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Kim-Xi meeting presents a new challenge for Trump on North Korea

March 29, 2018 by  
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A secretive meeting between North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and China’s Xi Jinping this week showcased enduring bonds between the two countries, highlighting the diplomatic challenge facing President Trump.   

Kim, making what was believed to be his first foreign trip as leader, chugged into Beijing aboard an armored train on Monday and met with Xi and other senior Chinese officials, according to North Korean and Chinese media.

The “unofficial” visit, which was not announced until after Kim left China, came just weeks before the North Korean leader is scheduled to see South Korea President Moon Jae-in, followed by a planned summit with Trump. 

The Beijing meeting, analysts said, was staged to show that North Korea-China ties are back on track, as underscored by photographs of energetic handshakes and an account of a heartfelt toast from Kim.

 The message to the United States: Any moves on North Korea must go through Xi. 

Trump showcased China’s gatekeeper role in a tweet Wednesday, saying Xi told him that plans for a U.S.-North Korea summit appear on track.

“Received message last night from XI JINPING of China that his meeting with KIM JONG UN went very well and that KIM looks forward to his meeting with me,” Trump wrote. “In the meantime, and unfortunately, maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all cost!”

“Beijing is reasserting itself and looking to shape the agenda for the upcoming summits,” said Adam Mount, a senior fellow and director of the Defense Posture Project at the Federation of American Scientists.

“Divisions between Beijing and Pyongyang were a major asset to Trump’s pressure campaign,” he said. Reinforcing their ties would weaken “Trump’s hand in negotiations and diminish further the effectiveness of U.S. military threats,” Mount added.

Ni Lexiong, a military expert at the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, said Kim was using conflict between China and the United States to “obtain benefits from both sides.”

In international press coverage, Kim is often portrayed as irrational madman, more of a punchline than a person, let alone a leader. Trump has referred to him as “little rocket man” in tweets.

Kim’s diplomatic debut will make it harder to dismiss him outright, experts said.

“We’re seeing a carefully crafted North Korean strategy on diplomacy unfold on the world stage, starting with Beijing,” Jean H. Lee, a North Korea expert and fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington, said in an email. 

“Shutting China out and ramping up the rhetoric with the United States gave [Kim] the space and justification he needed to expedite the building of nuclear bombs and ballistic missiles,” she wrote. “Now, with a program he feels confident is a proven threat, he feels emboldened to force the region’s leaders to treat him as an equal, not as the young son of a dictator who inherited power.” 

China’s Xi may take issue with “equal.” There have been few signs that Xi is fond of Kim. 

Only two years into his reign, Kim had his uncle, who was North Korea’s main liaison with China, executed for building his own power base. 

Then, in 2016, as Xi was hosting a Group of 20 summit on his home turf, Kim presided over the launch of three medium-range ballistic missiles, stealing the spotlight. The South Korean military called the move an act of “armed protest” against Xi.

When Xi sent a top official to Pyongyang last year, Kim did not even see him.

Successive American administrations have called on China to use its economic leverage over North Korea to exert control. But analysts say that China’s main priority has always been stability, and it does not want to do anything that could cause the collapse of the Kim regime, which could bring millions of hungry refu­gees — and, it fears, U.S. troops — to its door.

Amid increasing talk of military options from the Trump administration, China seemed more willing to act. It has been more carefully enforcing sanctions, conducting intrusive inspections of cargo and cutting off key North Korean exports, including seafood and workers, for instance. 

Those efforts helped bring Kim back to the table. “Amid the tightened sanctions, rapprochement with China has become a practical need of great urgency for North Korea,” said Cheong Seong-chang, an expert on North Korea’s leadership at the Sejong Institute near Seoul.

In the short term, experts see the meeting as a sign that the Trump summit will likely go ahead. Kim can now enter those talks with more confidence. 

“The visit is a breakthrough of the diplomatic isolation imposed on North Korea,” said Cai Jian, executive director of the Center for Korean Studies at Shanghai’s Fundan University.

Having shaken hands with Xi, young Kim heads into the negotiating room with “more useful bargaining chips, or a more advantageous position to negotiate with the West.” 


Fifield reported from Tokyo; Luna Lin, Amber Ziye Wang and Yang Liu in Beijing, Min Joo Kim in Seoul and Brian Murphy in Washington contributed to this report.

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Stormy Daniels Sues Trump Attorney For Defamation

March 28, 2018 by  
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Stormy Daniels spoke with Anderson Cooper on CBS’s 60 Minutes in an interview that aired on Sunday night.

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CBS Photo Archive/CBS via Getty Images

Stormy Daniels spoke with Anderson Cooper on CBS’s 60 Minutes in an interview that aired on Sunday night.

CBS Photo Archive/CBS via Getty Images

Fresh off her Sunday interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes to discuss her alleged sexual encounter with President Trump, adult film actress Stormy Daniels is suing the president’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen for defamation.

The suit from Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, against both Trump and Cohen was amended Monday in the U.S. District Court in California, asking for a jury trial to settle the claim of defamation against Cohen.

Daniels says that Cohen defamed her when he put out a statement in February regarding the $130,000 payment he made to her just before the election, allegedly in exchange for her silence. In that statement to the media, Cohen said, “Just because something isn’t true doesn’t mean that it can’t cause you harm or damage.”

Daniels’ lawsuit argues:

“It was reasonably understood by those who read or heard the statement that Mr. Cohen’s defamatory statement was about Ms. Clifford. Both on its face, and because of the facts and circumstances known to persons who read or heard the statement, it was reasonably understood Mr. Cohen meant to convey that Ms. Clifford is a liar, someone who should not be trusted, and that her claims about her relationship with Mr. Trump is ‘something [that] isn’t true.’ “

It goes on to claim that Cohen’s statement caused Daniels “hatred, contempt, ridicule, and shame, and discouraged others from associating or dealing with her” and that she “has suffered damages in an amount to be proven at trial according to proof, including but not limited to, harm to her reputation, emotional harm, exposure to contempt, ridicule, and shame, and physical threats of violence to her person and life.”

Daniels had already been suing to dissolve the nondisclosure agreement she had signed in October 2016, claiming it was invalid because Trump, labeled as “David Dennison” or “DD” in the document, had not signed it. Cohen made the payment to Daniels through a limited liability corporation he formed, Essential Consultants LLC, and has said he did so with his own personal funds.

The amended filing also alleges that the payment from Cohen violated federal election law because it was an in-kind campaign contribution to Trump that was never reported and that exceeded federal contribution limits — an issue that has also been raised by the organization Common Cause. Cohen has denied any such wrongdoing.

In the 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper, Daniels detailed how she met Trump and had consensual sex with him in July 2006 — shortly after his wife, Melania, had given birth to their son Barron — at a golf resort in Lake Tahoe, Calif.

Daniels said she did not want to have sex with Trump after going to his hotel room alone with him, but she said she “was not a victim.”

“I realized exactly what I’d gotten myself into,” she said in the interview. “And I was like, ‘Ugh, here we go.’ And I just felt like maybe — it was sort of — I had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone’s room alone and I just heard the voice in my head, ‘Well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things happen, so you deserve this.’ ”

Earlier this month, Cohen asked a federal court to enforce the nondisclosure agreement, claiming Daniels violated the agreement and is liable for $20 million in damages. The president joined the case, and the filing said that “Mr. Trump intends to pursue his rights to the fullest extent permitted by law.” Cohen wants that disagreement settled by private arbitration.

Trump himself has not directly reacted to Daniels’ interview, though he did slam the media for “So much Fake News” in a tweet Monday morning.

Monday afternoon, White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah said that Trump had “consistently” denied the claims made by Daniels and argued that her story has been inconsistent.

In her interview with Cooper, Daniels acknowledged she had signed a statement earlier this year denying the encounter ever happened, but she said that was only because she was pressured to do so by her former lawyer and business manager, who told her that “they can make your life hell in many different ways.”

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