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3 injured by 8-year-old in Minnesota school knife attack

April 17, 2018 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

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SAUK RAPIDS — An 8-year-old boy at Pleasantview Elementary School came to school with a kitchen knife about 7:15 a.m. Monday and randomly attacked fellow students, according to authorities. 

Three students — ages 8, 9 and 13 — were cut in the incident, according to Sauk Rapids Police Chief Perry Beise.

Beise said the children had “superficial wounds to be stitched up,” and nobody else was seriously injured. Two children were taken to the hospital by their parents, where they were treated and released. 

The suspect was taken into custody by Sauk Rapids police, interviewed and has since been released to his parents.

Interim Superintendent Bruce Watkins said the “second-grade student entered the building, put his backpack away and pulled out a knife and struck three students.”

Watkins said the incident lasted approximately five minutes before the student was stopped by “adult intervention.” 

Watkins declined to comment further about the 8-year-old due to student privacy rules. 

Parents of children attending Pleasantview all received an electronic notice of the incident this morning. Watkins said classes were not interrupted, as the incident happened before school, and classes will continue as usual for the rest of the day. 

Watkins also said there will be mental health professionals available in the school for students and teachers impacted by the incident.

Pleasantview has students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. There are approximately 790 students enrolled at the elementary. 

Follow Jordyn Brown on Twitter @thejordynbrown

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California rejects border duties for troops

April 17, 2018 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

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California Gov. Jerry Brown had conditioned his state’s cooperation by insisting that California’s National Guard troops have nothing to do with immigration enforcement. | Stephen Lam/Getty Image

04/16/2018 02:28 PM EDT

Updated 04/16/2018 04:25 PM EDT

SAN DIEGO — California has rejected terms of the federal government’s initial plans for sending National Guard troops to the border because the work is considered too closely tied to immigration, two U.S. officials told The Associated Press.

Gov. Jerry Brown elicited rare and effusive praise from President Donald Trump last week for pledging 400 troops to the Guard’s third large-scale border mission since 2006. But the Democratic governor conditioned his commitment on troops having nothing to do with immigration enforcement, even in a supporting role.

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Brown’s announcement last week did not address what specific jobs the California Guard would and would not do and how state officials would distinguish work related to immigration from other aspects of border enforcement, such as fighting criminal gangs and drug and gun smuggling.

Brown’s offer of troops for the mission that Trump wants up to 4,000 troops to perform is still in place. But state authorities told federal officials late last week that the California Guard will not perform tasks in an initial rollout planned for all four border states, according to officials with knowledge of the talks who spoke condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.

Those jobs include fixing and maintaining vehicles, using remote-control surveillance cameras to report suspicious activity to U.S. border patrol agents, operating radios and providing “mission support,” which can include clerical work, buying gas and handling payroll, the officials said. California National Guard members have done such work in previous border deployments.

Talks are ongoing and the federal government has yet to publicly respond to Brown’s demand that troops avoid immigration enforcement or the state’s position on avoiding the specific jobs proposed, the officials said.

The federal government also proposed that troops provide air support in a second phase of the border-wide rollout, which includes aerial surveillance and flying agents to remote locations, but California officials have not responded to that request, the officials said.

Republican governors from the three other border states — Arizona, New Mexico and Texas — have openly embraced the Trump administration’s plans and specific tasks for guard members sent to the border with Mexico. Texas National Guard members are already doing aerial and ground surveillance. Officials with Arizona’s National Guard said last week that its troops will provide air and ground support

Brown’s commitment allowed Trump to boast support from all four border-state governors and helped put the president above the lower end of his threshold of marshaling 2,000 to 4,000 troops that he wants as a border security mission to fight illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

California National Guard spokesman Lt. Col. Thomas Keegan said Monday that the state was awaiting a formal response from the administration and had no additional details beyond the governor’s proposed agreement released last week that includes a ban on immigration enforcement.

Evan Westrup, a spokesman for the governor, did not immediately answer detailed questions about the California’s position on specific jobs that the Trump administration has proposed, like ground surveillance and vehicle repairs.

Brown last week characterized his decision to contribute troops as a welcome infusion of federally-funded support to fight transnational criminal gangs and drug and firearms smugglers. According to one U.S. official, the California Guard has suggested assigning about 40 troops to marijuana eradication across the state.

Talks between U.S. and California officials about the duties the California troops would perform soured Friday and over the weekend after state authorities told them they would not participate in the initial tasks proposed for California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, the U.S. officials said.

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