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FBI texts show Obama ‘wants to know everything’ in Clinton email case, GOP senator says

February 8, 2018 by  
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Text messages between the two FBI lovers reveal the bureau was preparing to give talking points to President Obama over its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. Nathan Rousseau Smith reports.

WASHINGTON – A Republican senator said Wednesday that text messages between two FBI officials who had been assigned to the investigation into Russia’s alleged election interference suggest that former President Obama was tracking developments in the bureau’s inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State. 

The tranche of communications Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., released Wednesday include a Sept. 2, 2016, exchange in which FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page discuss talking points that were prepared for then-FBI Director James Comey.

“POTUS (the president) wants to know everything we are doing,” Page told Strzok, according to the texts. 

The text message does not directly refer to the Clinton case, which had been closed at that time. And it is unclear from the exchange how Page may have known of Obama’s purported interest or what if any information on the case was shared with the president while the investigation was pending. The Clinton case was briefly reopened days before the November 2016 election, only to be closed again with no recommendation for criminal charges.

There was no immediate response from Obama’s office.

Johnson’s committee, conducting one of several Republican-led congressional inquiries into the FBI’s handling of both the inquiries into the Clinton emails and accusations of Russian election interference, said the texts “warrant further inquiry.”

“Although sometimes cryptic and disjointed due to their nature, these text messages raise several questions about the FBI and its investigation of classified information on Secretary Clinton’s private email server,” Johnson said in an interim report prepared by the committee’s Republican majority.

Republican lawmakers called for the appointment of a second special counsel to review the FBI’s handling of the Clinton and Russia inquiries, in large part based on the thousands of text messages exchanged between the two FBI officials who worked on both high-profile investigations.

When the communications were discovered last summer as part of the Justice Department’s inspector general review of the Clinton case, Russia special counsel Robert Mueller removed Strzok from his staff. By that time, Page had completed her work for Mueller and returned to her job at FBI headquarters.

In their communications, many of them disparaging of Trump, the two officials expressed a clear preference for Clinton.

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Senior White House official to resign after ex-wives’ allegations of abuse

February 8, 2018 by  
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A senior White House official said Wednesday that he would resign after his two ex-wives accused him of physical and emotional abuse, with one presenting pictures of her blackened eye.

The official, Rob Porter, served as the staff secretary, a title that belies the role’s importance in any White House — but especially in President Trump’s. Porter functioned as Chief of Staff John F. Kelly’s top enforcer in their shared mission to instill discipline and order in what had become an extraordinarily chaotic West Wing. He was the gatekeeper to the Oval Office, determining which articles and policy proposals reached the president’s hands and screening the briefing materials that his visitors shared with him.

Aides had been aware generally of accusations against Porter for at least several weeks, White House advisers said, but learned of the specifics late Tuesday when approached by a reporter from the Daily Mail, a British tabloid, which first detailed many of the allegations.

Porter said on Tuesday that he would resign, after the allegations were first published, people close to him say, even as he told White House officials he had never physically abused women. But he was talked out of it by Kelly and others, according to these people, with Kelly saying he believed Porter’s denials and saw him as a valuable ally in the White House. Kelly continued to press him to stay in his job Wednesday, saying he could weather the storm, but Porter decided the controversy had become too much after the photos of his ex-wife’s blackened eye appeared Wednesday morning.

In interviews with The Washington Post and other media outlets, Porter’s ex-wives described him as having a dark side and, at times, a violent streak that White House aides say they did not see.

Colbie Holderness after an alleged incident with her then-husband Rob Porter in 2005. (Photos courtesy of Colbie Holderness)

Porter’s first wife, Colbie Holderness, said in an interview that he was continually abusive during their marriage. She alleged he punched in her the face during a trip to Florence in 2005 and provided photos showing her with a black eye.

“He threw me down and punched me in the face,” she said. Holderness said she had insisted that he take pictures of her bruised eye after the assault and he agreed. “He was trying to make it up to me, and I said I wanted evidence if this should happen again.”

Porter denied the accusations but said he was stepping down from his job, although it was unclear when he will officially leave the White House.

“These outrageous allegations are simply false. I took the photos given to the media nearly 15 years ago and the reality behind them is nowhere close to what is being described,” he said in a statement. “I have been transparent and truthful about these vile claims, but I will not further engage publicly with a coordinated smear campaign.”

Porter’s second wife, Jennie Willoughby, received a temporary emergency protective order in Arlington in June 2010 after saying he refused to leave her residence, in violation of their separation agreement. She said he broke her window, causing his knuckles to bleed. The document, a copy of which was obtained by The Post, concludes that “reasonable grounds exist to believe that [Porter] has committed family abuse and there is probable danger of a further such offense.”

Kathryn Hughes, a 36-year-old public relations consultant who lives in Kamas, Utah, said that in 2012, Willoughby confided in her about another violent incident, in December 2010, in which Willoughby alleged Porter grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her from the shower during a fight. Hughes said that she and Willoughby met in 2010 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Alexandria and that they struck up a close friendship.

Jennifer Willoughby, ex-wife of Rob Porter, on Wednesday in Alexandria, Va. (John McDonnell/The Washington Post)

“She told me that he had been screaming at her while she was in the shower and yanked her out and bruised her,” Hughes said in a telephone interview with The Post, corroborating Willoughby’s account. “She also told me he was verbally abusive, and I witnessed some of that.”

Willoughby and Holderness said they told the FBI about Porter’s conduct and were dismayed to learn of his senior role in the White House. Willoughby provided the contact information for the FBI agent she spoke with, who declined to comment when reached Wednesday. Holderness said that when the FBI asked her whether Porter was vulnerable to blackmail, she answered affirmatively, because of the number of people aware of his abusive behavior.

“I thought by sharing my story with the FBI he wouldn’t be put in that post,” Holderness said. “I’m telling the FBI this is what he’s done, and Jennie Willoughby is telling them what he’s done, and the White House says, sure, this is okay? I was let down by that.”

Willoughby said Porter angrily called her when she wrote a blog post about him in April — without naming him — and asked her to remove it, concerned about his public image. She said Porter demanded again in the fall that she take down the blog post, citing delays in his security clearance. In January, he asked her again to take it down, she said, telling her that reporters were looking into his past. 

“He has never faced repercussions that forced him to confront his issues,” Willoughby said in an interview Wednesday at an Alexandria restaurant. “I care about him and want what’s best for him, but that doesn’t necessarily mean him keeping his job, because he needs to face these underlying issues.”

White House officials said Wednesday that Porter could continue working for several weeks. Porter is an ally of Kelly, and in addition to serving as staff secretary, he oversaw and sought to streamline the White House’s policymaking process, coordinating with Cabinet members and other agency officials and leading meetings about issues including immigration and trade. He played an integral role in crafting Trump’s State of the Union address last month.

Kelly saw in Porter a partner in professionalizing the operation. Porter is one of the few senior White House staffers with past government experience, having served as chief of staff to Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah). Though many of his colleagues have eclectic backgrounds, Porter boasts a classic pedigree as a Harvard University-educated Rhodes scholar whose father, Roger B. Porter, held senior positions in the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush White Houses.

In a White House known for its ever-evolving personnel dramas, Porter kept a low profile, only rarely agreeing to be interviewed on the record and never appearing as a surrogate on television.

But he was a highly visible figure in Trump’s orbit. He was seemingly omnipresent in the Oval Office for key meetings and events, and regularly traveled with the president — often being one of only a handful of aides to accompany him on the Marine One helicopter before joining the larger staff entourage aboard Air Force One. When Trump spent weekends at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida or his Bedminster golf course in New Jersey, Porter often was along for the trip, tending to the president’s needs and briefing him on developments.

When the allegations were published Tuesday, the White House mobilized to defend Porter.

White House communications director Hope Hicks is dating Porter, according to people familiar with the relationship, and was involved in the White House’s defense of Porter on Tuesday evening.

“Rob Porter is a man of true integrity and honor and I can’t say enough good things about him,” Kelly said in a statement Tuesday night. “He is a friend, a confidante and a trusted professional. I am proud to serve alongside him.”

The White House also distributed a statement from Hatch defending Porter.

“It’s incredibly discouraging to see such a vile attack on such a decent man,” Hatch said in a statement.

After the release of the photos of Holderness’s bruised eye Wednesday, Hatch released a new statement.

“I am heartbroken by today’s allegations. In every interaction I’ve had with Rob, he has been courteous, professional, and respectful,” he said. “My staff loved him and he was a trusted advisor. I do not know the details of Rob’s personal life. Domestic violence in any form is abhorrent. I am praying for Rob and those involved.”

The decision by Kelly and other top White House aides to defend Porter from domestic-violence allegations is in keeping with Trump’s modus operandi. Throughout his life, Trump has refused to apologize for alleged misdeeds, believing any such concession to be an admission of guilt and a sign of weakness.

During the 2016 campaign, more than a dozen women accused Trump of sexual harassment and assault, but the then-candidate denied them all outright. He fought back against the accusers, trying to demean the women and even threatening to sue some of them.

Trump’s posture and inclinations have shaped the culture of the West Wing, where aides often hunker down and try to fight back against accusations or scrutiny from the media or other outside forces. A White House official said Kelly stood by his statement praising Porter, even after the senior official resigned.

Asked Wednesday whether Trump had any concerns about the allegations against Porter or with the photos of Holderness, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, “I don’t know.”

Porter had a reputation in the building for his fastidious work and was liked by the president, who sometimes rages at other aides. 

His ex-wives said that Porter directed his abusive behavior toward them in private.

“In my experience, his anger and his lashing out is very much limited to intimate, personal romantic relationships,” Willoughby said. “He has the ability to compartmentalize and maintain his integrity and professionalism at work. . . . He is charming and intelligent and fun and chivalrous and angry and deeply flawed.”

Willoughby, a writer and former high school teacher, said she was unaware of the abuse alleged by Porter’s first wife while with him. But Holderness reached out to her through Facebook in late January 2017 after she was contacted by the FBI and anticipating the background-check interview.

The two met for lunch in Arlington in March and shared their stories — before they shared them with the public this week.

Philip Rucker and Tom Jackman contributed to this report.

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