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Judge Forces Employer To Rehire Workers Who Vented On Facebook

September 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

Stern Woman Blogger

The modern workplace presents new legal problems

After a group of New Yorkers took to Facebook to complain about the non-profit they all worked for, the non-profit took action to rectify the situation — by firing the five discontent employees. They took their case to the National Labor Relations Board, and now a NLRB judge has ruled that National Hispanics of Buffalo has to hire the Facebook venters back along with back-pay.

Employers, take note. The NLRB has recently been outspoken about when employers can and can’t retaliate against employees over their perceived social media misbehavior. Private employers have to respect workers’ right to “protected concerted activity” — in other words, the right to talk among themselves about horrible working conditions — per the National Labor Relations Act. In the case of the New York non-profiteers, administrative law judge Arnold Amchan ruled that after-hours Facebook wall complaints about being over-worked constituted legitimate “concerted activity.”

After Mariana Cole-Rivera posted a status update about a co-worker who accused her of not doing enough for her impoverished clients, other co-workers chimed in to make comments such as, “What the f… Try doing my job. I have 5 programs,” “Tell her to come do [my] f***ing job n c if I don’t do enough, this is just dum,” and “I think we should give our paychecks to our clients so they can ‘pay’ the rent…(insert sarcasm here now).”

The defamed co-worker saw the messages (doh!) and passed them along to a supervisor. In firing the vocal Facebook users, the supervisor cited the company social media policy’s ban on cyber harassment of co-workers. This all took place in October 2010, and the non-profit has not since replaced the workers, instead distributing their tasks to others.

The judge decided that the heated Facebook conversation did not constitute harassment and that the non-profit erred in de-friending the workers. “Employees have a protected right to discuss matters affecting their employment amongst themselves,” wrote Judge Amchan in his decision [pdf], which orders the non-profit to rehire all five workers and make them “whole for any loss of earnings” suffered. As Inc. notes, this is the first NLRB case regarding social media use that doesn’t involve union workers.

Employees, while taking note of the fact that you do have a bit of protection from workplace firings over after-hours Facebooking, do also take note of the fact that this situation might have been avoided if these five had simply not friended the co-worker they didn’t like, and had their privacy settings such that she couldn’t see what they had written.

Related: When You Can and Can’t Fire Employees For Social Media Misbehavior

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