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Medical center explosion that killed woman may have been intentional

May 17, 2018 by  
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LOS ANGELES -- Federal and local investigators searched through debris, looking for remnants of a possible explosive device, after a blast at a Southern California medical office building that left a woman dead and three other people injured. The explosion occurred around 1 p.m. Tuesday in Aliso Viejo, about 50 miles south of Los Angeles.

It blew siding off the walls, exposing insulation and framing and shattering windows at the two-story building that houses medical offices.

“The corner of that building, the whole bottom floor is pretty much blown out,” fire Capt. Tony Bommarito said.

The cause of the blast remained a mystery for much of the day, with officials initially believing a car had smashed into the building. But sheriff’s officials said the size of the blast made it suspicious.

Sheriff’s deputies were seen taking photos of license plates for all vehicles leaving the area, CBS Los Angeles reported.

This image taken from cellphone video shows a building after a fatal explosion in Aliso Viejo, Calif., Tuesday, May 15, 2018. The cause of the blast is being investigated. 

A federal official told The Associated Press late Tuesday that the explosion was believed to be an intentional act and the blast may have come from a package.

The official said the information was based on a preliminary investigation. Authorities said they hadn’t yet located an explosive device and were searching through debris.

The official, who was briefed on the investigation, was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Bomb technicians and agents from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were at the scene Tuesday night.

“We have not found any type of specific device inside of the building right now that would tell us or lead us to exactly what the device was, if there was a device,” sheriff’s Cmdr. Dave Sawyer said.

The woman who was killed inside the building was “in close proximity” to the explosion, Sawyer said. The three people who were injured were nearby and were being questioned by investigators late Tuesday night, he said.

“Anytime you see an explosion of this magnitude, it would definitely be suspicious to us,” Sawyer said.

Authorities were not searching for any specific suspects Tuesday night, but the investigation was continuing, he said.

Mary McWilliams told the Orange County Register that she arrived for an appointment to find smoke surrounding the area and car alarms going off.

McWilliams said she saw two burned women staggering out of the building, covered in ash and soot.

One woman, who had skin peeling on her arm from burns, said, “Take care of my mother,” McWilliams said. The other woman was bleeding from her head.

Fire officials said a third person suffered smoke inhalation.

A daycare center and preschool across the street was evacuated. Some children held hands as they were led out by firefighters while sheriff’s deputies rolled out babies in cribs.

“When I was playing outside I heard the big crash, I thought it was a garbage truck but it was a building that smashed,” 6-year-old Kingston Dik told KNBC-TV.

No children were hurt.

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Primary elections: Energized Democrats settle crowded Pa. contests, back women two years after Clinton loss

May 17, 2018 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

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Tuesday’s results:

● Republican congressman Lou Barletta will face Democratic incumbent Robert P. Casey Jr. in the high-stakes race for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.

● In Idaho, Democrat Paulette Jordan will face Republican Lt. Gov. Brad Little in the race for govenror.

● Nebraska Democrats in the 2nd Congressional District nominate nonprofit executive Kara Eastman to face Rep. Don Bacon (R).

● Republican Scott Wagner will face incumbent Democrat Tom Wolf in the race for Pennsylvania governor.

● Nebraska state Sen. Bob Krist (D) will face incumbent Republican Pete Ricketts in the race for governor.

Pennsylvania Democrats took a major step toward upending the state’s all-male, Republican-dominated congressional delegation Tuesday, nominating competitive candidates, including women intent on breaking barriers two years after the state rejected Hillary Clinton.

In a state crucial to their shot at House and Senate majorities, Democrats turned out in high numbers to settle crowded primaries. They put themselves in position to gain as many as a half-dozen House seats in November and are all but assured of sending at least three women to Congress.

But President Trump’s presence could still be felt in the state, as a close ally, Rep. Lou Barletta, won the GOP Senate primary. His victory sets up a showdown with two-term Democratic Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr., who has stockpiled nearly $10 million for the race. Trump had recorded an automated telephone message praising Barletta that was sent to voters just before the election.

“The media said that Donald Trump could not win in Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania put Donald Trump in the White House,” Barletta told his supporters in Hazleton. “They say I can’t beat Bob Casey, and I’m going to beat Bob Casey.”

Democratic turnout was running far ahead of Republican turnout in Pennsylvania late Tuesday, even though the Democrats had just one competitive statewide race — the usually sleepy lieutenant governor’s contest. With nearly 90 percent of precincts reporting, Democrats had cast nearly 100,000 more votes than Republicans. In Erie County, where Republicans saw one of their most dramatic surges in 2016, Democrats cast 5,000 more votes than the GOP.

The general election in Pennsylvania will serve in part as a test of Trump’s appeal two years after he became the first Republican presidential nominee to win the state in 28 years — a victory he still talks about. Trump tweeted his congratulations to Barletta on Wednesday morning, casting him as someone to help the president with his agenda.

Trump met with Senate Republicans at the Capitol on Tuesday and spoke optimistically about the party’s Senate prospects in November. The GOP holds a ­razor-thin 51-to-49 advantage, but leaders are increasingly bullish about adding to their majority as Trump’s approval ratings have ticked up.

Pennsylvania is one of 10 states Trump won where a Democratic senator faces a reelection race this year. But strategists in both parties think Casey has the advantage.

The state has shown signs of trending Democratic since Trump’s historic defeat of Clinton. In March, Democrat Conor Lamb won a special election in a ­Pittsburgh-area district where Trump had defeated Clinton by 20 percentage points.

A redrawn congressional map and a string of House Republican retirements have given Democrats more reasons to be optimistic about Pennsylvania. There, they are hoping to pick up a chunk of the 23 seats they need to win the House majority.

Ballots were cast Tuesday in four states where primary outcomes provided fresh signs about voters’ mood less than six months before Election Day. In addition to Pennsylvania, there were nominating contests in Nebraska, Idaho and Oregon.

The president used Twitter to urge Nebraska Republicans to “make sure you get out to the polls and VOTE” for Sen. Deb Fischer, who defeated four little-known challengers. Fischer is favored to hold her seat in November. She will face Democrat Jane Raybould, who attracted widespread attention when she repeatedly refused to say in a television interview whether she would have voted for the sweeping GOP tax law. Trump also sent a congratulatory tweet to her Wednesday.

In Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District, a pickup opportunity for Democrats, former congressman Brad Ashford (D) lost to nonprofit executive Kara Eastman. She will face Rep. Don Bacon (R).

Nebraska Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts easily defeated his primary challenger. He is favored to win a second term in November.

In Pennsylvania, the retirement of Rep. Ryan Costello (R), the resignation of Rep. Patrick Meehan (R) and a revised map ordered by the state Supreme Court have led the GOP to effectively cede two House districts in the Philadelphia area.

Democrats Chrissy Houlahan, Mary Gay Scanlon and Madeleine Dean were nominated in districts that Democrats are favored to win in November. In another district Democrats are aggressively contesting, they nominated Susan Wild.

All told, Democrats nominated seven women for the House in Pennsylvania. Republicans nominated one.

“We’re beyond thrilled at what is going on tonight,” said EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock.

Scanlon and Wild defeated male candidates backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who involved himself in several of Tuesday’s contests.

Elsewhere, Democrats were trying to unseat Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R) in a swing district. Wealthy philanthropist Scott Wallace won the Democratic nomination against him.

Republican Rick Saccone, who lost to Lamb, was denied a chance for redemption in a primary for a Pittsburgh-area district that favors the GOP. He lost to state Sen. Guy Reschenthaler. Lamb opted to run in a different district near Pittsburgh that is less conservative. He will face Rep. Keith Rothfus (R) in November.

Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf will face Republican state Sen. Scott Wagner in the general election. Voters also decided the outcomes in contested primaries for lieutenant governor in both parties.

In the Democratic race, John Fetterman, the longtime mayor of a struggling industrial town who was backed by Sanders and who ran on universal health care and legalizing marijuana, defeated Lt. Gov. Mike Stack by an unexpectedly large margin. Stack had been dogged by reports that he and his wife mistreated state employees.

Republicans nominated businessman Jeff Bartos for lieutenant governor.

While strategists in both parties are monitoring the Senate race in Pennsylvania, most are not counting on the seat flipping Republican.

In the phone message he recorded, Trump called Casey the “hand-picked guy” of Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), using a strategy Republicans have deployed in other states to tie candidates to party leaders.

But Democrats were not as worried about those attacks resonating in Pennsylvania, compared with some other states Trump won. And Casey has built a much bigger campaign account than Barletta, giving them another reason to be confident he will prevail in November. As of late April, Barletta had about $1.3 million in his campaign account. Casey had more than $9.9 million.

In Idaho, a competitive Republican primary for governor featured three leading candidates: Rep. Raúl R. Labrador, a founding member of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus; Lt. Gov. Brad Little, who had the support of outgoing Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter; and Tommy Ahlquist, a businessman and physician who ran with the backing of 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

The Associated Press called the race for Little early Wednesday morning.

Democrats nominated Paulette Jordan, a former state lawmaker who would be the country’s first Native American governor, over A.J. Balukoff, the party’s 2014 nominee.

“People are ready for something new,” Jordan said in an interview. “I’m not about the party; I’m not about the system.”

Farther west in Oregon, incumbent Democratic Gov. Kate Brown defeated a pair of primary challengers. She will face state legislator Knute Buehler, who won the Republican nomination.

Oregon is a heavily Democratic state, and Brown is favored to retain the governorship this fall.

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