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True Romance: No surprises in long-married Dallas couple’s secrets …

June 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

The initial time John White met Miriam — famous as Cookie to everybody — one suspicion flashed into his mind: “Wow! This is a lady for me.”

That was in Jul 1957. John was operative during an visual emporium in Dallas, and a dual were introduced by mutual friends.

“I was a comparison in high school,” recalls Cookie, now 71. “I was really tender with John’s mint 1957 Chevrolet. It was plain black — pretty!”

The dual shortly satisfied they common a same values and friendship to family, so they began to date. A year later, on Jun 28, 1958, they tied a knot. That fall, John was drafted into a Army, and Cookie changed behind with her parents.

“I afterwards followed John to St. Louis. He worked in a visual emporium for a Army,” she recalls. “I had never lived divided from Dallas.”

But she practiced well; her initial daughter, Susan, was innate in St. Louis in 1960, and she still corresponds with a sanatorium staffer who was in a room for a birth.

“We have lots of lustful memories of St. Louis,” she says. “They are good people.”

A few years later, a family changed behind to a Dallas area, where John took a pursuit with a Post Office. Daughters Laura and Sandi were innate within dual years of any other.

Now vital in Sunnyvale, a integrate enjoys spending time with family (including 7 grandchildren), roving and gardening. In 2008, Cookie became a Dallas County master gardener.

As he looks behind on their full life together, “it all happened so fast,” says John, 76.

What’s a tip to staying happily married?

“Just holding one day during a time is good,” he says. “And being demure of any other’s differences and opinions.”

Their regulation for marital success seems to have burnished off on their 3 daughters. All were married within a year of any other, and all of a weddings took place during First Baptist Church of Dallas. Laura married Jeff Hughes in Aug 1986; Sandi marry Doug Mallon in Jan 1987; and Susan married Keith Faulhaber in May 1987.

This means a 3 daughters have reached an critical miracle in tighten proximity: All have recently distinguished their 25th marriage anniversaries.

“We’ve got 3 sons-in-law that we adore dearly,” Cookie adds. “They’re smashing Christian guys.”

Now that John has late from his 31-year career with a United States Postal Service, a dual are enjoying some-more time together again as a couple.

“We’ve been members of First Baptist, Dallas, for roughly 30 years, and we both like a same people and doing a same things,” Cookie says. “God has been so good to us.”

Darla Atlas is a freelance author in Fort Worth.

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