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Facebook Users Leave for Google+

July 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Facebook Users Leave for Google+

Analytics firm ForeSee’s 2011 American Customer Satisfaction Index E-Business Report said the site elicits a slightly favorable response but still came in dead last among social networks, in its survey of how customers feel about social media.

Facebook, now at the 750 million-member milestone mark, increased its customer satisfaction score to 66, up two points from last year’s ranking, a sign ForeSee Results CEO Larry Freed said indicates the social network “may be moving in the right direction, albeit very slowly.”

“More than half our users visit Facebook every day, and we’re constantly enhancing our products to offer people the best possible experience,” said the company in a statement responding to the survey results.

On a scale of 1 to 100, with 80 being the benchmark for excellent, overall customer satisfaction with social media sites remained unchanged from last year, pulling a score of 70. As a whole, social media ranks low, with just three categories — airlines, cable television and print newspapers, ranking lower.

ForeSee Results’ Larry Freed pointed out that by sheer numbers, Facebook is still the undisputed social network of choice for most, as figures this year increased slightly over the previous year. Still, the unimpressive score means there are opportunities for other services to gain.

“Facebook is clearly king right now, but if anyone can knock it off its throne, it would be Google,” said Freed.

These results may play well into the hands of Facebook’s emerging rival in the social networking biz, Google+. If the search giant can tap into the apparent customer dissatisfaction with Facebook, the company may be able to fortify its fledgling social network, which it launched by invitation only earlier this month and that currently supports about 10 million current customers.

ForeSee’s survey categorized Google under search engines and portals, rather than social media, because its social network wasn’t established in time to be considered for this year’s survey. As a search engine, Google led its category with a score of 83.

Wikipedia topped the competition in social media sites with a score of 78, followed by YouTube’s 74 score.

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