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North Carolina incest father told mother he killed daughter-wife and their child in shocking 911 call

April 14, 2018 by  
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Incest father murders daughter-wife before killing himself

North Carolina incest dad Steven Pladl kills Katie Pladl, his biological daughter he married, and infant child he fathered with the girl before turning the gun on himself.

The North Carolina incest dad, whose Thursday murder spree took the lives of the biological daughter he married and the infant child he fathered with the girl, reportedly explained his possible motive to his own mother in a stunning phone call moments before he turned the gun on himself.

In a 911 call obtained by WNCN in Raleigh, Steven Pladl’s mother — who attended the lakeside “wedding” between her son and his daughter-turned-wife — said Steven admitted to killing 20-year-old Katie Pladl and the couple’s 7-month-old son, Bennett. Pladl’s mother had been taking care of the boy since his parents were busted earlier this year for the illegal relationship.

“Oh God, he told me to call the police and I shouldn’t go over there,” a caller identified as Steven’s mother told the dispatcher.

She added: “He killed his baby and [the baby is] in the house…His wife broke up with him over the phone yesterday…I can’t even believe this is happening.”

Steven Pladl, 42, was found dead Thursday morning in his vehicle in Dover, N.Y., several miles from the New Milford, Conn., murder scene where Katie and her adoptive father, 56-year-old Anthony Fusco, were discovered. Those two were also found dead in a vehicle that had one of its windows shot out, police said.

The child’s body was found inside Pladl’s home, hundreds of miles south in Knightdale, N.C., the same day.

Pladl’s mother — the one who tipped off authorities about the toddler’s death — had obtained custody of the child Steven fathered with his daughter following their arrests in January for adultery and contributing to delinquency, police told WNCN. The mother lives in Cary, about a half hour’s drive from Knightdale, and reportedly told them that Steve had picked Bennett up from her home Wednesday night.

April 12, 2018: Police work at the scene where Katie Pladl and her adoptive father, Anthony Fusco, were found dead.

 (AP/Hearst Connecticut Media )

The toddler was found dead around 9 a.m. Thursday after officers performed a welfare check on the Knightdale home, where Pladl — and previously his daughter — had lived.

Katie Pladl moved out of the home earlier this year and was living with her adoptive family in New York after bonding out of jail in Virginia, WNCN reported, citing court documents.

It appeared Steven Pladl drove through the night Wednesday to hunt down his daughter and Fusco. They were found dead around 8:40 a.m. Thursday, and Pladl shot himself shortly afterward.

“This is a terrible tragedy that nobody foresaw,” Rick Friedman, an attorney who had been representing Steven Pladl, told WNCN. “I really believe that if the judges or the prosecutor or the defense attorneys in this case had any clue that the minor child or anyone would be harmed there would not be a bond set for any of the parties.”

While the couple’s recent breakup may have spurred on Thursday’s murders, the exact motive for the shooting is under investigation, New Milford Police Lt. Lawrence Ash said.

Following their January arrest, Steven Pladl was let go on a $1 million bond but his daughter remained at the Wake County Detention Center until late February, when she posted a $12,000 secured bond, the Daily Mail reported. According to the terms of her release she was prohibited from contacting Steven and was mandated to reside in New York with her adoptive parents.

Pladl and his first wife, Alyssa, reportedly gave up Katie for adoption as an infant in the 1990s but they all reunited in 2016 after Katie tracked down her biological parents via social media.

Pladl and Alyssa divorced in 2017. Around that time, he apparently became romantically involved with his biological daughter. 

In July, an image posted to an Instagram account purportedly belonging to Katie showed a heavily-pregnant Katie kissing Steven Pladl.

“Nothing fancy, just love,” the post had read, with the hashtags “#justmarried #simplewedding #pregnancy”.

The lakeside event was attended by Pladl’s mother and Katie’s adoptive parents, according to the Daily Mail and photos posted on social media.

Katie Pladl gave birth to Bennett in September.

“There are no words to describe the sense of betrayal and disgust I’m feeling,” Alyssa told the Daily Mail in February. “I waited 18 long years to have a relationship with my daughter — and now he’s completely destroyed it.”

Alyssa – who ended up having two more children with Steven – found out about the relationship between Steven and Katie after reading entries in a journal her 11-year-old daughter had been keeping, the Daily Mail reported.

The website said after Alyssa and Steven split, the daughter had spent time living at Pradl’s Knightdale home and wrote about Katie being heavily pregnant. She also referred to Steven as “Satan”.

During her time in New York, where she was formally known as Katie Fusco, she graduated from Dover High School in 2016, the Poughkeepsie Journal reported.

The newspaper added that, in an online artist portfolio page belonging to her, Katie wrote about attending Dutchess Community College and her plans to “hopefully be graduating from SUNY Purchase” in 2020.

“After that, although hard to tell at this time, I plan to already have started my career in digital advertising, some small projects like logos to larger ones like signs or websites” the page said. “I will hopefully gain attention to bigger businesses and make a name for myself.”

Katie also reportedly wrote about becoming “nearly famous” at Dover High School for writing comic strips.

“A pen and something to draw on became a safe place for me,” the page said. “Ink became my weapon against rules and regulations. There wouldn’t be a corner in a classroom or park that didn’t have a secret little character living on it…to be short: for me, a life without art is no life at all.”

Fox News’ Matt Richardson contributed to this report.

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A timeline of Trump’s complicated relationship with the TPP

April 14, 2018 by  
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President Trump this week ordered top administration officials to look at rejoining the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sprawling trade agreement from which he withdrew the United States only days after taking office last year.

Commonly known as the TPP, the trade agreement was a key policy for the Obama administration. Until Trump pulled the country out, the United States had been a signatory along with 11 other countries including Japan, Vietnam and Australia. The deal aimed to lower tariffs among the countries and counter Chinese influence in the region.

Trump has long been a critic of the trade agreement, but he has had a sometimes complicated relationship with it over the past three years. Here’s a timeline.

April 22, 2015

Though discussions of TPP have already been ongoing for years, Trump does not appear to have publicly referred to the trade deal until April 2015 — almost exactly three years ago.

In a series of tweets in late April 2015, Trump offers his now-familiar critique of the trade deal, emphasizing it would be bad for U.S. workers and enable other countries to take advantage of the United States.

May 6, 2015:

Trump appears in radio advertisements criticizing a plan to fast-track TPP thorough Congress.

“I learned a long time ago, a bad deal is far worse than no deal at all,” Trump says in the ads, which are produced by the group Americans for Limited Government. “And the Obama Trans-Pacific Partnership and fast track are a bad, bad deal for American businesses, for workers, for taxpayers. It’s a huge set of handouts for a few insiders that don’t even care about our great, great America.”

“This would send a message to the world that there are consequences for cheating the United States,” Trump says in a statement released at the same time. “It’s time for action. It’s time to Make America Great Again!”

June 3, 2015

Trump continues his criticisms on Twitter.

June 16, 2015

Trump announces his candidacy for U.S. president.

Oct. 7, 2015

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says in an interview with PBS that she does not support TPP, based on what she knows about the deal.

The move appears to be a shift for Clinton. While secretary of state under Obama, she had promoted the deal, calling it the “gold standard” of trade pacts.

Nov. 11, 2015

At the first Republican presidential debate, Trump speaks again about TPP. However, his comments seem to suggest that he thinks China is a party to the deal.

“If you look at the way China and India and almost everybody takes advantage of the United States — China in particular, because they’re so good. It’s the number one abuser of this country,” Trump says. “And if you look at the way they take advantage, it’s through currency manipulation. It’s not even discussed in the almost 6,000-page agreement.”

Another candidate, Rand Paul, objects. “Hey, Gerard?” Paul interjects, speaking to moderator Gerard Baker of the Wall Street Journal. “We might want to point out that China’s not part of this deal.”

Later, Trump tweets:

Feb. 4, 2016

Twelve countries, including the United States, sign the TPP deal in Auckland, New Zealand. The countries now have two years to ratify or reject the agreement.

March 14, 2016

Trump uses TPP to criticize Republican rivals, such as Ohio Gov. John Kasich, on Twitter.

June 6, 2016

At a campaign rally in Ohio, Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee, offers his harshest criticism of TPP yet, calling it a “rape” of the United States.

“The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country, just a continuing rape of our country,” Trump says. “That’s what it is, too. It’s a harsh word: It’s a rape of our country.”

July 19, 2016

Republicans officially nominate Donald Trump as their presidential nominee.

July 26, 2016

Ahead of the election, Trump repeatedly makes the suggestion that Clinton plans to stay in the TPP if elected, despite her recent criticism of the trade deal.

Nov. 8, 2016

Trump wins the 2016  presidential election.

Nov. 22, 2016

Trump announces that withdrawing from TPP will be one of a number of executive orders he makes on “day one” of his presidency.

“On trade, I’m going to issue a notification of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership,” Trump says in a video, calling the deal a “potential disaster for our country.”

Jan. 23, 2017

On the third day of his presidency, Trump signs an executive order withdrawing the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. “Everyone knows what that means right? We’ve been talking about this for a long time,” Trump says as he signs the order. “Great thing for the American worker, what we just did.”

July 14, 2017

After meeting in Hakone, Japan, the other 11 countries who were a party to TPP reach an agreement to go ahead with the agreement without the United States.

Jan. 25, 2018

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump suggests that he is open to the TPP if it could be renegotiated somehow.

“I would do TPP if we were able to make a substantially better deal. The deal was terrible; the way it was structured was terrible. If we did a substantially better deal, I would be open to TPP,” he said in an interview with CNBC.

March 8, 2018

Eleven countries sign a free-trade deal called the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), in Santiago, Chile. The deal is also dubbed the “TPP11.”

April 12, 2018

Trump orders top administration officials Thursday to look at rejoining the TPP. The move, which comes after the announcement of several tariffs earlier in the year and a general fear of a trade war with China, appears to catch many administration officials off guard.

In the evening, Trump attempts to clarify his position in a tweet, suggesting that he wants to modify the original deal so that it is more favorable to U.S. interests.

April 13, 2017

A number of foreign officials welcome Trump’s interest in TPP but suggest that it is too late to renegotiate the agreement.

“If this means that President Trump is correctly evaluating the significance and effects of the TPP, it’s something we want to welcome,” Toshimitsu Motegi, Japan’s minister in charge of the TPP, said after a cabinet meeting, according to Kyodo News.

“The 11 participating countries share the thinking that it would be extremely difficult to take out part of the TPP and renegotiate or change it,” Motegi says.

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