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Facebook Offers Court ‘Smoking Gun’ Against Paul Ceglia

August 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, dur...

This would have been easier had Mark Zuckerberg held onto his copy of the Streetfax contract

Facebook knows how to fend off lawsuits. After vanquishing the Winklevoss twins, the company’s lawyers turned their full attention to Paul Ceglia, the New York man who claimed to have signed a contract with Mark Zuckerberg in 2003 that entitled him to half of the social media behemoth. Zuckerberg claimed the real contract was just for computer consultant work on Ceglia’s “StreetFax” project, and had nothing to do with Facebook.

Much of the case has hinged on electronic documentation: emails that Ceglia claimed to have exchanged with Zuck about Facebook and electronic copies of the alleged contract that the two signed. Facebook claimed the version of the contract that made Ceglia a co-owner of Facebook was fraudulent. Zuckerberg’s lawyers at Gibson Dunn pushed hard to get access to Celia’s computers to do forensic testing, and their efforts appear to have paid off.

In a motion (available at end of post) filed with the court this week, Facebook says that it found the original contract the two signed “embedded in the electronic data from 2004 on Ceglia’s computer.” It looks very different from the version of the contract that Ceglia submitted to the court. It doesn’t mention Facebook at all.

Here are the relevant portions of the two contracts side by side:

The contract Paul Ceglia submitted to the court (left) vs. the version Facebook found on his computer (right). Click to enlarge.

In addition to this “authentic contract,” Facebook’s lawyers say they found evidence that a thumb drive had been inserted into the computer that contained files named “Zuckerberg contract” — files and a thumb drive that Ceglia hasn’t handed over to the court. Facebook’s “ink expert” says that he wants to do a test on the contract at left to see if the ink in the signatures and added sentence above actually dates back to 2003.

Paul Ceglia, who has been convicted of fraud in the past, recently packed up his family and moved to Galway, Ireland. He claimed it was because he was being “Facebook stalked.” Literally. He claimed that Facebook’s investigators were following him around and hanging out in his yard. With his court case unraveling and Facebook leveling charges of criminal fraud against him, the decision to flee the country now seems suspiciously well-timed.

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