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The impertinent lick underneath a mistletoe during a bureau Christmas celebration leads to …

November 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

Katy Winter

08:13 EST, 20 Nov 2012


08:35 EST, 20 Nov 2012

A lick during a bureau Christmas celebration might be synonymous with carrying had too many to drink, a bureau climb and a shame-faced January, yet it seems for a propitious few it can lead to love.

A third of bureau workers have snogged a co-worker during a annual work Christmas party, according to a new poll.

Surprisingly usually one out of 20 of those who kissed regretted it thereafter and a fifth started dating a chairman they snogged as a gratifying frolics lead to a full-blown romance.

Mistletoe moment: Some 31 per cent of those polled had snogged a co-worker during a bureau Christmas party, and few seemed to bewail it during a after date

Mistletoe moment: Some 31 per cent of those polled had snogged a co-worker during a bureau Christmas party, and few seemed to bewail it during a after date

One in 3 bureau colleagues laughed it off thereafter yet didn’t take it serve – while one in 7 never mentioned it again.

The commentary are in a Christmas check of 2,175 people for Lovehoney – Britain’s biggest online seller of sex toys.

The bureau celebration deteriorate traditionally kicks off this weekend – a month before Christmas.

Lovehoney wanted to sign how many sex we all suffer during Christmas and New Year – and either all that merrymaking creates us do things we regret.

Six of out 10 couples pronounced they had sex on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve was a second sexiest, with 58 per cent awaiting to acquire in 2013 with a night of passion.

In contrast, usually 47 per cent of respondents pronounced they would have sex on Christmas Day or Boxing Day – with 41 per cent observant that overindulging would kill their passion.

Festive frolics: We feel many in a mood for adore on Christmas eve, while over indulging on a 25th means we are slightest expected to feel passionate

Festive frolics: We feel many in a mood for adore on Christmas eve, while over indulging on a 25th means we are slightest expected to feel passionate

The check showed that bureau Christmas parties can be hotbeds of passion for some colleagues.

Some 31 per cent of those polled had smooched with a co-worker during a Christmas party.

Just 6 per cent pronounced it done work ungainly afterwards, 29 per cent didn’t bewail it all, 32 per cent laughed it off, 14 per cent never mentioned it again and 19 per cent pronounced it had led to a relationship.

Asked to name a months when they had many sex, a tip answer was Aug with Jul second while winter months were all reckoned to be a slightest voluptuous – yet some-more than half those polled pronounced their sex lives were unblushing by a seasons.

When it comes to benefaction giving slip was named as a many renouned voluptuous Christmas present with 57 per cent of couples striking out.

The consult found that 54 per cent of people have returned Christmas presents from their partner, yet mostly since they didn’t work or fit.

Some 22 per cent would never lapse anything since they wouldn’t wish to provoke their partner.

Lovehoney’s check was carried as thousands of couples dash out on a central operation of Fifty Shades of Grey merchandise, grown in organisation with author E L James.

A third of a batch sole out in a initial 24 hours of sales with a Inner Goddess Silver Balls offered twice as quick as any of a other sex toys or soothing subjugation products

Lovehoney co-founder Neal Slateford pronounced a organisation was awaiting a busiest Christmas in a 10-year story with sales already adult a third this year.

Neal said: ‘Fifty Shades of Grey has altered a whole Christmas market.

‘Millions of couples around a universe wish to examination with with pleasure products for a initial time.

‘It’s not usually toys yet soothing bondage, too.

‘Couples everywhere are going to be sexing adult Christmas and realising that stockings are for a lot some-more than stuffing presents in!’

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This arrange of thing is speedy by employers and staff so they can have a good get together,
that’s because these events are for STAFF only,(no spouses) quite when functions are hold abroad
or divided from a business locality!

Anthony Cotterill

Leek Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom,
20/11/2012 15:35

You wouldn’t wish to snog any of my work colleagues, seriously. Inhibitions sojourn good and truly up!


Staffs, United Kingdom,
20/11/2012 15:29

Always got invited to a bureau party, yet never got kissed, they were happy adequate we didn’t dash and could cab them all home protected and sound…But a following day during work as i was a solemn one we also had all a annoying stories…..


West Midlands, United Kingdom,
20/11/2012 15:28

I wish!

Auger Borer

East Midlands, United Kingdom,
20/11/2012 15:24

47 % of couples have sex on xmas day.-Do me a foster greatfully .This contingency be before lunch surely! after all that turkey and stuffing it would be a recipe for disaster .One fake pierce and a rafters would be blown off!

Jonny t

Newcastle, United Kingdom,
20/11/2012 15:19

It’s not usually their inhibitions that come down… It’s a time of year to let your loyal feelings known.


Bristol, United Kingdom,
20/11/2012 15:17

Just anathema ethanol during works Christmas parties and there won’t be a problem.


20/11/2012 15:15

In my experience, it’s not usually their inhibitions that come down…


Bristol, United Kingdom,
20/11/2012 15:15

Probably a other 4 fifths of ‘encounters’ underneath a mistletoe outcome in lawsuits for passionate nuisance or atonement from raging ‘significant other halfs’. The approach of a universe these days!


20/11/2012 15:15

In a ’70s we attended a Christmas celebration and it wasn’t usually a inhibitions entrance down. It gets better, a lady who had forsaken her inhibitions was a director’s mother who was aged adequate to know better, yet it all finished in tears and her hubbie could not mount a liaison and left a association and started divorce move a nect year.

Dis gruntled

Middle England,
20/11/2012 14:57

The views voiced in a essence above are those of a users and do not indispensably simulate a views of MailOnline.

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