the galaxy from certain destruction. She has 6,797 votes right now.

Number 5 spends hours getting her hair to just that perfect degree of “immaculately messed up” but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have time to save the galaxy from certain destruction. She’s winning by a considerable margin at the moment, with 17,634 votes.

Finally, number 6 is a big Star Trek fan but also enjoys saving the galaxy from certain destruction when she’s not attending Vulcan cosplay conventions. There’s also conjecture among the community that she may be based on artist and costume designer Holly Conrad, who is known for an excellent FemShep costume but not, to our knowledge, for saving the galaxy from certain destruction. Number 6 is in last place right now, with just 2,024 votes at the time of writing.

So what do you think? Go cast your vote over on Facebook by giving a Like to your favorite FemShep.

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