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In a ‘Sanctuary City,’ Immigrants Are Still at Risk

March 1, 2018 by  
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Federal agents recently arrested an undocumented immigrant from Ivory Coast as he left Bronx Criminal Court, part of stepped-up enforcement by the Trump administration.CreditVictor J. Blue for The New York Times


Feb. 27, 2018

From the early days of the Trump administration, Mayor Bill de Blasio proclaimed that he would defend the residents of New York from the newly aggressive immigration authorities, “regardless of where they come from, regardless of their immigration status.”

A year later, the federal government has ratcheted up its attacks against so-called sanctuary cities like New York — including Chicago, Philadelphia and San Francisco — threatening to withhold millions of dollars in federal funding for law enforcement programs and detaining growing numbers of undocumented residents. Cities faced a Friday deadline to prove their cooperation with the immigration authorities, as the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, known as ICE, continued making arrests. Nationwide, the number of arrests in 2017 increased 41 percent from the year before.

In New York, where some 500,000 residents are undocumented, if ICE wants to arrest somebody, it can.

“Putting a bubble over a city where ICE can’t penetrate is not possible,” said Camille Mackler, the legal policy director of the New York Immigration Coalition, an activist group. “People think ‘sanctuary city’ — that you’re able to walk freely without fear. That’s not the case.”

ICE agents have been appearing in New York’s courthouses and at people’s front doors, and, according to immigrant advocates, even entered a Manhattan church with a Spanish-speaking immigrant congregation. While the New York Police Department does not generally hand over detainees to ICE, it does, through a bureaucratic backdoor, essentially provide a road map: Arrest information is sent to the state, which shares it with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. ICE can now see that information.

“It’s hardly a sanctuary,” said Muzaffar Chishti, the director of the Migration Policy Institute’s office at New York University School of Law. “The mayor of the City of New York does not hide people under his desk. We’re fully cooperating with ICE. People get deported from New York all the time.”

Immigration arrests of residents without criminal records more than tripled in New York after President Trump took office. Of the 2,976 arrests in 2017, 899 were of people without criminal convictions, up from 250 out of 1,762 in 2016, according to ICE statistics. Under the Obama administration, undocumented immigrants without criminal records were not priorities for deportation.

Mr. de Blasio often says that the term “sanctuary city” is misinterpreted: It is a policy intended to make undocumented victims or witnesses feel safe to report crimes to the police without fear of immigration repercussions.

The Iglesia de Sion at Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church in Midtown Manhattan has a predominantly Hispanic congregation. A pastor there said immigration agents showed up in the lobby of the church, and he escorted them out.CreditVictor J. Blue for The New York Times

To that end, New York does not deputize police officers to carry out immigration laws, under a policy known as 287g, which Mr. Trump has strongly supported. Since 2014, the city has declined to honor what are known as detainers — requests by ICE to hold undocumented immigrants who have been charged or convicted of crimes for 48 hours past their release dates so that immigration agents can pick them up. The city also removed immigration authorities from the Rikers Island jail complex where they had easy access to prisoners when they were released.

“It forces them to go to inconvenient and costly routes to get to their target,” Mr. Chishti said.

New York’s detainer law, however, has exceptions: The police must turn over a person convicted of one of 170 serious crimes within the last five years — including arson, homicide, rape or robbery — and in cases in which a judge has signed a detainer request.

ICE issued 1,526 detainer requests to the New York Police Department in the 2017 fiscal year, up from 80 in 2016. The Police Department complied with none of them.

By its own policy, ICE does not enter places of worship, schools and hospitals. But courthouses have become frequent sites of arrests because they offer a degree of control that agents would not have when going to people’s homes.

“Because courthouse visitors are typically screened upon entry to search for weapons and other contraband, the safety risks for the arresting officers and for the arrestee inside such a facility are substantially diminished,” ICE said in a statement.

According to the Immigrant Defense Project, a nonprofit organization that is tracking arrests at city and state courthouses, 87 arrests were made in New York City courts in 2017, compared with six in 2016. So far, this year, there have been 13 courthouse arrests.

Aboubacar Dembele, 27, was one. He was surrounded by immigration agents moments after stepping out of a hearing in Bronx Criminal Court. Mr. Dembele, an undocumented immigrant from the Ivory Coast, had pleaded not guilty to an assault charge stemming from a fight on a city bus in December; the judge had reduced the charge to a misdemeanor from a felony, and had set a follow-up court date to address the charges.

Instead, Mr. Dembele is awaiting deportation at the Hudson County Correctional Facility in Kearny, N.J.

“The way that they come and ambush people is outrageous,” said his lawyer, Monica Dula, of the Legal Aid Society of New York.

Parishioner Julia Nielsen, 76, attended a Spanish-language worship service at Iglesia de Sion, where some worshipers said they believed the city could shield them, even though its powers are limited.CreditVictor J. Blue for The New York Times

Mr. Dembele was placed on ICE’s radar because of his arrest; his court appearance was public record.

In January, ICE clarified its policy to say that it would not arrest family members or witnesses. Actions inside courthouses, it said, would be against “targeted aliens with criminal convictions, gang members, national security or public safety threats.”

“The public is led to believe that ICE is pulling out dangerous individuals,” the Brooklyn district attorney, Eric Gonzalez, said at a news conference to denounce ICE’s courthouse actions. He added that low-level offenders are more often being arrested. “There is a chilling effect on our noncitizen and immigrant populations.”

As he spoke, ICE agents were in a Brooklyn courthouse to pick up a defendant. The judge postponed the case when the man’s lawyer, Roger Asmar, told her that his client was afraid to appear.

Mr. Gonzalez has instructed prosecutors to bring lesser charges against immigrants accused of low-level offenses so as not to trigger deportations or affect their immigration applications, and the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., has declined to prosecute most people arrested for evading the fare on the subways.

Mr. de Blasio has come out against that idea, however, for public-safety reasons.

The city, which has provided a municipal ID card often used by undocumented residents, has also allocated $47.5 million for immigrant legal services this year.

To the ire of some immigrant activists, Mr. de Blasio said the money could not be used to aid undocumented immigrants convicted of the serious crimes defined by the detainer law. The New York City Bar Association wrote him a letter claiming “it was fundamentally unfair” to deny people legal help, including those eligible for a complex form of relief for victims of domestic violence or unaccompanied minors.

Last summer, Mr. de Blasio eliminated city money for that same class of immigrants in deportation proceedings. The City Council secured private funding to keep representing clients who fell into this category.

At times, it seems that Mr. de Blasio’s fierce rhetoric has given some immigrants an inflated sense of security. In December, two ICE officers entered the downstairs lobby of Saint Peter’s Church in Midtown Manhattan that houses a Spanish-speaking congregation, La Iglesia de Sion, according to the Rev. Amandus J. Derr, a pastor at Saint Peter’s. Father Derr escorted the two men from the building. An official for ICE said it could not confirm that the officers were from the enforcement agency.

The incident left the congregation rattled and its numbers depleted. One member attending a recent Sunday Mass, Angela Carvajal, 49, relayed her fears. “I hope the mayor will do something about this,” she said in Spanish. Her friend, Alicia Garcia-Fuentes, 40, added, “Isn’t he supposed to protect the undocumented?”

Follow Liz Robbins on Twitter: @nytlizrobbiins

Isvett Verde contributed reporting.

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House Oversight Panel Asks HUD For Documents Amid Accusations Of Lavish Spending

March 1, 2018 by  
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Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson speaks at Vaux Big Picture High School in Philadelphia. A former HUD employee says she was demoted after refusing to comply with a request from the acting agency head that she “find money” to bankroll a costly remodeling of future HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s office.

Matt Rourke/AP

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Matt Rourke/AP

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson speaks at Vaux Big Picture High School in Philadelphia. A former HUD employee says she was demoted after refusing to comply with a request from the acting agency head that she “find money” to bankroll a costly remodeling of future HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s office.

Matt Rourke/AP

Updated at 10 p.m. ET

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee and Government Reform Committee sent a letter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson Wednesday requesting “all documents and communications” related to the redecorating of his office and HUD’s handling of a whistleblower.

In a four-and-a-half page letter, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said he wants the documents in order for the committee to “determine whether HUD adhered to the applicable spending limitations” that apply to office makeovers. Gowdy is also requesting documentation involving the HUD employee who claims she was the subject of retaliation after refusing to exceed spending caps set for office redecorating.

He set a deadline of March 14 for the documents to be handed over to the committee.

Gowdy’s letter to Carson comes a day after reports surfaced the agency approved more than $31,000 on a new office suite dining room set. Additionally there are allegations brought by a former HUD official claiming she was told by her superiors that “$5,000 will not even buy a decent chair.”

According to the New York Times, a “custom hardwood table, chairs and hutch” were purchased a month after a whistleblower complaint was filed alleging Candy Carson, the wife and informal adviser to the HUD Secretary, was pushing for elaborate modifications to the drab decor of the department’s offices.

The whistleblower Helen Foster, was a career HUD employee. She filed a complaint in November alleging she was demoted and replaced after refusing to exceed the legal $5,000 limit on redecoration. The existence of the complaint was first reported Tuesday by The Guardian.

Carson tweeted on Wednesday evening that he had done nothing wrong.

In a statement, HUD spokesperson Raffi Williams denied Foster’s allegations of lavish spending, adding that while Carson did have different chairs in his office they were not new purchases, but rather ones that came from HUD’s basement.

“Secretary Carson, to the best of our knowledge, is the only secretary to go to the subbasement at his agency to select the furniture for his office. All the furniture in his office was purchased by the government prior to his arrival,” Williams said.

According to the Guardian, Foster was first urged by then-acting HUD Director Craig Clemmensen in January last year to help Carson’s wife get the funding to redecorate Carson’s office.

In an interview with CNN Tuesday, Foster said she was pressured and retaliated against for not following through on finding more money. She was also told that past administrations always found the funding.

“I had a bucket in my car because I would throw up on the way to work and on the way home from work every day, just out of anxiety,” Foster said.

In an interview with NPR, Foster’s Washington-based lawyer, Joe Kaplan, of the firm Passman Kaplan, said the pressure by HUD officials persisted “for several weeks, certainly into February” of last year.

According to Kaplan, when Foster told Clemmensen that she could not get around the statutory cap of $5,000 for redecorating, Clemmensen told her that amount could not even purchase a decent chair.

“I’ve sat in a lot of chairs that have cost less than $5,000, let me tell you,” Kaplan said.

Kaplan said his client is seeking compensatory damages and reinstatment as HUD’s chief administrative officer. He adds that “a public apology by HUD would go a long way in restoring Helen’s reputation.”

HUD officials provided receipts that showed HUD spent $3,373 on window treatments, including wooden blinds, and an additional $1,100 on furniture repairs.

In a separate receipt, dated Dec. 21, an item labeled “Secretary’s Furniture Procurement” for the amount of $31,561 was made to the Baltimore-based contractor Sebree and Associates LLC.

Officials at HUD said the secretary did not purchase the dining room set. They said it was bought by “career staffers in charge of the building.” The old table and chairs from the mid-1960s were “deemed unrepairable.” NPR has not confirmed who gave the OK for that purchase and has sought clarity from HUD about why the purchase of the new table did not fall under the $5,000 new-decor cap.

The complaint over HUD’s decoration spending comes as the agency has been embroiled in other controversies in recent weeks. The Trump administration is proposing more than $8 billion in cuts to HUD’s budget, or more than 14 percent from current levels.

Carson is also facing allegations that he may have violated ethics rules by allowing his son, Baltimore businessman Ben Carson Jr., to organize “listening tours” for his father in that city last summer. The secretary has called on HUD’s inspector general to review whether there were any violations.

Kaplan, the lawyer for Foster, said the Office of Special Counsel could determine whether it will move forward and investigate Foster’s complaint as early as next week. The special counsel is separate from the Justice Department counsel investigating contacts between Russian officials and the Trump presidential campaign.

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