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Roost Report Finds that Most SMB Facebook Fans Aren’t Local

August 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Latest Lingerie News

San Francisco, California (PRESS RELEASE – August 3, 2011) – With more than 800 U.S. small businesses evaluated by the free Roost Local Scorecard, local businesses are stunned by how many of their fans are not, in fact, local.

Roost, a technology company committed to helping small businesses go social, recently launched a free Scorecard evaluation to help local businesses or independent professionals determine if they are successfully penetrating their local market and customer base with their Facebook marketing efforts.

With hundreds of non-Roost and Roost users evaluated in just one month after the Scorecard app’s launch, Roost is able to determine that only 15 percent of the average local business’ fans are actually in the city where the business is located. This presents a much needed wake-up call for SMBs using social media to attract new customers.

The Roost Scorecard is a great first step to determine how many Facebook Page Likes come from local fans so that businesses can better hone their social campaigns to reach a targeted audience.

The report provides data around a company’s coverage index, determining local coverage relative to other businesses; audience distribution which gives insight into which Facebook Fans/Friends are close to the user’s business; and suggested actions where Roost provides tailored tips on audience development.

“It’s very important for my business to be able to reach local homebuyers in the San Antonio area, and in mere seconds the Roost Scorecard made me realize that very few of my Facebook Page Likes are from local fans,” said Matt Stigliano, founder of “This evaluation was critical because now I know where I stand and can optimize my social marketing campaigns with Roost’s platform, which provides recommendations on the types of content and posts my business needs to drive more of a local audience.”

“These initial findings are a real eye-opener in the world of SMB social marketing, but Roost is excited to see that the Scorecards are going to help small businesses hone their efforts and better reach local customers,” said Alex Chang, CEO of Roost. “With small businesses’ livelihood at stake when it comes to attracting local customers, we designed the Scorecard not only to evaluate a business’ local presence, but also to provide recommendations on how to improve their social marketing efforts in their local market.”

Any business or professional can run a free Roost Local Scorecard evaluation on their Facebook fanbase. Additionally, Roost’s social marketing tool, available for free, helps local businesses and professionals easily plan and execute their social marketing activities in less than 20 minutes per week across Facebook and Twitter, with other networks coming soon.

About Roost

Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Roost is a unique social marketing platform entirely focused on helping small businesses and independent professionals manage their social presence and engage with their customers across key social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter. Roost has more than 30,000 people across over 50 industries using its social products. Roost’s executive team is comprised of small business and social media experts from, Merchant Circle, Flixter and Social Gaming Network. The company is venture capital funded by Shasta Ventures and General Catalyst.

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PageLever Launches Deep Analytics Tool for Facebook Pages

August 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Latest Lingerie News

To optimize the performance of a Facebook Page, its admins have to know what types of content are resonating with users. Facebook’s native Page Insights provides some basic analytics, but lacks the ability to dig deep into news feed post engagement, add contextual tags to posts for performance tracking, and generate special reports. Y Combinator startup PageLever today launches a Facebook Page analytics tool designed to help admins better understand their data and refine their marketing strategies.

PageLever is a lean two-person Mountain View company that formed out of Facebook Page consulting company Brand Glue, and has taken seed funding from SV Angels and Start Fund in addition to Y Combinator. It began development of its new product at the beginning of this year, and since has honed in on what admins really need during an 800-user beta test. PageLever’s clients now include Microsoft, YouTube, Kayak, and agency 22Squared.

Large, established Page management companies offer analytics tools based on public APIs, but PageLever’s CTO David Turner tells me metrics aren’t their focus. His company’s specialty is analyzing data from private APIs Page admins grant PageLever. By giving brands a better understanding of what types of content perform best and what fan demographics are most engaged, they can shift their publishing strategy to use more of the post types and apps that succeed, and deliver more content to their biggest fans.

For instance, Insights doesn’t tell a Page admin how many unique users are leaving feedback, only how many are seeing the post in their news feed. It also can’t tell what tab or part of Facebook a fan who unliked their Page originally Liked them from. This can indicate whether ads are actually costing more per fan than a brand thought because fans sourced from ads have a much higher churn rate.

The new product currently only analyzes Facebook Pages, but the company wants to expand to encompass other social platforms soon. It has a three-tiered pricing model for brands, costing $34, $64, or $94 a month depending on the number of Pages and fans measured and seats on the account. Custom plans can be developed for agencies as well.

PageLever’s licensable tool consists of three main areas: Page overview, post analysis, and reports. Turner calls the Page overview “Insights on steroids.” It shows admins everything in Insights, plus additional data such as sources of fans who’ve unliked, and whether photos or links are getting more Likes and comments per post. A brand could use PageLever to discover that photos drive the most engagement, and then begin publishing more photos.

The post analysis tool lets admins add tags to their published posts that denote its content type, sentiment, call to action, targeted demographic or other meta data. Admins can later sort analytics by tags to see if posts targeted at certain geographic areas or that include a specific call to action consistently perform better.

The reports section lets admins create customizable reports that brands can share with teammates or agencies can show to clients. Additional users can be granted access to reports, so certain people can be allowed to track the Page’s performance without being made an admin of the Page itself.

Turner believes a tool like his will convince brands to invest more in Facebook marketing because “people hate spending money on things they don’t understand. If you don’t know who’s interacting with your content and why, its guess work.” PageLever’s tool is a solid Facebook analytics solution, providing actionable data at an affordable price that can help companies maximize engagement, run more effective ads, and spend less time trying to parse their data.

Strategies for using Page Insights and analytics tools to improve your Page posts, apps, and ads can be found in the Facebook Marketing Bible, Inside Network’s comprehensive guide to marketing and advertising through Facebook.

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