Saturday, October 26, 2024

Facebook, Google+, Twitter – Who will win the Social Networking battle?

August 29, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

After Google upped the ante with Google+ and Facebook integrated Skype to further raise the benchmark, Twitter is also up for changes.  According to the report, the micro-blogging site is revamping its existing version making itself pretty similar to Facebook platform.

Twitter, has given few of its regular users a feature by replacing the traditional ‘@mention’ tab. If the endeavor gets successful then the new tab will be available on every Twitter account.

Twitter is now aping the ‘Facebook way’ of providing a summary chart. The latest tabs which are going to replace the ‘@message’ tab will notify who is following you and who has re-tweeted your messages.

Recently, Facebook too is getting inspired by Twitter by offering ‘Updates’ and ‘Feeds’.  

Seeing these recent developments in the networking sites it is clear that they are trying to branch out their services by keeping an eye on each other’s good points.

The war between social networking sites is getting intense day by day.  

While Twitter does not have a Photo sharing feature like Facebook, Google+ lags in the race of games. Google+ hopes to fill the void by an array of games it introduced recently to compete with Facebook.

Some reports are suggesting that Twitter is inclined to move towards the search engine market.

If a web service wants to survive then it needs to incorporate best of all the worlds.

ITVoir NewsDesk

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