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Can Arizona’s John McCain and Jeff Flake change the US Senate?

August 1, 2017 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Arizona’s two Republican senators are making bold moves to combat the incivility and dysfunction that permeates U.S. politics today.

Sen. John McCain, the six-term veteran and former GOP presidential nominee, in both word and deed, struck a blow last week for the bipartisanship and spirit of compromise that once characterized the Senate.

McCain forcefully argued for thawing partisan tensions and restoring a sense of camaraderie in an upper chamber now locked in perpetual gridlock and infighting.

And Sen. Jeff Flake — under pressure from President Trump, the right wing of his own party and the left as he seeks a second term next year — has written a book that promises a “rejection of destructive politics and a return to principle.”

In almost the same week, McCain and Flake have thrust themselves into the heart of a national discussion about the state of the American political psyche and what can be done to change it.

But while the sentiments expressed by McCain on the floor were widely applauded, the prospects of reversing the contentious atmosphere seem bleak, especially if McCain is sidelined by his treatment for brain cancer for an extended period.

“McCain goes back to the mid-1980s, and he remembers the way it used to be, when you really did have a lot of bipartisanship,” said Larry Sabato, a political scientist and director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “That’s gone by the wayside. We’ve been polarized for a long time, but we’ve never been this polarized since the Civil War, thanks to Donald Trump.

“People are really dug in, and I can’t imagine that somehow all of this angst and anger is going to dissolve any time soon.”

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