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Sock it to me, baby! A intrigue full of passion and puppetry

December 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Lingerie Events

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Ed a Sock and his sidekick Red are back, stronger than ever and operative on a new show

Steven and Liana Kerzner (aka Ed and Red) marry in a summer of ’99

Entertainer Steven Kerzner is best famous for behaving as Ed a Sock, a eternally curmudgeonly horde with a cigar in his mouth. But he has a soothing mark in his heart for his wife, Liana, who helped furnish his uncover and evetually became Ed’s co-host, Red. They fell in adore and married in 1999. Thirteen years later, they are still going clever and share a passion for a party industry, comic books and video games. Their new series, I Hate Hollywood, debuted in September. Here, a integrate shares their story:

The initial impression
Liana: We met during a bar where Steven (as Ed) was doing a live show. Obviously we was wakeful of what he did and favourite it, so that was a plus. But a thing we fast learn about Steven is that his impression is only that — a character. Steven is really opposite [from Ed a Sock].
Steven: we was hosting a weekly gig as Ed during a Toronto bar, and a man I’d met a prior week brought his girlfriend, Liana, to uncover off that he knew me. She was pretty, smart, full of life — and we couldn’t figure out what she was doing with him.

Falling in love
Steven: Her beauty and earthy resources were a initial thing we beheld about her, yet her intelligence, attract and celebrity were what bending me and still stir me.

The proposal
Liana: we don’t remember a accurate difference he pronounced since it was a flattering romantic moment. we remember that it done me feel special for a few blithe moments in a week that had me feeling like we was nothing.
Steven: In retrospect, a offer was not a kind we would do if we had a do-over. we got a rendezvous ring and was so vehement and eager. we only went home, found Liana asleep, woke her adult and proposed.   

The large day
Steven: We got married during a Estates of Sunnybrook. We gambled on an outside wedding, and a days preceding it were a breathless feverishness wave, and sleet was foresee for a marriage day. Thankfully, a sleet didn’t come, and a feverishness call pennyless for a marriage day, so it was only a right heat for suits and dresses outdoors.

Their special bond
Steven: Liana and we share interests in “geek” pursuits; though, with her believe and form in that universe and her famous costumes [at comic conventions], she trumps me. Our marriage rings have a Superman defense on them.

Secret to their success
Steven: Working together from home, we have been together probably 24/7 for 15 years. we don’t consider many couples could do that. we have schooled so most from Liana that has grown me as a person. we have measureless honour for her and conclude her calm when we have not always been a chairman we could be. we adore her some-more each day.

Relationship advice
Steven: we consider honour and indebtedness has to be a bedrock —and eagerness to grow in ways that advantage your partner.
Liana: we consider what it comes down to is that being married isn’t something we only consider about when we get around to it. It’s something of value, and we have to provide it as such.

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