This Potential World Record Bass Isn’t The One That Got Away
August 6, 2011 by admin
Filed under Choosing Lingerie
The fishing community is in a frenzy as a flurry of reports came in yesterday that a world-record striped bass had been caught on Long Island Sound.
The catch, reportedly caught by North Branford resident Greg Myerson, tipped the scales at 81.88 pounds, according to several angling blogs. If confirmed, that beats the existing record of 78 pounds 8 ounces, which was set by Al McReynolds on Sept. 21, 1982, when he was fishing in Atlantic City, NJ.
It will be up to the International Game Fish Association to determine if Myerson’s catch snags the new world-record.
According to a Connecticut Post blog, Myerson caught the fish off a boat, using live eel as bait. A GoFishn blog published a map that shows the potential record-breaker was reeled in off the shore between Milford and East Haven.
Myerson reportedly brough the striped bass to Jack’s Shoreline Bait Tackle in Westbrook. That’s when the frenzy hit land and made its way to the blogosphere.
Now, anglers await confirmation that the coveted striped bass record has been broken.
Related Topics: Long Island Sound, Striped Bass, and World Record Do you think the record was really broke? Tell us in the comments.