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Sport Bookie: Lingerie football players bare it all for PETA campaign

December 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Latest Lingerie News

By Jean Wright
Monday, 12 December 2011 01:33

Peta-campaignSport bookies can see that when on the field, the girls who play for the Lingerie Football League are no strangers when it comes to competing in scantily clad outfits.

But sport bookies found out that when they stripped down in PETA’s latest anti-fur ad campaign, members of the Toronto Triumph team decided to devote their bodies to tackling something else.

Four of the League’s players bared it all with the field as their backdrop, as they were only covered with a couple of shoulder pads, a football, and a helmet, as seen by bookmakers UK.

Sport bookies saw that in a behind the scenes video released together with the new ad, the players urged people to refuse buying fur.

“When you wear that fur jacket you don’t ever really think about, ‘What happened to this animal for me to be putting this on?’” said one player of the Toronto Triumph in the video.

Not only did the players pose for the ad, but sport bookies learned that they also took part earlier this week in a PETA demonstration that took place at Toronto’s Eaton Center. They showed up in their uniforms with signs reading, “Tackle Cruelty: Bench Fur,” in order to encourage people to not buy fur for the holidays.

“Wearing fur is a personal foul,”
PETA Campaigner Emily Lavender said in a statement. “With so many stylish, warm, and durable fabrics available today, there’s no excuse for wearing anyone’s skin.”
PETA wrote on its website:

When people learn that millions of innocent animals are beaten, boiled, hanged, and electrocuted for their fur every year; that each fur coat, each piece of fur lining or fur trim, and each fur cat toy represents the intense suffering of dozens of animals; and that furriers intentionally mislabel the fur of cats and dogs as fur from other species or as faux fur — then every decent human being will want to go fur-free.

Bookmakers UK know that PETA doesn’t stop by simply criticising the fur industry and those that buy he fur, but they also propose solutions. PETA’s cruelty-free clothing guide offers on their website tips on how to look fashionable without any animal getting hurt.

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