Thursday, October 24, 2024

Top 10 tips for a safer home

August 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Choosing Lingerie

Top 10 tips for a safer home

More New Zealanders are injured in the home than anywhere else. Every 56 seconds someone in New Zealand has an injury at home.

These startling statistics are behind Treasure Rotorua and Safekids Rotorua encouraging locals to learn how they can make their homes safer, during Home Safety Week from 15 to 21 August.

Rotorua District Council community safety projects officer Amy Duckett says over 500 New Zealanders will die this year because of an accident in the home – more than the number of people killed on our roads.

“In Rotorua alone around 1000 people are hospitalised every year because of injury – with a third of those injuries occurring at home. However many accidents at home can be prevented.”

She says during the national safety week Treasure Rotorua and Safekids Rotorua are promoting simple things residents can do to reduce the risk of being injured in their own homes.

Ten safety tips to avoid falls at home:

� Use a non-slip mat in the bathroom.

� Wipe up spills on the floor immediately.

� Ensure ladders are on flat firm ground, and don’t over-reach sideways.

� Wear slippers or non-slip shoes around the house, especially on polished floors.

� Always turn on the light switch when using stairs.

� If you need to reach up high use a stepladder not a chair.

� Plug in electrical appliances close to the socket and avoid trailing cords over walkways.

� Put stickers on glass doors and windows to make them more visible.

� Clear away moss and leaves on outside steps and paths

� The more you drink, the greater your risk of injury – plan activities so drinking isn’t the focus of your social occasion.

Representatives of Treasure Rotorua and Safekids Rotorua will be at this week’s Rotorua Night Market [18 August] promoting home safety messages.

People will be invited to complete a quick home safety quiz and all entries will go into a draw to win a home safety pack, a family pass for Skyline’s gondola and luge, and a family pass to the Aquatic Centre. There will also be heaps of information available on how to make your home safer for you and your children.

For regular safety tips, you can ‘like’ Treasure Rotorua on their Facebook: page on Everyone who ‘likes’ the Treasure Rotorua page during home safety week will go into a draw to win a home safety kit for their family.

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