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411 Games Fact or Fiction 06.26.12: TimeSplitters F2P, New Xbox …

June 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Latest Lingerie News

411 Games Fact or Fiction 06.26.12: TimeSplitters F2P, New Xbox, Lingerie Football League, and More

Posted by Daniel Anderson on 06.26.2012

Will you buy the new Xbox? Would you play a TimeSplitters F2P sequel? Will the Lingerie Football League game be any good? 411′s Todd Vote and Stephen Randle debate these questions and more!

Hello everyone, I’m Daniel Anderson, and welcome to this week’s edition of Fact and Fiction. One of the hardest days at my work is finally over and I don’t have to deal with it until next year. Therefore, I am in a good mood. I have decided to treat myself to some mindless entertainment. Let‘s just go ahead and get right to the questions so I can go brain dead for a little while to celebrate.

1: You would play a TimeSplitters F2P sequel.


Todd VoteFiction: For one thing, I am still not entirely sure I understand how this whole free to play thing works. I know that they expect the game to make money through microtransactions and whatnot, but I don’t get how that makes it free to play. I mean they make a certain portion available to play for free, but in order to get the whole game, and to be able to enjoy it fully, eventually you are going to have to pay for it, right? Seriously, correct me if I am wrong, but is this not the base of F2P games? So basically you are just getting a demo of TimeSplitters, and if you like it you can buy as much of the game or as little of it as possible? I might be more tempted to try an altogether new IP via this method, but no promises.

Stephen RandleFiction: Never played TimeSplitters, but I’ll be open-minded and say that I’m willing to give it a look if someone can sell me on it. Remembering, as always, that I suck at FPS so I don’t play them unless there’s a really, really good reason. And no, “it’s totally better than Halo” is not a really, really good reason.

1 for 1: I have yet to find a F2P game I have been willing to put money in. I keep giving promising ones chances (Tribes for example), but there is always something that kills my interest (mainly people cheating).

2: Judging from the leaks, you are interested in buying the Xbox 720 (or whatever they decide to call it).


Todd VoteFiction: I will take the same approach I took with this generation, granted there are a lot of times where I feel I chose wrong, but you do what you can with the funds you have available. Add in the extremely sour taste that Microsoft has left me with after the 360, and I am even less tempted with the 720. I may just go with Playstation this time out even if it is slightly more expensive. However, if they were to release and the PS4 is once again costing an arm and a leg more than what Microsoft offers, I may have to eat my words for the sake of being able to game.

Stephen RandleFiction: I won’t be buying any new consoles at release, because that’s a sucker bet. And I’m already leaning towards whatever the new Sony console will be, simply because they earned my money with great exclusive titles for each previous generation, as well as innovations like backwards compatibility (which got me to pick up the PS2) and Blu Ray (which sold me on the PS3…well, that and Uncharted). Meanwhile, Microsoft set themselves back in my view because when I was looking to choose between the PS3and 360, they were all over the news with, of course, the RROD. If Microsoft wants my money for their console, they’re going to have to prove that they can build one where suddenly frying itself isn’t a near-certainty.

2 for 2: I am willing to give a new Microsoft console a chance simply because, in the last two generations of systems, one system has had a major flaw at launch. The PS2 had the disc read error and 360 had RROD. The disc read error was fixed in the next generation and I see the RROD going away as well..

3: You were sad that Saint’s Row: The Third ‘Enter the Dominatrix’ was canceled as an expansion.


Todd VoteFact: Extremely sad, yes. I bought the season pass for Saints Row: the Third, and one of the expansions featured your character being superpowered. It was like being The Red Blue Blur from Smallville, you could run across the entire city of Steelport in a matter of seconds. Your strength was enhanced, and it was like having the apoca-fists on full time. Enter the Dominatrix was supposed to take this in a full on superhero approach. While I am sad that it got cancelled, I am glad with the news that we will be getting Saints Row 4 in 2013, with Enter the Dominatrix incorporated into it, so it is a lose win situation.

Stephen RandleFact: I do understand the decision, but I think it’s going to leave a bad taste in the mouths of gamers. Basically, it looks like a total money grab where they cancel the already completed expansion, tack more content onto it from the (presumably)unfinished work they’ve already done on the sequel, and release it as Saint’s Row 4 instead. Why would you do this? Well, expansion packs sell for, what, 30 bucks? New release sequels sell for $60, and this way you can get the sequel to the market faster than if you had to build it from the ground up. Mathis fun when you’re a soulless corporate entity!

3 for 3: I had to agree with Randle on this. It is a good decision that will anger a lot of people who were looking forward to the expansion.

*~Twitter Break!~*


4: Yukes just acquired the license to make a Lingerie Football League. We will see a decent (from a gameplay standpoint) LFL game in the next two years.


Stephen RandleFiction: Yeah, that’s not going to be a good game. It seems like a knee-jerk reaction, but come on, you can’t make a serious football game based around lingerie football, because it’s not a serious game, and if you try and make a joke game, it’s probably going to be a pretty shallow experience and be relegated to bargain bins within a month. Hell, the Madden franchise doesn’t sell based on the incredibly broken gameplay, it’s the whole simulation/franchise/GM mode stuff, combined with the real NFL players and teams, that gets a lot of gamers. This game won’t have any of that. Well, I guess it might have the “real” LFL teams, but who even knows who they are?

Todd VoteFiction: Even if it is an amazing football game, do you think anybody outside of 13 year old boys will buy it? I mean, I like football, and I love half naked ladies, but I just do not see myself ever picking up this game. For one thing, can you imagine a grown ass man having to explain to his friends on Xbox Live why exactly he has LFL on his achievement list? Maybe they will go the mobile app route with this, and it will not be terrible. My hopes and expectations are extremely low for this one.

4 for 4: I can‘t believe a company went out and paid to make this game. I just don‘t see how this game would make money.

5: You can see one of your friends doing something like this.

Stephen RandleFact: Not only can I see it, I already have an agreement with my best friend to paint his nursery walls full of Marvel superheroes whenever his wife gets pregnant with their first kid. Our wives have resigned themselves to the fact that our respective children will not be normal. Not that there was ever a big chance of that.

Todd VoteFiction: I do have some serious gamer friends, don’t get me wrong, but they are all married to women who are not serious gamers. That would mix like oil and water. He might consider it, but she would damn sure put the kabosh on any chance of it ever happening. When I have kids, I plan to go with the Autobots (G1) nursery

4 for 5: The closest one of my friend‘s got were getting to name his son Clark (he is a big Superman fan). Other then that, their wives wouldn‘t let them do anything cool.

6: Microsoft recently tweeted that there would be, “a new way to earn rewards based on your Achievements.” You like the idea of Xbox Live Rewards for earning in-game achievements.


Stephen RandleFact: As long as they do not confer in-game advantages, I am all for achievements, trophies, and the like giving you something for accomplishing them. In fact, I’d prefer it. One of my biggest issues with the addition of Achievements in World of Warcraft was that 95% of them gave you…absolutely nothing. That’s why I’ve never been big into Achievements or the like, because I’m not going to put time into stuff that doesn’t at least give you, I don’t know, a wallpaper or an avatar or something cosmetic, maybe like Diablo 3′s “Build-A-Banner” system. Bottom line, I think it’s a great idea

Todd VoteFact: Hell yes, it will be nice to finally get something for all of the achievement whoring I do at times. While I don’t expect this to amount to a big reward, the simple fact that Microsoft is looking to reward you just for playing games is an awesome incentive to keep playing. Plus, this would offset the annual cost of purchasing an Xbox Live Gold membership. Even if you do have to spend the rewards on Xbox Live.

5 for 6: Rewarding gamers for playing games seems like a no-brainer to me. Hopefully, it works well and sticks around for the next generation as well.

Bonus Question: What game, not yet released, are you looking forward to the most this year?

Stephen RandleDamn, The Last of Us is 2013 so that’s out of the running. Um…geez, I’m not seeing much for the rest of the year that really interests me, especially since D3 was my focus for this year anyway. Also, I don’t give a shit about Black Ops 2 or Halo 4 or whatever other FPS shooters are the big holiday releases this year. I guess I’ll say Assassin’s Creed III, so I can have my yearly “I really need to finish Assassin’s Creed II” crisis.

Todd VoteWithout question, my most anticipated game of the year is Resident Evil 6. I cannot wait for October to roll around. three interconnecting campaigns? Yes Please! The ability to finally shoot while you move? Yes please! Leon and Chris in the same game? Eh, not as excited about this as others, but yes please!

Black Ops 2 will probably be my next gaming purchase. I think taking the game into the future is going to make it feel a little more different then the previous games. Plus, there is just something fun about getting your friends together and killing a bunch of random people online. Then that novelty wears off, but until then it is a lot of fun.

That takes care of this week’s edition of Fact or Fiction. Todd and Stephen went 5 for 6 this week almost shocking everyone by completely agreeing. Come back next week when we have two more 411 writers answer random questions. Until then, happy gaming.

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