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5 Sexy Reasons To Wear Lingerie

February 26, 2015 by  
Filed under Latest Lingerie News

wear lingerie

We are not ones to put more undue pressure on women (or men for that matter, though they could use some more time in high heels) to live up to some unrealistic ideal of style and beauty. If you’re comfortable in an old worn oversized cotton t-shirt, awesome!

But if good sex is often about trying new things, pushing your boundaries, breaking taboos, making yourself blush, and avoiding habits and ruts, then switching things up every once in a while in the bedroom is essential.

And dressing up for sex is a simple and easy way to do just that.

1. Fantasy: Why do we watch big Hollywood blockbusters and read epic novels? Why do we watch porn and read erotica? To temporarily escape to other worlds that are more dramatic, more exciting, and sexier! Why do we dress up for Halloween?

So we can pretend we’re someone we’re not for an evening. Lingerie and sexy sleepware can work the same way, especially if wearing it is not something you normally do. It’s the mildest, least embarrassing form of roleplaying there is.

2. Modesty: Yes, you read that right. If you tend to be a little shy when it comes to being naked, or are insecure about a part of your body (even though you shouldn’t be!), then lingerie can actually embolden you by giving you a bit of cover or support.

Remember, a lot of sexy stuff can happen without the lingerie ever coming off.

3. Generosity: It’s nice to be a giving lover, to think about what your partner would enjoy and then give it to them (even if it’s not your number one favorite thing to do). We’re not saying you should ever do anything you don’t want to do, but something you think is merely silly might be the ultimate in sexy to your partner. Would it be so bad to make their day in that way every once in a while?

And we’re not just talking to the ladies. A nice pair of boxer briefs instead of those baggy boxers (or whatever Ryan Gosling wears to bed) might be a nice change of pace.

4. Confidence: Like any piece of clothing, if you find something that fits well, isflattering, feels good against your skin and thus makes you feel good, you’ll have more confidence in bed. And when you have more confidence in bed, you have a better time in bed — and so does your partner.

5. Ceremony: By dressing up for sex, even if it’s just on special occasions, you honor the sex as a sacred event. You’re a goddess (or god) who deserves to be worshipped, body and soul. What you’re sharing is important and meaningful. By wearing something nice, you’re expressing your respect for the union at hand.

1. Clear your head

Employ mental triggers throughout your daily life. For instance, every time you walk through a doorway, remind yourself that you are a confident, sexy person. Or every time you get in your car tell yourself that you will succeed today because when you look great you do great, etc. Constantly be telling yourself that you are perfect and you will eventually believe it yourself, says Josh Anderson, Founder Always Active Athletics LLC and its subsidiaries the Fit Female Club and 30-Day Weight Loss Lab.

Photo: We Heart It

2. Be interesting

Wear attractive, but interesting clothing – something that reflects who you are. If you like travel, for example, wear a shirt, scarf, tie or jewelry from another country, or wear something that reflects your ethnic background, or a hobby (sports, the outdoors, a Hawaiian-type shirt with surfboards, gardening implements or an animal print). It will help start conversations, says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, (aka “Dr. Romance”) psychotherapist and author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting about the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage.

Photo: We Heart It

3. Soak up the compliments

We all know how to give compliments, but most of us don’t know how to receive them graciously. The next time someone pays you a compliment, say “thank you” and then repeat it to yourself in your head. If you have a moment, write it down. Keeping a self-esteem inventory helps to remind you of your strengths and  heighten confidence levels, says Astroglide’s Resident Sexologist, Dr. Jess.

4. Get in the zone

Confidence and feeling sexy is not just about a fresh blowout and a sexy dress, it’s how you feel on the inside. Even when you’ve reached a point of comfort in your own skin, there will be days you just don’t feel it. And what do we do those days?

Sometimes we all have to psych ourselves up to feel sexy, that’s understandable. We get messages from the media what sexy is suppose to look like, but that’s just not realistic, says Marian Rothschild, a Certified Personal Image Consultant and author of Look Good Now and Always. Someone else’s sexy may not be your version of feeling sexy. Focus on you and your partner, or your desired partner. Focus on how good sex feels when it’s fantastic. Think about how someone made you feel so incredibly hot and turned on and relish that feeling, nurture it, enjoy it. Then, use that physical feeling to encourage the rest of you to get in the groove and spread the love!

Photo: We Heart It

5. Color

The vibration of color is a powerful healing tool. It balances energies and emotions. “A balanced sacral chakra, or energy center, lends to sexual health, mentally and physically,” says Candyce Walti of Hidden Sage, a certified color therapist. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra, says Walti, but not a lot of people find orange sexy. Burning a sandalwood candle helps to awaken the sacral chakra. Red is the color of the root chakra or energy center and balances the adrenal glands. When you are in a state of fright or flight, sex is the last thing on your mind.

However, wearing sexy red underwear, painting your toes red or sporting a lush red lipstick helps to send a signal to your brain that all is well. Black underwear is overall sexy and wards off negative self-esteem.

Photo: We Heart It

6. Hydrate

You wouldn’t necessarily attribute drinking plenty of water to getting your sexy on, however; most exhaustion and lethargy is easily fixed by giving your body what it needs and water is a must to keep it working properly, says  Jazz Biancci, professional life coach, dancer and founder of Soulesque.

Your complexion gets brighter, your energy increases and all systems work in harmony. Squeeze in a lemon or orange to add some zing to it , or cut up some cucumber and let it set while you’re dancing around your apartment.

Photo: We Heart It

7. Surround yourself with positive people.

Confidence is sexy, but it’s also contagious. Studies reveal that our body image can be dragged down by our friends’ poor attitudes. By hanging out with people who are generally positive (about their bodies and their relationships), we all benefit from more stable self-esteem and what follows is undeniable sex appeal, says Dr. Jess.

Photo: We Heart It

8. “Me” time

Masturbation coupled with rich, expansive fantasies are a fabulous way to stimulate that incredibly sexy feeling, says  Dr. Fran Walfish, psychotherapist, author, and expert panelist on ‘Sex Box’, WE tv premiering in the US early 2015. Put on a lacy, transparent teddy or nightie and turn yourself on in the bathtub, shower, couch, or bed. Get in the mood by dimming the lights, lighting fragrant candles, and turning on Marvin Gaye’s version of Sexual Healing … pleasure yourself, and enjoy!

Don’t forget to spend some time indulging in your fantasies. In your fantasies, you can be whomever you please, says Dr. Jess. You can be a dominant, demanding powerhouse or a demure damsel in distress — either way, you’re the center of everyone’s desire in the fantasy world.

Photo: We Heart It

9. Scent

When you aren’t in the mood for sex, but want to be, certain smells can kick your libido into gear.

“Scent stimulates the mood. Take a sniff of cinnamon, which is known for bringing on the heat in the body, because it increases circulation. You can also smell jasmine or sandalwood, because the smells send out erotic signals to get you in the mood,” says sexpert Yolanda Shoshana.

Photo: We Heart It 

10. Sound

From hot Latin dance music to sensual Jazz to explicit rap, put your ear buds in, close your eyes, and let the music take you to a special place, says Irina Baranov, CPCC, a speaker, facilitator and Executive Coach.

Photo: We Heart It

11. Sensation

A warm shower/bath, followed by delicious-smelling lotion will remind your skin that it is loved (and lovely), says Baranov.

Photo: We Heart It

12. Read

Fill your mind with images that move you. Highlight passages in your favorite naughty novels, and keep them handy for a quick reminder that words can put your mind in a sexy place, says Baranov.

Photo: We Heart It

13. Watch

That movie scene that melted your heart (and other things)? You can find it on YouTube. It usually takes just a few minutes to find, watch and remember how you felt the first time you saw it, says Baranov.

Photo: We Heart It 

Employ mental triggers throughout your daily life. For instance, every time you walk through a doorway, remind yourself that you are a confident, sexy person. Or every time you get in your car tell yourself that you will succeed today because when you look great you do great, etc. Constantly be telling yourself that you are perfect and you will eventually believe it yourself, says Josh Anderson, Founder Always Active Athletics LLC and its subsidiaries the Fit Female Club and 30-Day Weight Loss Lab.

Photo: We Heart It

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