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SpaceX successfully launches the world’s most powerful rocket, in a spectacle that sends a Tesla on its way to Mars

February 7, 2018 by  
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KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla. — SpaceX successfully launched what is now the world’s most powerful rocket Tuesday, a towering behemoth known as the Falcon Heavy that tore through the sky with the thundering force of 18 Boeing 747 jetliners.

Lifting off at 3:45 p.m. from the same launchpad that sent the crew of Apollo 11 to the moon, the rocket sent up a mountain-sized plume of smoke and a rattling roar across Florida’s Space Coast, where thousands gathered to watch. The mission represented the first test of the massive rocket, powered by 27 engines in three first-stage boosters that are essentially strapped together.

The maiden flight also marked the first time a privately financed venture ever attempted to launch a rocket so powerful that it was capable of hoisting a payload out of Earth’s orbit. As a promotional stunt, SpaceX founder Elon Musk loaded the Falcon Heavy with his own cherry-red Tesla Roadster carrying a spacesuit-clad mannequin named “Starman” in the driver’s seat. Musk said he planned to send the convertible, built by another one of his companies, into an orbit around the sun that would take it near Mars.

It was a beautiful day for a launch. Clear blue skies. A slight breeze. Warm weather that attracted space fans by the thousands who lined the beaches and causeways in anticipation. SpaceX topped off the launch by successfully landing two boosters on land, setting off twin sonic booms on their return. (A third first-stage, the so-called center core, crash landed at sea.) At SpaceX’s headquarters, throngs of employees cheered wildly as the rocket soared out of the atmosphere.

“I’m still trying to absorb everything that happened because it seemed surreal to me,” Musk told reporters later. “I had an image of a giant explosion on the pad with a wheel bouncing down the road and the Tesla logo landing somewhere. But fortunately that’s not what happened. The mission seemed to have gone as well as possible.”

If SpaceX can fly the Falcon Heavy reliably, the rocket could prove useful to the Pentagon for lifting national security satellites and to NASA for helping its human exploration goals. SpaceX says the rocket is capable of hauling more mass farther than any existing rocket — an estimated 140,000 pounds to low Earth orbit, and nearly 40,000 pounds to Mars.

But industry officials say there are some concerns about how big the market is for the Falcon Heavy. SpaceX had been planning to fly a pair of tourists around the moon as early as this year. But on Monday, Musk announced a reversal, saying the Falcon Heavy probably would never fly humans, as the company shifts its focus to its next-generation rocket, known as the “BFR,” or “Big Falcon Rocket.”

Still, the Falcon Heavy’s successful launch represents a “revival of the exploring spirit,” said John Logsdon, a space historian who is a professor emeritus at George Washington University.

NASA’s space shuttle program, which ended in 2011, was limited to what’s known as low Earth orbit, where the International Space Station flies at about 250 miles above the surface of the earth.

But the Falcon Heavy represents a chance to go beyond that, into deep space, to really “push the frontier,” Logsdon said. “This really gives us a capability that this country has not had since the last Saturn V flight, which was in 1973.”

SpaceX’s launch comes as the Trump administration is focused on returning to the moon. While it has not released details of its plans or their cost, officials support having NASA partner with commercial companies such as SpaceX, which are striving to make space travel far more affordable than it has been in the past.

“It’s hard for me to overstate the importance of the launch today,” said Lori Garver, a former NASA deputy administrator. “I think this could end up being really the savior of NASA and deep space exploration.”

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, a member of the reconstituted National Space Council, was on hand Tuesday to view the launch. In an interview, he lauded SpaceX’s efforts in bring back to the United States a large portion of the world market share for launches. And he said that one of the council’s top priorities is “how to accelerate the progress of the commercialization of space. We’re moving quite aggressively to try to accomplish that.”

SpaceX’s successful launch raises questions for NASA about how best to proceed. For years, the space agency has been working to develop the Space Launch System, an even more powerful rocket than the Falcon Heavy, but at about $1 billion per launch, it is many times more expensive. Ross said there is room for both systems.

“Space is a big, big thing,” he said.

After the launch, SpaceX broadcast a live stream from the Roadster in space using the three cameras mounted to the vehicle. In addition to carrying a plaque with the names of 6,000 SpaceX employees, the car also transported a data storage device containing Isasac Asimov’s classic Foundation science fiction trilogy.

Aaron Gregg in Washington contributed to this report.

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Trump Threatened a Shutdown Over Immigration. But It Has Nothing to Do With Immigration

February 7, 2018 by  
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On Tuesday afternoon, ahead of a crucial vote in Congress to keep the government open past this week, President Donald Trump startled lawmakers by saying he’d “love to see a shutdown” if Democrats refused to cede ground in the debate over immigration policy.

Alarming words, yes, but there’s one issue: the talks to fund the government and avert a shutdown don’t have anything to do with immigration. And Republicans want to keep it that way.

For the fifth time since September, lawmakers are preparing to vote on a continuing resolution: a temporary budget measure that keeps the government open for short period — often a few weeks — rather than for the entire fiscal year. (This is generally seen as bad policymaking; lawmakers refer to it derisively as “kicking the can down the road.”) It’s been just fifteen days since Congress passed the last spending bill, and that one came only after a weekend-long government shutdown brought on by Senate Democrats irate at the lack of progress in reaching an immigration deal.

This time, though, immigration has no direct role in the budget debates on the Hill. The crux of the matter is spending caps: an increase in government spending limits on both military and nonmilitary funding. It’s been a thorn in the side of this polarized Congress for some time — Democrats have repeatedly called for increases in non-defense appropriations — and if a deal is reached, lawmakers could move forward in passing a more permanent budget solution.

This was apparently lost on Trump, who, at the Tuesday White House meeting on gang violence, said a shutdown was a viable options if Democrats did not acquiesce to his demands for stricter border security.

“We don’t need a government shutdown on this,” Virginia Rep. Barbara Comstock, a Republican, attempted to assure Trump, according to pool reports from the meeting.

“You can say what you want,” Trump responded. “We are not getting the support of the Democrats.”

The Democrats, meanwhile, were baffled. “His comments are totally divorced from reality,” one senior Democratic aide told TIME.

In remarks to reporters on Tuesday before Trump placed himself in the middle of the budget talks, leaders of both parties said they were encouraged by the progress being made.

“Senator Schumer and I had a good meeting this morning about a caps deal,” an uncharacteristically chipper Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said. “I’m optimistic that we’ll be able to reach an agreement…. We’re on the way to getting an agreement, and getting it pretty soon.”

Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader, said shortly thereafter that he was “very hopeful” about an imminent compromise.

“From the very beginning of the budget debate, Democrats have made our position in these negotiations very clear,” Schumer said. “We support an increase in funding for our military and an increase in funding for middle-class programs. The two are not mutually exclusive.”

On Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives prepared to vote on a stopgap resolution that would keep the government open until March 23 and increase military funding through the end of the fiscal year. The Senate would likely expand the bill to raise nonmilitary funding as well.

Of course, none of this is to say that the matter of immigration isn’t looming over Capitol Hill. Lawmakers have just one month to find a legislative replacement for the Obama-era executive program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which Trump repealed in September and protects immigrants brought to the country illegally as children. The failure to make progress on the issue is what impelled Democrats in the Senate to refuse to pass a spending bill last month, leading to the temporary shutdown. They were eventually assuaged by a promise from McConnell to address the issue on the Senate floor before the March deadline, and have little desire to relive last month’s shutdown drama.

“I’ll simply repeat what I’ve said: once we’ve established that the government is going to be open, we’ll then go forward with an immigration debate,” McConnell said on Tuesday. “There’s no secret plan to push this in any direction. The Senate’s going to work its will.”

Unless, of course, Trump chooses to involve himself.

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